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Thread: [Feedback] Trade System

  1. #21
    Architect of the Empire Sinister-King's Avatar
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    Hi corona88,

    There are no plans to get rid of global-3 .


  2. #22
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister-King View Post
    Guys keep in mind that BB have gone above and beyond to protect traders, the 24h waiting is again for your protection.
    I may have missed something here... but... as far as I understand it from the test server...

    The new trade system completely removes the need for the seller to approve offers coming from potential buyers.
    In the new trade, you post the offer, and up to the maximum amount of trades you offer, it's up to the buyer to accept or not.
    With the new trade system you as a seller never have to approve the trades again. A trade is concluded once the buyer has accepted your offer.

    The only reason reverse-trade scammers have been successful is indeed because of the current system,
    where a successful trade requires that the seller approves the mail he/she receives from the buyer.

    Since the new trade system thus already removes the possibility to scam through reverse trades,
    I really cannot understand the need to impose a 24 hour restriction on friendly trades.

  3. #23
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister-King View Post
    Hi corona88,

    There are no plans to get rid of global-3 .

    I sincerely hope so, as I was given a very different answer by the Staging server BBs on that forum.
    I've been using the new system on the German live servers for the past week, and although there are definite improvements, some parts of it still seem awkward. After the ease of ordering the items on the current trade list, the new one so far has forced me to go through over 24 separate pages, sorting each in turn, to find the items I was interested in, which took a great deal of time. I hope this can be tweaked.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister-King View Post
    Hi corona88,

    There are no plans to get rid of global-3 .


    Yes i know, but g-3 is for direct trade. Direct trade not allowed 1st 24 hours...

    Please tell how 24 hours will protect me and other players?
    Instead of banned few players per server who try scam someone. BB decided make trouble for all players who play normal

    What is point for that 24 hours before direct trade?

    Protection for new players definitely no. Why?
    Because on trade tab (soon on trade system) new players pay to much for resource or selling to low, because they don't know price.

    Now they can trade only via trade system, very bad for new players.
    Also new players with new trade system can trade with high level players because high level players need a lot resource or selling too much resources for new players

    New players need exact amount. They can't afford 2000-3000 resources, for higher level players 2000-3000 is nothing


  5. #25
    Treasure Hunter
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    Well, not being able to trade with friends you just met is one problem.. Another problem is the number of 'lots' you can sell. Whenever i am selling coal i am selling LOADS of it. 400 coal selling will give me at least an dozen trades everytime I put it up. Now I have to put it up three times to get the same number of trades. Well, maybe its just simplier to offer 2k of coal each trade? <rant mode on/> That the new players can't afford to pay for 2000 coal is not my problem isn't it? So the new tradesystem will work this.. Big Guys trade with Big Guys and the small guys can have the crumbs. </rant mode off>

  6. #26
    Original Serf
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    I still have not figured out who I am supposed be getting protected from, but I'm not an idiot so may be that's why. In our server which is closed from what I understand, I would think that the "scammers" would be getting phased out by now.

    Global 3 now will more than likely turn into an advertising ticker for the new trade system, which could be good and bad. But may be now we can have a place where we can talk about trade, without getting harrassed by the MOD's.

    The question about lootspots is not getting answered though or is getting dodged. I understand that this was not an intended game mechanic, but in a economic game things like this come about. Having to build a large friends list to manage all this will be quite a chore I think, especially with the current unorganized and clunky setup.

    In the end all of this is a side effect of a perpetually Beta game. Changes will sometimes be hard, but they will always bring new challenges and entertainment.......... I hope.

    Anyways good job BB, and thanks for the fun times.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordGreyBush View Post
    The question about lootspots is not getting answered though or is getting dodged. I understand that this was not an intended game mechanic, but in a economic game things like this come about. Having to build a large friends list to manage all this will be quite a chore I think, especially with the current unorganized and clunky setup.
    I posted the official BB response to the loot spot issue a few replies up. The issue got a non dodgey answer.

  8. #28
    Architect of the Empire Sinister-King's Avatar
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    The 24h delay offers more than just protection. It encourages players to trade via the branch office, this means each player has an equal opportunity to purchase resources regardless of the channel they are in.

    Trading resources with unfamiliar players will no longer be necessary and selling / buying will be much quicker as a result .

    There are ways around trading loot spots, as Dilbe has already mentioned.

    Last edited by Sinister-King; 10.10.12 at 21:02.

  9. #29
    Skilled Student
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    you don't see it guys? it is not about players protection, it is about money. you have to pay with gems to have more than 4 slots for selling. who will by selling more than few thousands? who can buy it? so only option is trade directly on g-3 (which we can't because 24hours restriction) or buy more slots so we can sell more times small ammout of resources.

    another think is, new trade system is not good enough to by on live server. Why is the window modal? Why the sorting works just on one page? It is not possible to compare all offers of one resource if you have to go through all pages and sort it separately on each page. I placed the offer and the time for it is 3:34. What does it suppose to mean? Why i can see time for offer other players 22 minutes +? And if i can do it to, why i have just 4 slots to sell during 22 minutes. it is nonsense. And i am sure, i can find other bugs and nonsense.

  10. #30
    Original Serf
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    Jan 2012
    Great way to kill the community, way to go BB...

    what about this 24h waiting would be only for players under lvl30?

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