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Thread: The New Starter Pack

  1. #1
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    The New Starter Pack

    I'd like if may to offer my opinion on the new starter pack.

    I think it's over-priced and lacks real content.

    I am dissapointed that BB/TSO have missed a great opportunity to support their paying customers.

    I was looking forward to buying some starter packs to use over Xmas. That opportunity no longer exists.

    All of course just my humble opine and expressed with no malice to anyone who works for or represents BB.

    All the very best

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    They probably found the old pack was too popular and severely impacted the gem sales through the website. Making the new ones unattractive compared to the old is a really bad idea though, I can imagine these will have cost a fair bit to produce and ship (upfront cost to make loads of them, I am not talking about per item cost) and will likely sell very poorly considering the only useful thing in the pack is the gems and they are now more expensive than buying through the site.

    Who would honestly pay real money for some tools/planks/stones/settlers. A real /facepalm moment reading what these packs consist of.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2012
    totally agree with Kotugo here, there's just nothing there worth anything except gems. I for one will not be buying any until something more attractive come out of them

  4. #4
    Original Serf BlackCastle's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Bare in mind that £20 will probably be the RRP and that certain places will be selling this for much less. Additionally, you will be getting the Nords adventure which gives multiple ways (loot spot sales, trade it etc.) of generating better resources than the stone/planks and tools that come with the pack. Plus... 4000 gems goes a long way to getting a vet general or an additional vet general. In someways this pack could be better than the original.

  5. #5
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    Could be? In what way exactly?
    In the original pack, for this price you could get two packs with 4k gems total as well as two silos, two watermills and two battle hardened generals, all worth way more than this. And also some few extra coins.
    And lets not forget other possibilities as getting few regular codes for one main code, which could get you 5k gems required for veteran for this price too.

    As i can see it, this pack is just a business move, they offer less stuff for more money, but its still a bit better than the in-game shop, so people will buy it anyway.. Maybe not everyone: Nuttymut, Kotugo and Fostertuto probably won't, neither will I; but as long as there is enough buyers - and i am sure there will be enough of them, even if its a complete rip off compared to original one - they have no reason of changing it.

  6. #6
    Nifty Makedon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elegnor View Post
    Could be? In what way exactly?
    In the original pack, for this price you could get two packs with 4k gems total as well as two silos, two watermills and two battle hardened generals, all worth way more than this. And also some few extra coins.
    And lets not forget other possibilities as getting few regular codes for one main code, which could get you 5k gems required for veteran for this price too.

    As i can see it, this pack is just a business move, they offer less stuff for more money, but its still a bit better than the in-game shop, so people will buy it anyway.. Maybe not everyone: Nuttymut, Kotugo and Fostertuto probably won't, neither will I; but as long as there is enough buyers - and i am sure there will be enough of them, even if its a complete rip off compared to original one - they have no reason of changing it.
    So you're saying that losing 4 potential buyers right off the bat simply because "there are enough" is better than changing it and gaining a few more of them?

    If in a, say, 100 player base you win 10 of them for X money, it's worse than winning 50 of them for 1/3 X money. Think about it...

  7. #7
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makedon View Post
    So you're saying that losing 4 potential buyers right off the bat simply because "there are enough" is better than changing it and gaining a few more of them?

    If in a, say, 100 player base you win 10 of them for X money, it's worse than winning 50 of them for 1/3 X money. Think about it...
    Oh no, don't get me wrong, thats not my opinion, but BB is a company, a company who has its own marketing department i believe, and people in such department know always very well what the impact of a change is. I can't possibly see whats in their heads, but if i had to guess, i'd say they expect less buyers, yes, but more than half of the people who would buy the original one, so it's still more incoming money. Also some of the people who don't want to buy will be influenced later by the ones who buy it, buying it too so they can keep up, those extra competitive ones. But thats just a guess, in the end it's all just business and they wouldn't do it if they weren't sure it will make a profit.

  8. #8
    Original Serf
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    South Wales
    The exact content has not been released yet so no one knows exactly what they will get. I think the best thing to do is wait and see what comes out also dont forget just like any game changes can happen at the last minute so they could add further content to the pack.

  9. #9
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    Contents are:
    400 stones, 400 planks, 100 tools and 20 settlers, 3 tactical maps (printed in the manual), a troop buff, 4 000 gems and “The Nords” adventure to start them off in style.

  10. #10
    Treasure Hunter NixMan's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    But there will be Lady Archers !!! There's a picture of one on the cover !


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