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Thread: "The Militia" Quest - only available for level 21,... but not 22 or further!

  1. #21
    Pathfinder NullFactor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    please can u make such quests available for higher levels so they can be done, since seems that it is stuk with its logical statement that not to apear before the previous quest is done and apear at given level, it apears to be stuk with what it says, i had completed the previous and the next quests of the ' first stirke units ' ( main ) ' tactician ' ( sub ) whaich says that player level required 23 - 23 and the whole main quest is stuk due to this one sub quest

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I am also stuck with the Militia Quest ( now level 25) and have noticed Sausage Pyramide is also stuck , supposedly the Game works on logical progression but so far no logical path has been shown with quests appearing that are in advance of a level or after someone has passed the requirement level for a quest . very frustrating .
    I just checked through quest list and I cannot complete the First Strike Quests as I have passed the level required and was no where near having the needed resources at level 21 , only just managed to get them at level24
    Last edited by Pardalis; 06.02.13 at 09:32.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Same problem for's been like it for months now! Why no fix????

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    I also want to report problem with unlocked quest. Main quest: Soldiers, subquest: Steel swords (27 - 29 lvl).
    I am at lvl 31. By the time I prepared to do this quest, I already gained lvl 30, because of the exp from doing other, for me more important and more interesting quests.
    Like some fellow here said, we are all different players with different tactic, there shouldn't be too many level restrictions once you pass tutorial.

    So, I'm looking forward to this mid-Feb fix

    Besides this little problem, I really love this game!

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to quest chains no thought was given to the xp rewards which a player can pick up from completing quests in other quest chains. With this particular chain a player has to go out of their way to avoid gaining xp from other chains and xp from clearing bandits on their island. What makes it even worse is before the chain is completed a player is forced to have 50 militia in their troop count which because this chain is a low level chain means 50 troop units they may not have the population limit to hold. It also forces you to stop all other development for over week while making the iron swords needed to train the militia. It would be better if the level requirements for this chain where at least 3-4 levels higher so that the xp problem was less of a issue.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Just to add, I have this problem with:

    1) Neither fish nor fowl : complete the 'The Sausage Pyramide" quest
    2) Militia : complete the 'The Militia" quest
    3) First Strike Units: complete the "Tactician" quest

    All quests are below my lever, never got them when I was AT the required level I think and can't finish them now. PLEASE fix asap. It's really annoying.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Great game! Looking forward to this fix, though.

  8. #28
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    in the desert
    I have wondered about this?

    I find it very bizarre to have such a narrow range of only 1 level within which to complete a quest.

    For me the follow quests are lock due to this bug;

    1 Everything gets optimal,
    2 Militia training [never unlocked due to 1, now will be locked as past max lev]
    3 The militia [never unlocked due to 1+2, now will be locked as past max lev]

    This is such a fabulously rich game, I amazed at this oversight and how long it is taking you to fix it.
    I am now lev 33 and counting.

    If you expect people to spend real money buying this game, don't get sloppy in your programming logic.

    And finally isn't it mid February now?

    Do better Blue Byte - fix this irritating problem in this otherwise wonderful game.


  9. #29
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Twilightzoner View Post

    For me the follow quests are lock due to this bug;
    Why do people insist on calling that a bug ? It works perfectly well. You're not within level [X-Y], you don't get the quest.

    The problem here is poor design, not poor programming. X & Y are too close and easily skipped through doing other quests.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Exarkfr View Post
    Why do people insist on calling that a bug ? It works perfectly well. You're not within level [X-Y], you don't get the quest.

    The problem here is poor design, not poor programming. X & Y are too close and easily skipped through doing other quests.
    Erm, no it doesn't!

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