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Thread: End of The World Tactical Map

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Smile End of The World Tactical Map

    MAXIMUM LOSSES: 1272R, 98B

    Key: Red arrow means attack.
    Yellow square means bandit camp
    Purple square means bandit leader
    Green square means garrison position (make sure to do them in the correct order - alphabetical)
    Black numbers by red arrows shows the order that you attack the camps from each garrison position
    T means tribesman, S means shaman, JW means jaguar warrior
    Obviously, R means recruit, E means elite soldier, B means bowman, XB means crossbowmen.

    I might post a few alternative setups if you do not have elite soldiers.
    I might also change the route at some point to save about 40 recruits.
    Although mistakes are unlikely, please make sure to check what is in each camp before you attack it, as I may have numbered a few of them incorrectly.
    Last edited by Orisitthebagel; 13.12.12 at 22:50.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    There are several unnecessary attacks here:

    You can avoid one in Sector 6 if you take on the zero loss camp in sector 3 and then attack sector 6 from the North East of Sector 3. There is no need to attack sector 4 from the south if you are also working your way around anticlockwise and if you carry on with that method you can clear sector 7 from 8 with only 3 attacks (making 2 unnecessary) and then down into sector 4 using only 2 attacks.

    Nice concise map though.. really well designed and gets the info across well. Better than my own, you can see here as i break down the suggestions i make above:

    As you see i'm doing 3 less attacks and replacing one of the hardest camps with an easy one. Also note that position 6 can be used in a block and save on another campfull of losses.. i hate blocking but it's dead easy and I've not failed it once.
    Last edited by Nashius-Maximus; 14.12.12 at 15:29. Reason: adding image

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ok thank you for the advice. I might change it soon, but by that time the event will be nearly over.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    thanks for adwice

  5. #5
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Use the long block to take out the S9 leader early on, and you can hit both S8 and S6 "from behind".

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