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Thread: Last week of EotW Call to arms

  1. #1
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Smile Last week of EotW Call to arms

    Where are the heroes gone?

    Where are the Lionhearts, Lords, Ladies, elves, orks and hobbits?
    where are the Demons, Vampires and stalkers of the night?
    Where are the birds, Fish, Fruit and dragons...and the odd normal mortal called Dave?

    There is more to just calling yourself a name, there is the spirit behind it.
    Did John Luke say `oh well if resistance is futile, I better get myself booked into Panto'?
    Did Frodo say` thats a bit of a long walk, think I'll just sell this ring and go bake cookies back at the Shire'? (ooh cookies, nom nom nom....I digress)
    Did Dr Sheldon Cooper say `please help yourself to my spot, I'll sit over here'
    Did Prophet pull Alcatraz out of the drink and say get your own suit as I'm nice and cosy

    Settlonians of Sandycove, stand firm, there is more to the fight than just winning. Winners take the trinkets, but those that fight against the odds carve their names into history. Let those that come after, tremble at the name of Sandycove, let songs of our quest warm the hearts in cold winter times, of how we fought on, gave more than we could afford, Heroes all.

    Silence those Worm tongues of wingers and whiners, and cant do's and wont do's!

    Let those that want to hide behind the skirts of women, step forward for we as Amazonians are kicking Mayan butt alongside real men ( Or those that claim to be)!

  2. #2
    Committed Clicker
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My island
    If they made global-1 the official channel for the event then more people would have participated.

  3. #3
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Where are the Heroes gone?

    Climbing above the mountain of rubble, of lands torn apart from warring, above the red sky's heralding the End of The World, Scruffy's Generals breach the summit and gaze across the battlefields.

    "There are all the Heroes lads, lying in pools of blood, fighting wars they cannot win. We've been there, and we've survived. Turn your heads now to the old lands, and the adventures that await us. This world will not end, not today, not tomorrow. And while we still draw breath, we will change course from this end of worlds, and get back to what we do best: Conquering and looting, that our families back home on the island will prosper and grow."

    Twirling his deep red cloak about him, Emperor Scruffy turns on his heel, without missing a step, never a look behind, he leads his armies back home. Leaving the foolish Heroes to their pointless bloody deaths. Back home to continue the the adventures that keep his beloved Island in good health and happiness, and prosperity.

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