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Thread: St George [UK]

  1. #1
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Cool St George [UK]

    Added by Nutty (01 03 2013) Please apply to join our guild through the guild list menu - that's the shield menu at the bottom of the main game Page - and send an email to our Guild Leader.

    I thought it would be prudent to add the text which has been added to our Guild Description - that's now in red at the bottom of this post.

    Well it's that time of year again.

    The brass is polished, the 15 mobile phone batteries are charged and the digger has been through the lounge in a last minute effort to make some space for Santa's reindeer.

    And ... yes you guessed it St George [UK] is recruiting. The latter being intrinsically far more important than any of the former I am here to grovel for your indulgence.

    I'd like to tell you some good things about our guild. I'd like to :-)

    We don't take ourselves too seriously. I find our morning debates about the state of the world economy and the price of eggs at the local supermarket are earth shattering. And I really like the part where anyone who has a different opinion to me usually just laughs at me. Yesterday morning we had such a good chat about Grahams Number and a Googolplex. Rivetting. I was particularly keen to see some of our younger members using their time constructively to listen to every word and see if this encouraged sleep onsett. We have penciled in a talk by our resident DIY enthusiast on how to remove the twist in that 30 year old front door of yours. I can't wait.

    As much as I like mornings I find evenings are the best time for our guild. Many will call in and say hello. Many more won't :-) We usually set a quota for the amount that can be said on the guild chat. Upwards of 100K words and you may find we start to get tetchy with you.

    So if you have
    • High intellectual values
    • Own a whippet
    • Drive a Volvo or BMW

    Then this is probably not the guild for you!

    Nuttymut :-)

    This is a game. Real life always comes first.
    Guild Chat is English please
    Swap buffs whenever possible please
    Please do the guild quests as quickly as you can. Ask if you need help completing them

    Guild Rules

    1 ) Be polite always.
    2 ) If you really have an issue with another player simply use the chat menu to put that player into your ignored list (the chat menu is listed below)
    3 ) There is no mandatory need for players to pass resources to other players in the guild for free. This is the choice of the individual.
    4 ) The guild encourages players to offer lootspots to lower level members (for free). It's not mandatory.
    5 ) Don't forget it's a game. It's for fun.

    Chat menu

    Type /help - the menu options will appear
    Type /joinChat global-X (X = number)
    Type /findFriend Friendname
    Type /version
    Type /ignoreshow
    Type /ignoreadd username
    Type /ignoreremove username
    Type /report Username Reason

    Useful site - provides links to virtually anything and everything to do with Settlers

    Additional Links (not mentioned in above - I think)
    Adventure guides

    Combat Simulator

    Trade Prices

    Construction Costs
    Last edited by Nuttymut; 06.03.13 at 15:04. Reason: Information about Guild Values

  2. #2
      Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Is there a cold buffet? I won't join a guild that won't offer a cold buffet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    No seriously, where is that cold buffet? Sausage on a stick please.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    cheese and pineapple for me please and party sausage rolls mmmmm mmmmm

  5. #5
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    As we close down on 2012 I'd like to reflect upon the great year we've had at St George's Guild.
    • January - Guild Master sent into Exile. Improper use of the "work" word (herein referred to as the "w" word)
    • February - Guild Guidelines introduced. All new guild members will serve one week in admin before being allowed to sit in judgement
    • March - First Guild Wedding
    • April - First Guild Divorce
    • May - New Vicar appointed
    • June - Guild Master put on final warning for use of the "w" word in chat. Two Guild Members treated for shock
    • July - Guild mans up - women allowed to speak in chat ;-)
    • August - First Guild Parliament elected. Guild Master over-thrown and replaced by four guinea pigs and a rabbit
    • September - Guild buys new fridge in Comet Sale
    • October - Guild acquires new BB TSO Gold Guild Standard - Outstanding
    • November - Guild looses BB TSO GOld Guild Standard - two guinea pigs resign - and Guild Master sworn back in - rabbit kicks off
    • December - excellent recruitment drive - 6 new players - it's all happening here

    Any likeness to anyone is coincidental, although the Rabbit is called Bumper

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hi there Nuttymut,

    I'm looking for a Guild and your call to duty coupled with your alluring summary of annual activity have pepped my interest. I don’t own whippet, Volvo, BMW or regard for pursuing cognitive primacy (the latter confirmed by my selection of 2 wheeled toys intermittently tempting me offline).

    I’m at level 33 and tend to login daily, I’m looking for other players to share tips and adventures.
    Could this be the guild for me?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hi guys i really want too join your clan ... my self .... 45 year guy and a daily pll pls write

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    would like to join guild, how do i go about it l am on level 33 at moment play every day as i am retired
    Last edited by FRANKTRG; 20.02.13 at 17:30.

  9. #9
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Darkest Dorset
    Quote Originally Posted by msspecrum View Post
    Hi there Nuttymut,

    I'm looking for a Guild and your call to duty coupled with your alluring summary of annual activity have pepped my interest. I don’t own whippet, Volvo, BMW or regard for pursuing cognitive primacy (the latter confirmed by my selection of 2 wheeled toys intermittently tempting me offline).

    I’m at level 33 and tend to login daily, I’m looking for other players to share tips and adventures.
    Could this be the guild for me?
    Actually, "annual" turned out to be a typo.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #10
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I am beside myself. I am a fool beside myself.

    It never (eeever) occurred to me that I would get players responding to my advert to join our guild by leaving a note here. I assumed you would apply through the guild list.

    Sooooo .... I'm sorry - I've sent invites out to you all now and I hope I am not to late to miss the opportunity of you joining our little ol' guild.

    I will call back more regularly in future - and of course i will wear my hair shirt all day tomorrow as penance for my sins :-)

    Doh :-)

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