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Thread: The "kick people from you guild quests"

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    The "kick people from you guild quests"

    Hi All,

    I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing this, but it seems the guildquest is very hard to achieve unless you kick ll players not daily on. We have a guildquest running for 10 days now (22/28 for 7 days). We have a lot of casual and inactive players. but also daily players.

    As a group we dont want to kick players, nor do we want to wait more than a week to complete a daily quest.. A solution comes to mind:

    Make the price lower each day (as in 1th day 100guild coins, 2th day 95 guildcoins-> 7 days, 50guild coins) and after 7 days you can complete the quest. This way we atleast earn something out of it, and its not all depending on that 3 or 6 players out of a group of 30 that isnt online.

    Well, hope some people share this feeling,
    Calidor NL

  2. #2
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Or, include some kind of 'opt-out'. where members can be excluded from the quest, and any reward for that particular one.
    I agree with the OP, these quests have had a very nasty sting in the tail, either lose good friends who can't play daily, or stick the quests unfinished.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  3. #3
    Treasure Hunter
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  4. #4
    Skilled Student Harald_Villraade's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Our guild is having trouble with this as well. Twice in a short time, we have cleaned out in-active (or just not active enough!) members. But the new members aren´t any more active, all we have gotten out of it is a smaller guild...
    I´d just like to add that I think needing 75% of members to finish a quest is too high. Like eotw, bb seems to overestimate the activity of players. Set the requirement to 66% instead (2/3), and I believe things will work as they should.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    I imagine this is done to try and encourage people to get others to play everyday. It's just marketing brains.

  6. #6
    +1 , but be sure this Show your love in this thread :

  7. #7
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jul 2012
    I would prefer they reverse the reward. so you get 87.5% of the Guild Coins for completing your personal quest section. and the other 12.5% when the guild completes it. Or 50/50%, or whatever ratios.

    The point is, Player gets bigger reward for doing their part of guild quest, and more if the guild as a whole gets it done. If the guild doesn't get enough people completing it, they can cancel it and move onto next one.

    Yes, This does leave open a way to abuse the quest, by simply doing your part, and cancelling it, not even trying to get the guild portion of the reward. But so what? If you want to give up the guild portion, then fine, many of the quests are not cheap to do anyway. But the incentive is there for active guilds.

    I'd also suggest lower it from 75% of members to 50% of members to complete the quest. Otherwise Guilds are forced to either forgoe the guild quests, or kick anyone who's not daily active... Bit harsh IMO.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    the problem is finding a balance between objective and the result. If it is too easy, then it is almost a mist to be in a guild- regardless of fitting in etc- and also much easier to abuse guildcoin- thereby making it too cheap a commodity. But it does seem that the mechanism used to calculate actives needs some adjusting

    either : 75% of people that log on for 1 hour or more a day (instead of the quick buff/rebuild and log off) or 2/3 or so of actives and see if that makes it easier to handle. The system is ok for a more hardcore player guild with many people active all day and inactives weeded out fast- but most guilds will be a mixture of people and semi active in weeding out people/rules on activity levels at which time 75% gets to be difficult to manage

    the other option is to make guildquests a weekly quest instead of a daily and considerably up the rewards per week and keep 75%- at which time you have 1 week to complete- which means that people that are mostly active on weekends can easily participate as well without negatively impacting the guild effort

  9. #9
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Maybe don't have play pirates / play outlaws / play pirates / play outlaws would help?

  10. #10
    Committed Clicker
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    My island
    There are lots of solutions for the guild quests not completing problem.

    1) Daily quest reset and a reduced reward for all who completed it

    2) some sort of update so that over time the number needing to complete it is lowered (-1 every 12 hours perhaps)

    3) Not have waiting quests, so that active members can move on to the next quest in the list and the casual gamers can do several at a time when they play. They could be labelled for days of the week that the quest is given out.

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