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Thread: Reevaluate Endless Copper Mine Cost

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Reevaluate Endless Copper Mine Cost

    This may be a suggestion, or a simple question.
    Will you ever reconsider the cost of this building?

    I mean look at it...
    • A single copper mine costs measly 30 planks and 45 stone (with very cheap upgrade to level 2 (50 tools)), contains 700+ ore and the deposit is found in 5 minutes. . It is super-cheap and easy to replenish resource.
    • Compared to other inexhaustible buildings, providing limitless resources - like water mills, recycling plants or silos - is it so much different from them to cost 20 times more?
    I wonder what is the reason of giving it so extortionate price?

    From my point of view, it would be wise to reevaluate the price. I believe, if you would reduce the price to a reasonable amount (for what it does anyway), a lot of people would buy it happily. Instead of a very few most highly dedicated (read addicted) individuals...

    Btw, if we check the description of it in the shop, it says: "a resourceful and unflinching young business man decided to avail himself of the concept." Is it just a guess that this "young bussiness man", it speaks of, is one of the BlueByte/Ubisoft crew?

    Btw2, in the description there is said it "pays off within 600 days (at base level)" - what's that supposed to mean?

    Sorry for my bad English, I am not a native English speaker, you see.

    Aaaand.. can't forget to say: I love this game and I love you, BB, for making it. Peace.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I understand those who already bought it would probably be unhappy about reducing the price afterwards. But.. hm... still, it makes more sense. Maybe a gift to those who already own it as a sort of compensation?
    Last edited by AngelRane; 10.01.13 at 12:12.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate Egrcfirth's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Everyone wants everything cheaper. Hard luck. You either pay the price or don't.
    Settling isn't just for fun

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Now that is a constructive attitude!

    But.. uhm.. does it mean that, let's say, if a bakery offers a simple bread for 100 pounds, the bussiness probably won't go that great as it could - most people may not see the bread being of such value, and thus not buy it. Then someone goes by and tries to tell the owner whether it might be a questionable idea (just maybe) to reduce the price a bit, so more people would buy the bread... and the owner just says: "Everyone wants everything cheap. Buy it or leave." Well then... ok, I guess.

    Of course I would be happy to buy it for lower price. And not only me, hundreds of people, I think. But yeah, I respect the bakery owner, what he says is saint in his domain. I can only come by and ask, or suggest. It's not like I am trying to get anything for just myself here. But for everyone.

    How many people would buy it for 5000 gems? How many for 20000?

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AngelRane View Post
    Now that is a constructive attitude!

    But.. uhm.. does it mean that, let's say, if a bakery offers a simple bread for 100 pounds, the bussiness probably won't go that great as it could - most people may not see the bread being of such value, and thus not buy it. Then someone goes by and tries to tell the owner whether it might be a questionable idea (just maybe) to reduce the price a bit, so more people would buy the bread... and the owner just says: "Everyone wants everything cheap. Buy it or leave." Well then... ok, I guess.

    Of course I would be happy to buy it for lower price. And not only me, hundreds of people, I think. But yeah, I respect the bakery owner, what he says is saint in his domain. I can only come by and ask, or suggest. It's not like I am trying to get anything for just myself here. But for everyone.

    How many people would buy it for 5000 gems? How many for 20000?
    i agree 20000 gems = £100 no one in right mind would spend that on ONE item in a game (a brand new ps3 game, the whole thing mind = £40 -£50 ) so if endless mine was 5000 gems, you could save a few from level ups and one new starter pack and you got your 5000 gems(and thats probably why it will never get cheaper!!) its not an every-man item its a luxury rich man item kinda like the Bentley of settlers

  5. #5
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2012
    If it at leaast do something luxurious then. But copper is a cheap resource. If it would be an endless iron ore mine, oh man..

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    If the coppermine would be endless, the price could be semireasonable, but its not and thats what makes it exorbitant.

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    it is endless

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I for one don't want to see them get cheaper - yes copper is already cheap as it is so the main purpose is to help lazy people or people that can't be online as much as they would like.
    If it was an endless iron or even an endless gold mine then it would have to be a crazy high price otherwise many would get them and that would screw the economy up by reducing the trade price of those items. I think it is priced correctly and no its not £100 in real money. It's a high value item and should only be bought by people spending lots in game - if purchased correctly it can be had for a lot less - see the link below

  9. #9
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jul 2012
    If you bought gems on happy hour, getting +100% gems, and used to get an endless copper mine, it's not so horrendously bad. It's 50 EUR to get Endless Copper.

    Just FYI:
    At current Sandycove price on gems (4g/gem) and copper ore (40g/1k), buying 20k gems would cost you 2,000,000 copper ore. Which takes a level 5 copper mine 972 days to pay back, or 486 days buffed at x2 = 1.33 years.

  10. #10
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by fishslice View Post
    I for one don't want to see them get cheaper - yes copper is already cheap as it is so the main purpose is to help lazy people or people that can't be online as much as they would like.
    If it was an endless iron or even an endless gold mine then it would have to be a crazy high price otherwise many would get them and that would screw the economy up by reducing the trade price of those items. I think it is priced correctly and no its not £100 in real money. It's a high value item and should only be bought by people spending lots in game - if purchased correctly it can be had for a lot less - see the link below
    Oh, I see there was a heaty discussion over it already. I should have figured.
    Interesting reading. Seems there are people who just follow the rules no matter how bad are they, and even fight for them... and people who have thinking of their own, or at least able to use common sense.
    I am with those having their own mind. Even for 50 EUR on discount, such a sum for a single little building, which ain't anyhow awesome (apart from its awesome price), is meh.

    I was kinda naive, starting this thread, though.

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