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Thread: [Contest] A Valentine's role playing Story!

  1. #11
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    bale my friend,
    That was the most beautiful thing i have read in years,
    and it takes a lot to bring me to tears.
    And you just did, good luck to you
    and miss alexie

  2. #12
    Skilled Student
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    Dec 2011
    Day 1. Hey there Hilda, I found your letter from all those years ago! I never knew you had feelings for me! I managed to track down your address from our village explorer, and I came over to say hi.

    I guess you are not at home today, and rather than waste the journey, I cut you some firewood.

    Day 2. I see you haven’t used the firewood I cut, your cottage does look pretty snug. Oh, I see my mistake, those trees shaded your cottage from the wind. Let me plant some more.

    Day 3. I have replaced the trees I cut down, sorry about that Hilda. I think it might rain soon, we don’t want your firewood to get wet. I better build a store room to keep them in, but I don’t have any building materials. I know, I can make some planks with the logs I cut for you!

    Day 6. I turned those logs into planks and made a store room. I then noticed there was no fire wood left, so I cut some more trees down and replaced them.

    Day 7. I don’t know about you, but I am getting pretty hungry! I went to the local pond and got some fish, I saved the best one for you.

    Day 8. Isn’t my fish good enough? Of course! Who just wants fish. Let me see what I can do.

    Day 12. I found a small farm with some wheat and I harvested. I build a little windmill and ground the wheat into flour. Using some water from your well I made some bread. Now we can have a fish sandwich.

    Day 13. So you don’t like fish sandwiches? Who can blame you. A hearty lady like yourself likes meat! I hunted a deer and made some lovely venison sausages to go with the sandwich.

    Day 14. How thoughtless of me! You have nothing to drink! I went back to the farm and got some more wheat, and with a bit of extra water I have brewed you this lovely beer. I have left it on your porch with your basket of food.

    Day 16. I guess the reason you haven’t come out to say hi is that pack of wolves I heard howling last night. Believe me, if I had the choice I would stay indoors as well! I guess I could make you something to defend yourself with.

    Day 20. I found a copper deposit nearby and mined some ore. There was a coal seam nearby as well, which is handy. I refined the metal in a foundry I made, then crafted this lovely bronze sword for you.

    Day 24. Of course you didn’t like my bronze sword. Only the best for you. I went wondering with a geologist friend of mine and found some iron ore, then refined that into ingots. “Why stop there?”, I asked, it only took me another day, and an awful lot of coal, to turn it into the highest quality steel. It was easy work then to craft you this beautiful steel sword.

    Day 45. Maybe you are not the hack and slash type, which would explain why you didn’t like my steel sword. I resolved to make you a crossbow, the weapon of choice for the refined damsel. Upon realizing that I had not suitable materials for such a weapon I embarked on an adventure with a rather dashing general. We were gone for many days, and may soldiers lost their lives battling against the minions of the Black Knight, but I returned with strange wood and new ores. It took many days of hard work carving the wood and crafting the metal, but here is your beautiful crossbow.

    Day 45. Well, all my gifts have been rejected, and now I must leave, broken hearted, knowing my true love cares for me no more. My family has called my back to my life of drudgery, my hated job in a gold mine.

    My dearest Settler, why didn’t you tell me your family owns a gold mine? Will you marry me, Love Hilda.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    England up North
    John reads his letter and remembers his life expectancy isn't that great. He is a solider he may live to see another day, unlike those recruits that only get a few hours at best. Yes John was a lucky settler he'd once worked in a copper mine until it became depleted, although at the time he felt those working the wells had an easier life until they depleted first and were sent to war. John goes back to bed but wakes with a start - all the other settlers on the island are male, did I really write that letter!

  4. #14
    Erudite Pioneer viool's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Sparkalot View Post
    John reads his letter and remembers his life expectancy isn't that great. He is a solider he may live to see another day, unlike those recruits that only get a few hours at best. Yes John was a lucky settler he'd once worked in a copper mine until it became depleted, although at the time he felt those working the wells had an easier life until they depleted first and were sent to war. John goes back to bed but wakes with a start - all the other settlers on the island are male, did I really write that letter!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    This may not be what you had in mind and I'll understand if it doesn't qualify, but here it is anyway:

    The awkward moment when you realise Valentines day is approaching fast and the only one who loves you is your pet...

    You feel sleepy and finally fall asleep after having enjoyed a nice good cup of tea by the fire, you are suddenly woken up by a very loud bang in the room next door.
    "Great...Probably that silly cat again" you mumble to yourself.
    You enter the room. It looks like every single book has fallen from your grandmother's bookshelf...
    "If I catch that cat..I swear..I will.. mehhhhh" .
    After spending a good hour picking up all the books from the floor and placing them back to their rightful place, you notice and old letter on the floor, the letter seems quite old now! You read it and have a sudden flash back...
    Indeed, this was your first love letter... you wrote it and had every intention to to send it to that special person at the time but you never had the guts to do it!

    You are suddenly engulfed by nostalgia, excitement and panic as you realise you've been alone all this time and that the person you have been admiring and loved for years now doesn't even know you even exist!

    As I sit there, reading my letter, I hear a loud crash, the shattering of plates and a frantic pattering of paws come hurriedly in my direction. With that, my frightened cat bursts into the room, runs across it and jumps onto a little table by the window, knocking over the phone. Then with amazing and, for her, extremely unusual gracefulness, my otherwise clumsy cat lifts her front legs and springs with her hind legs, in an expertly executed dive out of the window. I don't know about the rest of the judges, but I give her a solid nine. A ten, had she not knocked over the phone, which now lay, emitting a dial tone, on the ground. I pick it up. Now it's decided, I think to myself.

    It takes a while, searching through drawers and old boxes, but I finally find my the phone-number of that special person. It has been a while, but fortunately her family still lives there. I am told she has since moved out and has her own place a little ways away. I get her new number and phone her. When she answers the phone I suddenly realize, it would have been a good idea to plan things out a bit more before calling her. I manage to blurt out a hello and introduce myself and she answers with a hello of her own and asks me how it's going, and I respond and ask her the same. After a good half an hour of remembering and catching up, I ask her if she'd like to hang out. I had actually wanted to ask her out on a date, but it seemed a bit silly now. She explains to me that she doesn't have a lot of time, but says the weekend is fine. We decide to meet at a little diner that we both used to enjoy going to when we were kids.

    I get to there a bit early and order a coke. Looking around, I notice that, apart from the waitress, I seem to be the only one in the diner. It's a shame, really. I really enjoyed this place as a child and it's still just how I remember it. I'll just have to come here more often, I think to myself. I take a sip from my drink, then I hear my phone make a noise. Something came up and she can't make it. I just look at the message, sigh quietly and sit there for a moment thinking about nothing in particular. Finally, I decide to make the best out of this disappointing development and order a burger and some fries. It's as good as I remembered it to be and after finishing it, I feel a bit better. Still disappointed, but better. Not knowing what I should do with the rest of my day, I pay for the meal and make my way to the exit when I notice the diner isn't as empty as I thought it was.

    A girl is sitting, reading a book at one of the tables. I guess I didn't see her on the way in. I'm about to walk by her when I come to a stop just short of where she's sitting. One of the charms of the key-chain catches my eye. One of them is a robber from the board game. She notices me staring at her and just looks at me for a minute and then let's out a little smirk. Then she says, "So, your girlfriend stood you up." That was rude, I think, and let my face show my disapproval. She notices and her smirk turns into a grin. "Very funny", I toss back at her. "Actually," I continue, "she's not a girlfriend, just somebody I used to know when I was a kid." "M hmm," she replies. Okay, I guess I could have left out that last part; I'll give her that. I tell her I like her charm and ask her if she plays the game. That was silly, of course she does. She just replies with another "m hmm." I decide to chance it anyway and ask to sit with her. She says yes.

    After a little chit chat I learn a bit about her and that she, among other variants of the settlers game, just recently started playing the browser-based version as well. Exited, I share all my recent accomplishments and trading strategies, before pausing for a moment; because maybe, I think, I may have been a little too excited; but she still seems interested, so I go on. I tell her about the guild I started and made a website for, and the shenanigans my guild-mates and I get up to; and then we talk about memories we had growing up, playing the board-game. The conversation eventually turns to other things and in the end, we're still talking right up to when the diner is supposed to close up. When we're told it's closing time, I say goodbye and she tells me she had a good time, and then she's gone.

    I should have asked for her number, I think to myself on the way home. I never even got her name. Disappointed, again, I get home, clean up a brand new mess; and with a big yawn, I go to sleep. In the morning I finish my morning routine and log into settlers. I notice a new friend request. The whisper tab starts blinking. It says "Had fun last night. Want to be friends? :P"

    The End
    Last edited by TiberiusLerouge; 07.02.13 at 22:22.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Plenty of time... Here i am alone in the darkness... No hope... No sound.... SILENCE....

    I wonder what time it is.... the past year has been passing by like a shooting star... Bright and warm, what a lovely night it was... Valentines night... the warmth from her hand in mine last year... The most beautiful night I have ever seen and the sun. The sun in the face besides me.. For years her face made me take the long detour to the mine... I knew she would be there waiting for me. And the bread. The best bread in the world and I knew she had made it. It was the fruit of her work, made by her hands.

    It might have been my mind playing tricks on me but when I smelled the bread I told myself it carried her scent and the bread had the exact same color as her hair, and the inside were as soft as it. I knew her father the baker didn’t approve of me as a simple miner. As he said there were only one step down the ladder for me and that was to the Coalmine. A Copper miner was nothing in his eyes but whenever I saw the soldiers on my path, they saluted me. They said that without our work we would still be in the stone age. But the baker didn’t see it that way.... Oh no, only the gold miners were anything if any miner were at all.

    The Bakers daughter was different. From the first time I saw her as a young boy the only thoughts in my life were when I could get enough money to go buy bread... I loved the scent as it was not rotten flesh as it were by the docks or by the butcher from all the death and decay. These places the smell in the air was horrible. It was like a claw of death gripping you and it left the scent in your clothes for long after you had left. Sometimes you could get the thought they liked it so much that they did not bother keeping the place clean as it were just a part of the job.

    With the Bakers daughter it was different. The smile on her face when she saw me shot up and it could make any dark thoughts on your mind disappear in a way that it would take hours before they came back to you. Unfortunately her father found out and I had to alter the timeframe for when I went to the mine unless of course I had a crush on the fat and ugly baker and I desperately desired to be serviced by him as he made sure his daughter were anywhere else then in the shop when I came by.

    However in the past few years it has been different. My bread has started getting bigger and heavier when I came to buy it. But my shyness kept me from ever asking her for anything else then if she like the weather or how good the smell in the bakery was. But last year her father was out of the shop when I came by. His brother the miller had apparently gotten sick and he had gone to visit him. But more importantly, Valina as her name was had made me a HEARTHSHAPED bread. And all I could do were stuff it in my bag and rush out the door... every 3 days I went to get fresh bread but how should I respond to this. WHAT SHULD I SAY!!! I knew her father was gone for the week so I decided to go back to her that evening. I just HAD to see her. When I got to the bakery it was late, very late, and I thanked the stars for her father not being around to see me as I were certain he would talk to the butcher about making a special order otherwise.. Her room were upstairs of course.. There still was the matter of her mother. Usually she was nice, but still, you did NOT just go call on a lady, or more to the point, a poor miner certainly did NOT call on a bakers daughter... The most important man in town as he had all the right contacts to the high places and I knew that if he wanted me to disappear I would...

    I wonder if this was part of his plan.. Could it be him... Maybe this was deeds of his... It can’t be... My mind became even darker! All I could see were darkness. Her laughter was gone. Only in my mind and even there darkness crept in and blanked out the light and the sound of her voice.

    I knew it was not the right way to do things. I should have asked her father permission to see his daughter but there were no point. I knew what his answer would be. This is the only way.. I am standing below her window. My mind is playing tricks on me. I feel like I am standing inside her father’s bedroom and her mother can see me as clear as day. I push the thoughts out of my head, I HAVE to see her.. I pick up a few pebbles and throw them at Valina´s window.. Nothing... I throw another one... In the silent night it sounds like I am throwing rocks the size of pumpkins against her window but this is not halloween,,, I keep trying to calm my mind...

    From here you need to pick the ending 1. got the girl version o r 2. the Cat version

    1. The Girl version

    One more time I decide to pick up a last rock to throw it at Valina´s window... My last chance. I know I have to go now if she do not respond,, Light... I am sure I saw light... All in a certain a candle lights up her window... My heart is almost jumping out of my chest... I have to say something.. She opens the window and all I say is Thanks for the bread... The BREAD I could not care less about the bread... I can see her smile.. Did you wake me up to tell me that she says... What an idiot I am... Well.. Yes? umm... I am wondering who you are going to the spring ball with on Saturday?!... ( valentines day last year ) Now the night feels like a comfortable blanket surrounding me so she can´t see how nervous I am. You already know she whispers... What does she mean... How should I know... Who has asked her out.. So you already have a date I almost scream in my despair... Too loud... I can see it in her face... Yes, with you she whispers back to me, now go before you wake my mother... I can see a nervous expression in her face, but I light up like the North star... I can see light in the bedroom below... my heat jumps out of my chest if it is still there and I stumble off... Nervous and happy at the same time... Valina will go with me to the winter ball on saturday,,, VALENTINES DAY...

    This year, or more to the point, right now, all this no longer matters... Now I’m all alone... only a rat or other creatures can be heard in the far now and then.. I wonder if it has become Saturday. Did Valina wait for me at the ball and did she get mad that I didn´t show.... All is lost... Nothing matters.... even the smell of death and decay would be nice right now... knowing the distance to the roof above would be endless... I have shut off my lantern days ago to preserve the air... No more water... Am I still alive... Maybe this is the afterlife... the path to hell for all my sins... I wonder what the heaven is like....

    This is my 3rd cave-in and I know the saying that minors only have 1 life and if the gods take pity on you they let you survive for a 2nd chance at life. This is my third... I wake up bathed in sweat.. I can hear knocking sounds... What is it... This must be hell... The baker is here... I´m sure it is his voice... But.. how can it be... I master all my strength and hit a stone against the wall... I hope he heard it... This must be over now.. but... Laughter... more noise... voices.. shouting... what! Laughter, wait, I know that sound.... Valina... how can she be here in the mine... Light... Sunlight... No it can´t be... a big fat hand with a fat arm attached to it is gripping me... The hand of death! I violently swing my fist in the direction of the arm.. Only the baker has that much fat on his body... Let me end this... Nothing,,, it just makes him hold me in an even tighter grip pulling me backwards out of the place I´ve spend the past few days. Soft hands hold my arms Valina´s voice calming me down, they are here to save me and all I can think of is the day... What days is it? Early Saturday morning. I can feel cold moist air on my face.. I´m outside. My head is resting on something soft and warm.. I open my eyes as the first beams of the sun hits the wall of the mountain that has been my prison for the past days. Share is letting my head rest in her lap. Her face is the first thing I see. Her smile shoots up on her face as she looks into my eyes... How did u survive for so long in the mine she asks... You have been caved in for 4 days! By having you in my mind I answered. There was never darkness as I knew this day would be ours... Valentine’s day together again, at last.

    All I ever saw in the darkness was sunlight…

    2. The Cat version...
    One more time I decide to pick up a last rock to throw it at Valina´s window... A VERY loud cracking sound, and a moan... Blody h+++ The curse of a miner. No mind and all mussel. I had picked too large a rock and thrown it too hard. It has gone through the window and ended up in the face of Valina. From the sound of it I were pretty sure she were awake by now, but I wasn´t sure of her mood. Unfortunately I had also awakened her mother so I decided to bail and run. The next day I went by the baker on my way to the mine, and as I came into the shop I saw Valina with a huge bump on her head. And she did not look happy… She gave me my bread as usual but there were not much curtsey compared to what I were used to. I excused myself for last night and hurried out of the shop and back to the mine… Now I never got to ask her about valentine´s day and I felt like today was not the right day to ask. I was hoping Valina would come by the mine before Saturday arrived to ask me about the spring ball. But no such luck. When I left the mine Thursday early to go by the baker her mother was standing in the shop so I didn’t have any luck on seeing Valina.
    Now all I have is the darkness and my path is blocked… Maybe today is Saturday and I wonder if Valina is at the ball alone waiting for me but I had no way of finding out. I had almost given up hope, as no one knew I were stuck in the mine yet. I were tired and sleep overcame me. A while later I woke up, I had no sense of time and didn’t know if it were day or night outside. But what was that at my hand… something soft. I let my hand go through the fur and could feel how the creature started shaking and a low humming filled the room. It was Kate my only true love at my side. My faithful cat had found a way to get to me. This might be Valentine´s day and I might be alone but my cat had saved med it could show me a path out of the mine. Out into the sunlight…
    Last edited by Tacisis; 08.02.13 at 13:30.

  7. #17
    Glorious Graduate Egrcfirth's Avatar
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    Feb 2012


    Suddenly you snapped out of reminiscing about the past and crumple up the letter, throwing it in the waste paper basket as you leave, reminding yourself Valentine's day is for soppy girls and a man has better things to do like upgrading his Storehouse and making bread. Anyway you think ruefully she wasn't that special. "If I remember rightly Nora_1976 had slightly greasy hair, dirty fingernails and smelt strongly of the fish she used to make those awful fish platters with" you mumble to yourself on the way to the Storehouse in sector 2.

    Later that day after finishing the level two upgrade you realised Nora_1976 had been very friendly with Egrcfirth who was in the Taran Dragons Guild. You decide to send a mail to Egrcfirth asking if he and Nora_1976 had traded Love Potions. The next day you checked your Mail Window and read the reply from Egrcfirth. It said they had traded Love Potions and it had taken place on Valentine's day. He also said he didn't know Nora_1976 was also seeing you at the same time and he was sorry that she had been cheating. Reading the mail once more you sigh and look at your fellow settlers walking past your window going about their daily tasks without a care in the world and you realise that love is a pain you can do without and it can't be important as BB hasn't made Valentine's day into an event like Easter or even Euro 2012.

    Getting your tools you stride off towards sector 5 whistling as you go, ready for the tasks ahead and forgetting about love. There's settling to do and that's something you can rely on.
    Last edited by Egrcfirth; 08.02.13 at 10:50. Reason: Typos
    Settling isn't just for fun

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2012
    The awkward moment when you realise Valentines day is approaching fast and the only one who loves you is your pet...

    You feel sleepy and finally fall asleep after having enjoyed a nice good cup of tea by the fire, you are suddenly woken up by a very loud bang in the room next door.
    "Great...Probably that silly cat again" you mumble to yourself.
    You enter the room. It looks like every single book has fallen from your grandmother's bookshelf...
    "If I catch that cat..I swear..I will.. mehhhhh" .
    After spending a good hour picking up all the books from the floor and placing them back to their rightful place, you notice and old letter on the floor, the letter seems quite old now! You read it and have a sudden flash back...
    Indeed, this was your first love letter... you wrote it and had every intention to to send it to that special person at the time but you never had the guts to do it!

    You are suddenly engulfed by nostalgia, excitement and panic as you realise you've been alone all this time and that the person you have been admiring and loved for years now doesn't even know you even exist!
    What happened? Time flies! Valentine's day is approaching, it's clearly time for you to do something about this!
    After you get out of this confusing feeling you decide to go and send her the love letter...atached to the letter is an invitation to the town tavern ..
    She answers and accept the invitation meet up at tavern with her a cup of tea and you explain her that you wanted to do this for long time but was shy and that he is glad you accepted ....she riched her hand and puts it slowly over his hand ...then she say it's ok and that she is glad that she accepted the invitation....
    They stayed all night and talked ,walked trying to find all about each other ....he asks her if she wants to be his valentine ..she smiles and accepts ...then he grabs her in arms and smiles happy ...and whispers to her that will be best valentine ever that he had and that she is the most beautyfull girl in the world ...and then they lived happyly together all their life....the end
    P.S. True Love do exist!!!!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Valentine's day is approaching, it's clearly time for you to do something about this! ...
    This is it, she's the one person that can drag you back into humanity, your mind begins to race with the possiblilities. You'll go outside for the first time in ages, feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair (if only you had any). To picnic under the windmills, the smell of the wheat fields engulfing you as the sound of the smelters in the distance pulse to the rhythm of you beating hearts. To feel the touch of another human being, the sweet sound of her voice as she whispers sweet nothing in your ear...

    Spurred into action you summon all your inner strength to overcome your tendancy to be a shy, reclusive sole, who'd rather play online games than actually participate in real life. But as you rise from your seat you glance back to the hypnotic glow of your 24" LED screen and those thoughts of what should have been quickly fade as you realise your settlers need your attention. You pause for a second and think to yourself "Next year, next year for sure"...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Is gay story accepted or is it against peg-7?

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