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Thread: [Feedback] Guild quests Update

  1. #1
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    [Feedback] Guild quests Update

    New Dev update here.

    Please discuss the latest Dev update regarding Guild quests in a constructive and respectable manner.

    Thank you

    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  2. #2
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    So, you're blaming a bug that people have been reporting to you for months on players not completing the quests?

    Typical of recent behaviour not willing to admit when the fault lies on your side.

    As a related bug: can you explain why our guild has not seen "waiting guild quests" for months.

  3. #3
    Skilled Student JannekeB's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    I agree with Gerontius, neither of your two explanations applies to us. We finished one guild quest and then never received another. May be the complete reset will cure this problem, but what are the chances that the same thing won't happened again? Glad you're sorted some bugs out though

  4. #4
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Sorry Dante, this hasn't touched the real problem at all.
    The Guild Quests are failing to appear even when all players have completed them. As Gerontius points out, there aren't even any 'waiting' ones showing, they just aren't turning up.
    Even when the odd 1 or 2 turn up, usually after a maintenance, they're always the same ones, either 'complete Pirates'. or 'give away Xbows'.

    When are the Devs going to wake up and smell the coffee?
    These were a good idea, but gone bad.
    They were broken in Testing, and are still broken now.
    We went out of our way to test these things, and were completely ignored, and they still seem unable to grasp the problems that these are causing.
    In their current state, they are 'not fit for purpose', and the 'fixes' you allude to are not going to fix the obvious flaws.

  5. #5
    Nifty Lazy_Fruitbat's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Been lucky we have only had this problem once or twice.I have to say the info is very grey.I would like detailed problems with detailed fixes.I get the feeling that problems are brushed under the carpet.That might be a personnal veiw point and not a general veiw point.Why not ask at the login page to report guild problems to public 3rd party.Were the record can be seen by all.I wished TSO did not hide and step up and be honest about stuff in black and white.And having to wait long periods of time to get fixes to problem that are report for months.Just hope things change for the better.

  6. #6
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012
    [Dev Update] Guild quests
    Many of you have had questions regarding the guild quest system.
    Indeed, your reports often revolved around two major problems:

    -Some players did not receive their new guild quests
    -Guilds cannot finish their global quest.

    This is due to several reasons.

    In many cases, a lot of guild members simply did not complete their personal quest, this is why the main guild quest remains incomplete.

    Currently, guild members cannot check who has completed a quest nor can they see who is responsible for missing out on a quest completion. Communication does helps, but this can be difficult if players are idle for some time.

    This situation will vastly be improved upon in the near future.
    Our game design team has been working on some improvements to provide all guild members with more clarity, information.

    An issue also occurs when players leave a guild whilst a guild quest is active.
    This will be solved with the next big game update (new version) (21/02/13), but in order to do do this, we will need to reset all guild quests at the same time.
    Hence, please be aware that all active guild quests will be cancelled on (21/02/13), but please remember that the "Members Leaving" bug will no longer be an issue, it will be fixed.

    The guild shop offers will change as well.
    It would seem that many players would like to keep the Geologist. The shop offers will change from time to time.
    He will come back again

    The Community Management team is in discussion with the devs about this particular topic. We will keep you posted.

    The TSO Team

    Once again BB_Dantesama you talk no usual...This it isn't not even slightly any of the reasons we do have!
    WE DO NOT HAVE ANY GUILD QUEST for over a month,though that the last guild quest was completed and now nothing it is there at ALL not even the leader of our guild have anything,simply the guild quests do NOT EXIST.
    Now BB_Dantesama you explanation it is what???
    As we in our guild there are many others with no guild quests for long time,some even about 2 months.Please do not try to cover your backs!!!
    There are many players losing too much because of this situation and for me your explanation it is no more than an INSULT to all the players that don't have guild quests at all!!!
    Instead of come with no sense explanation try to find out what it is going on,because as many don't have it there are others getting guild quests every day and this it is not acceptable!!!
    I'm really sorry for you...
    Last edited by Ares-1; 08.02.13 at 20:58.

  7. #7
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    This is not what my guild has been experiencing AT ALL. We never received new guild quests even though we all completed the last. Also, I got zero response from support when asking about this problem. It´s been over a month since we last received guild quests. Here´s hoping the next update addresses this problem but my hopes are not very high.

  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate IMarduk's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    definitelly neither reason aplies to our guild dantesama, we including have a gulild site were we started "force" guild members to go post once they finished quest, what number they were, and what quest in order to assure all complete it, no exeptions made, even a friend of the leader from real life was expelled from guild because he couldnt be active enough. the guild quests were being completed on a daily basis, and still they simply disapeared (i believe we still have record of this on our forum if needed) if that was the only reasons the test team found out, then they missed something, they should double check or there may be problems persisting.

    as i mentioned in other thread about this subject, this is very annoying, unfair, and unbalancing for the game and economy.

    that dev update makes me think this wont be fixed soon as it isnt correct, please double check.

    (P.S. when guild quests disapeared we finished last one, none of my guildies have any guild quest active)
    -Some players did not receive their new guild quests (was not some, was all, noone has guild quests).
    -Guilds cannot finish their global quest. (we finished individual and global guild quests, but no new ones apeared after that).
    Last edited by IMarduk; 08.02.13 at 21:51. Reason: post script

    ♥♥♥ Thank You BB_Ravel and Dantesama! ♥♥♥

  9. #9
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Here's my guess as to what the problem is, and an idea for a solution:

    There is some minor bug/glitch somewhere which causes the guild quests to get lost for a given guild. This may be caused, as Dant says, by a certain number of people leaving a guild or joining a guild or something going wrong in completing the quest. Whatever it is that triggers it, it is quite rare, but when that rare event happens, that guild never receives another guild quest again.

    At present, there aren't a massive number of guilds who are facing this problem because the trigger event is rare. However, as time goes on, more and more will find their guild quests disappearing.

    The easy fix is what is being implemented: resetting the entire guild quest system. In the medium term, this will probably have to be done once every two months (for example) to ensure that the guild quests stay in operation for every guild.

    Finding the root cause of the problem and fixing it is probably a lot more difficult and further down the list of priorities.

    All this is total guesswork, of course, but it seems to be borne out by the comments made on help channels as this bug is affects progressively larger numbers of people.


  10. #10
    Jolly Advisor
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gerontius View Post
    Here's my guess as to what the problem is, and an idea for a solution:

    At present, there aren't a massive number of guilds who are facing this problem because the trigger event is rare. However, as time goes on, more and more will find their guild quests disappearing.

    Finding the root cause of the problem and fixing it is probably a lot more difficult and further down the list of priorities.

    All this is total guesswork, of course, but it seems to be borne out by the comments made on help channels as this bug is affects progressively larger numbers of people.

    1) More than you'd think.
    2) Could have been addressed long ago, all these glitches were well-known before these went 'Live'

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