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Thread: [Feedback] Upcoming Easter Event

  1. #101
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Yeah, Stronghelmet was from the original retail packs, basically the same as the BHG from what I can see (other than name and image)
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  2. #102
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peck_ed View Post
    Yeah, Stronghelmet was from the original retail packs, basically the same as the BHG from what I can see (other than name and image)
    Correct, although it is still a little unclear if he is included in the maximum possible 'BHG' types, or whether the purchase allowed you to exceed the in-game maximum.
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    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
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  3. #103
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerontius View Post

    When I posted the same comment on the test server forum, Slash's response was "I'm sure there will be explanations when the event goes live".

    So, basically, development have washed their hands of it and it's down to Dantesama to explain things properly here and on the front page news.

    If there are 100 questions a day about the event when it goes live, I vote that any regular help lurkers tell people to contact support about it!

    The point of testing is so you know how to correct your mistakes, whether those mistakes are purely technological or in terms of the user experience. And while I know there are plenty of people like me who want to and enjoy working things out for themselves, there are other people who want to know what they're doing beforehand and currently the easter event doesn't cater to those people very well.

    Resolving the confusion over the adventures available in the merchant, which is the main issue that is apparent on the test server, would be so simple and serve so much benefit.
    1) That blase attitude does not surprise me at all. It will be his new 'cut n paste' answer no doubt to any question, after he exhausted "the voucher codes were in the mail" responses to every bug report, before filing them as NO BUG.

    2) No surprise there either. It was not made clear last year, and caused a great deal of confusion, and wasted purchases of 'spare' adventures that were not necessary. The point really has to be hammered home this time, both on the login page, and the tooltips that appear whilst the game is loading.

    3) Of course we will, but it would be a darn site easier if the thing was explained properly in the first place.

    4) Head -----> Brick Wall. It used to be that way, but a change in personnel turned the whole test environment into a farce as far as test/feedback was concerned. Very little testing going on there these days, it's just a playground where you can experience the game with no financial outlay.

    5) Hear hear, events should always have clear, unambiguous descriptions, and if that means placing it where it cannot be missed, so be it.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  4. #104
    Join Date
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    Kreizh Breizh
    Wondered what had happened to the Easter event on the test server as I haven't had a quest for a couple of days. There is nothing posted on the test server information or news but by checking I discovered that Easter event quest chains only appear every 5 days. Perhaps this could be made clearer on the main server when it goes live.

    I also totally agree with all that Nogbad has said.

  5. #105
    Original Serf
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    What i dont understand is why are the Easter adventures available to players below level 17? They cant get the quests so doing the adventures will get them nothing. Or am i mistaken?
    Why not let everyone get 10 eggs for every adv completed? Would put a few more out there for people to trade with.
    Last edited by Funky23; 23.02.13 at 08:06.

  6. #106
    Enlightened Sage
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    Well, I think the adventures are also intended to be fun. Which is fine, so why not let everyone play them if they want to.

    But the technical/confusion problem is caused by the fact that there's a limit on them. Removing that limit would be another solution, but I guess there's a good reason for there being a limit. Server load?

  7. #107
    Battle Hardened Contributor Jamdoggy's Avatar
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    I quite like the Easter adventures, and yes, they are fun, the first time you do them. After that, you know where the eggs all are, and can complete each adventure in under 60 seconds!

    I've spent a considerable amount of time mapping out the Easter adventures (see this thread), but I would be the first to agree to random placement, or even randomly choosing one of 3 or 4 different setups when starting the adventure. This renders all the map guides obsolete, and ensures everyone has to actually look for the eggs. It would also mean you could do the adventure more than once, and not know where all the eggs were, leading to much more fun for the player.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    hi....where can i see te chance for getting eggs with explorers...short/med/long search?

    Sorry for my englease and tyvm

  9. #109
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
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    Quote Originally Posted by abelar View Post
    hi....where can i see te chance for getting eggs with explorers...short/med/long search?
    E.g. here

    ...or more exactly from Siedler Vision:

    Basically, in the long run, you'll get the same number of eggs regardless which search you use.
    However, since you won't have to log in as often to do the very long searches, those are the ones I'll be doing.
    Last edited by Tage; 14.03.13 at 15:39.

  10. #110
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2012
    Helo all. Didnt read all the pages, but one thing that i find not really fair is the level requirements for different parts.
    Like with other events - you are doing it again. Lvl 39 is only few k exp away from lvl 40, yet you ask lvl 40 to pay insane prices for quests, or sacrifice insane numbers of troops.

    I do understand, that lvl brackets are needed, but seriously? Comparing lvl 50 and 40 in same category ? Someone with Elites, cannons and crossbows in the same line as someone who just lvled ? ( And yes, i got my lvl 40 yesterday, and sorry i dont want to wait for all events with my lvl. It should be somewhat fair for all, so maybe few extra groups of lvls?

    Thanks for reading.

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