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Thread: [Feedback] New Game version/Guild quest and Locked quests

  1. #21
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    to Letsnow I do
    Last edited by Mortallicus; 01.03.13 at 11:07.

  2. #22
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jollyfog2012 View Post
    lets face it - around 50% of what was promised has been achieved since the update.

    Lag is still a bad joke
    The new quest chain could have been great, but as it stands very few will be able to complete it in such a short time.
    The items in the guild shop are great.
    The locked out zone errors appear to be solved.
    The normal quest chain is again bugged - its reverted to a previous bug in that a quest is given that is impossible to achieve due to island already being cleared of bandits.
    Still getting kicked from server when accepting adventure invites.
    My guild members heartily agree with you Jollyfog. I am hearing more moans today then ever before so update was not at all successful.

  3. #23
    Glorious Graduate
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    I was under the impression that guild quests were getting more of an improvement than they received. I still cannot tell who of my guild has actually completed their daily and who hasn't so I'm back to hassling members again. Also sounds like despite the week postponement there are still issues with this update.

  4. #24
    Glorious Graduate
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    I am not allowed to comment on how poor this is as I am under threat of a ban.

  5. #25
    Keen Commentor
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    "Please comment below and remain constructive." Well, That's not easy Dantesama, there is not much to be constructive about.

    - the bug wiht level-requirements has been replaced with a new bug
    - quests as 'delegate troops' and 'at least 0/12h' keep causing troubles for new players. Is it that hard to just change the description so that people can understand them?
    - on the login-screen it read that there's a new trade-tab in the chat. That was skipped 2 weeks ago or so. If it helps if I send a screenshot highlighting the backspace-button to the developers, please let me know.
    - the new event-quest is a disaster.

    + they changed the items in the guildshop. Well. UHm... *clap clap clap* for the new items then I guess.

    2 underlying problems:

    Different ideas about the game.
    I see nice community events on the forum, and attempts to let people work together. The maya-event and the guild-guests are examples of this. The forum-events stimulate people to be creative, find their own thing they like about the game and create their own story.
    Then the quest-system and the event-quest pushes everyone to build every building themselves. From the early levels there is just 1 fixed narrow path you have to follow, focussed on efficient production. That are 2 conflicting ideas about the game.

    I'm happy following my own path, and work together with friends so I dont need to own a crossbowsmith/titaniumsmelter/damascene weaponsmith myself. And now the event-quest can only be done if I spend 10k granite on buildings I dont need. Ah excellent thinking. If BB wants to take over the planning for my island, please take care of rebuilding wells and fields as well for me will ya?

    no communication with the developers
    No doubt Dantesama will say "believe me, they do listen" but I'de like to actually see something that supports that claim. Please explain to me how it's possible that so many easy problems are not fixed. Why are the unclear descriptions for the quests still there? How can it happen that the trade-tab is still mentioned on the login-screen? Ooh and shall I once more mention the failure to answer 'when does the christmas-event end' for a month? Or the failure to explain how that proved to be too difficult? Or the update about the guild-quest problems where developers seemed to completely miss the point of quests not even starting (if the devs to listen, they could easily have clarified questions about that, but... aah failure to do so)..... tell me, where do you see a sign of communication?

    Now some of those problems might be not really important, but it are clear examples of how no one in BB seems to talk to each other. We often get no, unclear or incomplete information. If different people in BB dont know from each other what they are working on, it's no wonder things dont work and do not match the needs of the community.

    So constructive feedback:
    Get the communication between different departments/people working. And make sure there is a clear strategy for the settlers online, a clear idea about the character of the game. Otherwise the next updated is doomed to be as incredibly bad as this one. What a disaster!

  6. #26
      Skilled Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teenymac View Post
    I also have some quests still locked and some that i cannot do now that they are unlocked. -

    Once and for all - have 0 or fewer bandit camps left on your home zone - i do not have any bandit camps left but quest not showing as complete

    Tactician - defeat bandit camp on your home zone using 50 or more cavalry - no bandit camps left so cant do
    Not sure if this is constructive enough (if not, feel free to remove), but I'd like to add that I have the same problem.
    And I find it difficult to grasp how this could have been missed.

  7. #27
    Enlightened Sage
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    Jan 2012
    Well, I'm putting my money where my mouth is and trying my best to finish the quest chain. Stage 1 finished this afternoon after a lucky first long search, stage 2 will be finished in 6 hours. Explorers on medium searches to try to find an outlaws ready for stage 4.

    I've just bought 4 Witches of the Swamp to try to get some Old Friends for stage 10, which will also clear some recruits out of the way for me to replace them with militia for stage 4, which will then clear the way for LB for stage 9. (Good thing I've been stocking up on settlers in my star menu to do a Dark Brotherhood run).

    Notice how much preparation in advance I'm having to do to have a chance of completing the chain. If I had only known what these quests were going to be as they were offered up to me on completion of the previous stage, there's no chance I could have done it! As it is, it's still going to take a lot of luck in the adventure drops. So, thank to the German forums for the heads up and for giving me a chance.

    UPDATE: 2 March, 14:08
    Bit of luck last night, got an Old Friends on my second WotS and managed to buy one cheap on trade. Also got a bandit nest for 400gc (ie about half price) and an Outlaws since searches failed to find any. So, with a bit of luck and some judicious trading (probably taking advantage of people who don't realise how popular those adventures are about to become!) I currently have about half of the adventures I'll need over the next week at a cost of 750gc. Again, note how much planning ahead I'm having to do, all based on (unofficial rumours?) from the German forums.

    Stage 2 was completed last night, and the 100 baskets for stage 3 will be finished in another hour. Good thing I had the resources to hand.

    UPDATE: 3 March, 11:06
    Still on outlaws having needed to queue up a huge militia and cavalry chain. Bought a couple of barracks buffs, but still building...

    Outlaws finished, 4th quest complete, 7 hours of Recruits left in my building queue before I can start bandit's nest.

    UPDATE: 4 March, 11:26
    Wow, Bandit Nest is troop intensive! Three battles done (I'm not doing many blocks because (a) they're not an "intended feature" and (b) they don't work very well at the moment) and I'm 300 recruits down. Bang go another 12500 loaves of bread (good thing I had a stockpile) to build 500 settlers and I've just spent all night building militia ready for the leader fights. Here we go...

    Well, got very lucky on Bandit's nest and received granite first time around. That's twice I've been lucky. Has someone been fiddling the drop rates in the background in response to feedback? On to stage 6. Good thing I've got hardwood in storage. Two hours to produce musk desposits...

    UPDATE: 5 March, 10:05
    Stage 6 completed. Stage 7, produce 250 longbows. I've never needed to upgrade by longbow maker above level 2, but that would require over 24 hours of buffed production time. So, I've shelled out the 800gc to go up to level 3, bringing it down to a mere 18 hours buffed production time. See you tomorrow...

    UPDATE: 6 March, 11:00
    Stage 7 completed. Stage 8: produce 200 settlers. That's 50 hours with just mayor's house. I have two schools, so that's 40 hours. I've used a love potion, but that's still over a day of production time. See you tomorrow...

    UPDATE: 7 March, 14:34
    19 settlers left to produce. Another 4 hours. Almost there. Have also again been planning ahead to future quests by building my longbows. 500 longbows is almost a 24 hours build time with a level 3 barracks...

    UPDATE: 8 March, 17:05
    Stage 9 was completed immediately due to preparation in advance by building the longbowmen. Now trying my first old friends. Let's see what happens...

    UPDATE: 9 March, 01:34
    First old friends finished: ex wood and saltpeter. Guess my run of good luck has finished!

    Granite on second attempt at Old Friend's, which is about average. Quest chain finished. Woo! Spare Witches of the Swamp that I'd gathered in case of emergency have been donated to a guild mate who has done 4 old friends and still hasn't got any granite.

    So, I finished the quest chain in a week and a half. I managed that ONLY with some good fortune and by planning ahead. I also used buffs where I needed to, including a love potion and a drill plan to be able to complete certain steps in the quest chain faster. I also have schools, a veteran general and fast explorers which made the quest chain easier for me.

    It could easily have taken two days rather than one to find the granite in stage 1 (so I wouldn't have finished until Monday). Also, I might have needed to do three bandit nest adventures (the average needed to get the required loot) rather than one. That would have taken another 2 days of rebuilding troops and adventuring (taking me to Wednesday). ie, without the good luck I had on two out of the three chance-based stages, I would have only JUST completed the quest chain in time.

    Let's look at the advance planning I had to do. At the start of the week, when there were no other adventures as part of the chain, I did two Witch of the Swamps in order to get enough Old Friends to complete the final stage of the quest. If I had not known that quest was coming, I would have had to spend a day doing that at the end of the quest chain before I could have started my second Old Friends that I needed. So I would have run out of time.

    I also saved time by building 500 longbowmen before that quest turned up. This saved me around 22 hours of build time. ie, it would have been another day added to the quest if I had not know about it in advance. So, once more, I would have run out of time if I hadn't know that quest was coming.

    So, without luck (which was not guranteed) and without knowing the quest chain in advance, (which was not officially announced, at least not on these forums), I would not have completed the chain in time. Fact. Instead, I would most likely have finished the quest chain sometime next weekend, maybe by Saturday.

    NB Don't argue that the time limit has been extended. That was only done after the event had been started. The point here is to comment on the quest chain as initially conceived which SHOULD have been possible or there was a real failure in its development. It's great that it was fixed, but it should never have been released at all if it was broken.

    The above isn't very useful feedback unless you know what sort of player I am.

    I admit that I am NOT a hardcore player. I'm not online 24 hours a day. Nor do I pay money to play. However, I am a pretty intensive player, am online for at least a couple of hours every day, and usually have the time to do an adventure or two a day. I could probably find time to do three witches of the swamp per day if I needed to. More than 1 bandit nest a day wouldn't have been feasible because of the number of troops lost and the time needed to rebuild them. Old friends is short, but it requires a 4 hour break in the middle to allow generals to recover so more than 1 of those a day is also not possible for me.

    So, I would say I am well above averge in terms of the time I spend on the game. Yet completing the quest chain in time was a struggle for me. Not a challenge, a struggle. If that was the intention - that only hardcore players could reasonably complete the chain in time - then I can't say I begin to understand why: did you really only want a minority of your player base to get close to receiving the promised rewards? And failure would not have been through any fault of their own but merely because they didn't have the luck or couldn't get online for more than an hour a day to repeatedly buff buildings or start new constrution chains?

    It doesn't help that plenty of people failed to realise that there was a time limit. So, communication was extremely poor, too.

    I therefore stand by my initial impression that the design of this quest chain was an abject failure. The fact that I was able to complete it does not change that given the analysis above.

    I also stand by my even earlier impression that it was great to have a surprise like this. However, the implementation of the surprise was so poor as to destroy any good faith you gained by it. Like receiving a present, then finding when you open the box that it's a 10,000,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of uninspiring tundra, but you like puzzles so you crack on with it, only to then find that 20 of the pieces are missing...
    Last edited by Gerontius; 09.03.13 at 20:31. Reason: updated

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Well, in our guild we did warn our guild members about the jumping generals, it is an issue on the german server after their last update, So i wonder why the did implement the update with that error. thanks to one of our leaders who did read it here.

  9. #29
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sortrumlegomand View Post
    Well, in our guild we did warn our guild members about the jumping generals, it is an issue on the german server after their last update, So i wonder why the did implement the update with that error. thanks to one of our leaders who did read it here.
    At least they then took down the servers for several hours the following day, and attempted to fix it.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    How to start this??Probably-The end of the world Part 2.

    Now,for those of you who still believe BB reads the feedbacks from this or any other Non-german/polish forum,please,stop doing it.
    We saw how the last event started,continued and ended-German servers were richy rich,players with storehouse capacity over 100k and many resources and loads of troops to just sacrifice.We all red about the proof that german servers had info about that last event the friday before the event went online ( it went online on monday)-3 days for preparations.We all saw-an adventure with soooo much losses and soo tiny rewards.No one was surprised with the charts at the end.Now,it's quite clear that BB thought "inside the box"...not out of the box.This new update and especially the new quest line is absolutely and totally for the bored people with 3k+ troops and full storage houses on the 9-10 german and 4-5 polish servers.At the end,those are the people that splash the cash and BB wants them satisfied.The other one really cares about them. We should ask ourselves-why do we have community managers as they COMPLETELY FAILED with the task to convince BB to give all non-german servers doable tasks.At the end,we,the players are all here for the fun.This game is free with purchasable features.
    Those features aren't obligatory for us,so if the game is to be played at 100%.Nevertheless,the game is still...surprise,surprise - BETA.
    Now-about the new update in details.Many complain about failing blocks since the update.

    The visual bugs effect cost many people a large amount of troops:

    The promise to remove some visual bugs-not kept.Shame on you!!!

    There are numerous discussions about the Block-what it is,is it for eating,why do we use it.The answer is simple-a successful game is alive until the players contribute and actually create things that will be helpful while playing it and could be implemented,give advices and they are eventually,but not after a century, taken into account by the development team.This means the players really participate in the game updates.Blocks,despite being strange at the beginning offer many new possibilities on how do we do the adventures.Now,our beloved mods and CM's will say and insist on that they're constantly transmitting ALL the threads about bugs,suggestions etc. to the BB dev. team(s).Strange how we do observe events that are in a total contradiction with what the players ( mainly here,because I red many of the suggestions' threads and only in this forum) want/suggest.This is a paradox.
    After "The end of the world" event dismal failure ,we observe another one (with the same faith-it's almost sure)-the Four winds quest chain.I'd like to be excused,but WHY do you prepare a new quest line while older ones like "Free the home zone" are bugged to the limit...and beyond.The new update only aggravated the situation.!

    Well,following Dantesama desperate call for being constructive,here's a though-remove the level cap.Let everybody to be able to finish it up to level 50.Don't put a level cap like - complete a quest before reaching level 28,for example.The whole quest line is bugged.Not only one quest.The fireman solution is to IMMEDIAETLY remove that quest line,give the players the promised rewards and it'll be (probably) ok. The more complicated-ACTUALLY make an effort,work over it and open ALL the sub-quests up to lvl50.
    The change in the guild shop-ok-it's nice to have some new things,BUT,what if someone wanted to buy the jolly geologist and was just at 3999 guild coins while the update arrived.No jo(ll)y for him.So what that person does?Abandons all the deposits search.They're an enormous waste of time-2 hours is the ULTIMATE and tolerable maximum to find a deposit.Which is in a total contradiction with the large amount of opportunities and variety of products that a player can produce and we're constantly pushed by the game itself to do it.The human being is a creative creature and one is happy when he/she creates something that works.
    Here's a suggestion-reduce the normal geologists longest search by half ( for gold and coal-2hours).Not everyone can afford to sit a few hours per day in order to find all the deposits.Otherwise you just give an opportunity to the player to have fun,then you kill it without any pity by telling him-you should spend your day babysitting the geologist for hours.o.O

    Let's get back to the new quest line,shall we? :

    I won't comment the other three parts,but they're a bit easier,although sufficiently insane.
    As I'm in the levels between

    Levels 36-45
    1. Find 10 granite in long treasure search, pay 4000 tools. Reward: 400 exotic wood
    2. Produce 100 exotic wood planks, pay 3000 marble. Reward: 250 exotic wood planks
    3. Buy 4000 resources, sell (not produce) 100 baskets. Reward: 200 sausages
    4. Obtain 50 sandwiches, finish Outlaws losing maximum 500 recruits. Reward: 300 granite
    5. Own 120 soldiers, get 600 granite loot from Bandit Nest (33% chance). Reward: 500 coins
    6. Produce 10000 musk deer fragrance, pay 10000 hardwood planks. Reward: 200 coins
    7. Produce 250 longbows, own 5000 meat. Reward: 200 exotic wood
    8. Produce 200 settlers, own 5000 longbows. Reward: 300 bread
    9. Buy 1200 coins, own 500 longbowmen (really?). Reward: 300 brew
    10. Pay 3000 meat, get 400 granite loot from Old Friends (37% chance). Reward: 900 longbows
    Final reward: watermill, 500 gems

    Wow,from where should I start.It's a complete disaster and nonsense.

    Let me walk you through this. 1st step-well,I suppose it's ok. 2nd step-same thing.3rd step-same thing.Unfortunately,they take 2-3 days to be completed,depending on the luck and on the amount of explorers you have.Some people report that they got 10+ granite from the appropriate search,but the quest didn't counted it as complete.o.O
    And after that the horror starts.Outlaws???Seriously??This takes at least 20 hours to be completed without a Veteran.Now,should I remind that the game,I mean,entirely, must be possible to be completed with non-purchasable features?It's still a BETA-complete it first,then expect people to buy stuff!!!This means-bugs free,let us be clear about that.
    Anyway,let's assume that I get that quest.How is it possible to lose less than 500 recruits?We'll use militia,soldiers-here's the solution,BUT,1 militia takes (I'm not sure,so it'll be a shot in the dark) 2 minutes to be trained with lvl3 barracks.How many do you think we'll need,as we normally would lose about 1500 recruits.It's around 1200 militia-please,be very nice and do the math-how much time that is to train those units??I should remind that we have only 14 days ( graciously given us by the game development team).Let's assume we get lucky with the recruits.Step 5- 120 soldiers-easy as pie-get 600 granite from Bandit nest??Here the horror continues.Bandit nest is doable with affordable losses ONLY with a veteran general.Well,well,if that's not an attempt to pull the skeleton (bandit nest which is one of the worst adventures) out of the wardrobe and get much money from players that urgently need a veteran.Some of us/you might see a plot.I see a waste of money here.And time.Players' time.
    To finish with this part ,I'll give an example about the granite drop chance.A friend of mine,which I'm responsible of him playing this game did AT LEAST 100 times The island of the pirates in the last 45 days.We all can see that we can get either granite or exotic wood from there.Roughly it's 50/50.Unfortunately,Bandit nest gives us the incredible opportunity to also get Titanium ore.Some would think-yes'it's roughly 1/3 chance to get granite.Let me get back to my friend's experience from the Pirates-he did it so many times and in at least 70% of the tires he got...surprise,surprise Exotic wood.As a personal example,I'd give my record-11 adventures ( at least 5 different) without granite.How do you explain that?Luck?!No,as statistics' laws teach us that after a certain amount of tries,we should have (almost) even numbers of the 2-like I said-50 times granite and 50 times exotic wood.Unfortunately,until this day I'm lucky - roughly 1/4 adventures to get granite.Presuming we have 14 days (with 4 already spent in the previous steps),so 10 to go,with the slim chance of 25% to get granite-4 times bandit nest-I'm sorry,I'm not a fan of that idea.Neither I am a fan of how the game drop rates are at the moment.It works as if the game HAS PVP. Why do we get sooo much exotic wood logs?WHY?To make crossbows?OF course not.Every sane person will buy them from the market,train 200 crossbowmen,make sure they never die (or at least not in the next month or so),so....why?The planks?They're useless without much more granite to cover the buildings upgrades.Well,here's a though-as it is in Old Friends adventure-2 slots that give granite/exotic wood/titanium-make 2 slots for each adventure,so we get FOR SURE at least 200 granite,200-300 exotic wood and the rest for the titanium-I don't care,as it is totally useless for all of us that don't have/haven't build and probably never will build the last tier of buildings.What should vary is the quantity,not the probability to get at all from one type of resource.Those buildings ,for now,represent an enormous sunk cost and they can't be paid even if we sell the products for the next 6-7 months.No one will construct them ergo-the following quest line from the main quest line : "More Units" is also completely useless. Why would I throw away tons of granite and other resources-just to get 2 drill plans,1 noble residence deed,and the "exquisite" Secluded experiments adventure (I'll talk about it later).All this can be bought with ,let's say-1500 granite on the market.Only the crossbowsmith costs 2,5k granite.Do you really think that a person who has brain will do this?!?Even for fun?I mean,have you ever played this game?!?This is madness!Is there anyone that actually considered to pass the new event quest line through the test server????From what I saw,that brilliant idea occurred to 0.00% of the BB staff.What a surprise.It's like to buy yourself a car and expect to fly with it.Here's another thought-REMOVE the "More Units" quest line from the main quest list really soon.
    Now,I'd say we must return to the Four winds....and stop right here with this new quest line.We've invested many resources ,we fought the outlaws but,bandit nest-SERIOUSLY???

    Nevertheless,we're hardened and we continue,pressing on-step 6 and 7--fairly doable.Step 8-5k longbows-for what??WHY?To decorate the walls?Maybe try to chop them down and give the remnants to the Recycling manufacturies??
    Step 9-own 500 longbowmen. Another shocking idea.Why?Why,God,why do you punish us???
    In this very moment ,we ,the players ask ourselves,what will we do with so much longbowmen. Organize a shooting tournament??I have an answer-suicide them in the Horseback and Dark priests adventures.Old friends is fine for them to die with pride,too.Sinking costs everywhere is the new slogan of this game.Strange,I thought the idea was to have an effective,productive and actually profitable economy.I need an answer-why a player lvl 36 and above will need longbowmen?To suicide them?It's illogical-he/she will use bowmen-2times cheaper.To use them in adventures as main damage dealing unite?We have crossbowmen-they do mooore damage,so-definitely the better choice.So,this thing here with the 500 longbowmen is clearly nonsense.Someone within the dev team had a thought,but it went wrong somehow.This can not be explained.It'll remain a mystery forever.

    Anyway,we manage to reach step 10 ( finally).Should I remind again about the granite drop chance? "Reward: 900 longbows".Oh,this is new-why?? train another 90 longbowmen??? (headbang) (Someone really loves those units).
    To summ up- the posts in the thread just above prove that NO ONE SANE will do this.Probably the bored people on the german/polish servers will do this quest line,as they have maaany troops and resources to just throw away.On the other servers-this is INSANE!!We barely manage to complete some adventures.Others aren't done,just because...well,they have the same INSANE loses/costs.Meanwhile,bugs persist and the new update made things worse-lagging,jumpy generals etc.
    In the last mentioned thread,one of the players clearly shows,without any super math ,that to do all those things will cost you much more ,including the rewards you receive,than to actually purchase directly things from the market( including watermills and silos) and play the game as you like it.So,why bother,when you get them cheaper,you do the adventures you like.BB should understand one thing ONCE AND FOR ALL-WE the players-WE CHOOSE what,when and how to do.They propose and from what I red ( I also humbly permit myself to say what I think) ,we ,the large mass of players on the EU servers-WE DISLIKE this new update.
    Now,before I get blamed for not being constructive-here-another round of suggestions.And I write it here,because,it's absolutely clear that no one pays attention to what's written in the Suggestions part of the forum.
    REMOVE ,and when I mean remove,do it ASAP,the following adventures : (Rework them for at most 3k recruits losses,with a normal general.Nobody will wait 5 days to get 1000 granite from an adventure.)
    Sons of the Veld-who actually had the idea of this???Must be punished to play it for the next 6 months without any other option.
    Secluded experiments-we talk about being productive,effective and have fun-no fun here...costs waaay to much time,resources...
    Victor the vicious-no idea why this exists-same thing as the 500 longbowmen
    Traitors-who gave gems for this?!!?!It's a crime.
    Wild mary-needs seeeerious reworking that one.A wild reworking,if you catch the drift
    Bandit nest-we talked about that already-veteran again!!
    Gunpowder...explosive costs and nooo fun,even with a veteran ( and we come back to the idea of playing and actually completing things without having to purchase-again,it's beta-they get the money,we get the headaches)
    Just to develop this a little bit.As many threads contain talks about making this game completely "free" of blocks.The famous adventure Surprise attack is very expensive-500 map fragments.Well,I bothered to calculate the losses without a veteran general,as ALL the guides propose to do it ONLY with at least one veteran general in the setups ( with blocks STRONGLY recommended).So,we roughly would lose 900 militia,800 soldiers and 6 to 800 cavalry (WITH AT LEAST 1 BLOCK).Imagine what happens with 0 blocks.2-6 minutes with lvl 3 barracks to train each 1 of those units.4 generals to transport them ( 800 units),means to lose 3x 30 mins in one direction,then 3x30 mins in the other direction and then,again 3x30...just to send the troops.From what I red and saw as loot and experience gains,this adventure is one of the most desirable when you get to level 42-43 and you have 200 000 XP to the next level ( and more with each new level up to level 50).Can someone,but from BB (worst case scenario a CM), explain what will happen if BB manages to completely exclude blocks from the game.Losses will be diminished by 30-40%,if a man has a veteran,but still...those are about 2 days just to train the units.No one will lose a time in a game when you just train 2 days those units.And then you transport them 3 hours.And then you just send them to die without any option.And in the next 3-4 days you do the same just to complete it.It's absolutely unacceptable.When you progress through levels,the things should be done FASTER and become EASIER.Not the opposite.

    And,last but not least-the famous guild quests.Actually,nothing happened after the update with them.At least,I never had any problem with them,just because guild shop rewards are/were fairly useless ( you need to gather guild coins 2 months and then-voila-they change the items-why bother?!!),so I'm in a guild since the beginning of january. So,I red a few threads about an adventure,but only one certain adventure and in many cases it is the very same adventure that happens to be a daily guild quest-The island of the pirates.Let me explain it,despite that there are many "pirates" fans who do them on a daily basis-THIS IS STUPID.Why?The adventures are brought by explorers or bought from shop/market.Well,here's a news flash-that particular adventure's price skyrocketed for the last 2 months.It was around 100 coins.Now it's tripled.With the introduction of Bandit nest,Old friends and Outlaws to the new quest line their prices will jump like the generals on the map do for the last 2 days.I already saw bandit nest for 1000 coins (o.O).Let's add this to the costs for that quest line.Again-who is crazy enough to pay for the adventures ( as they're not for free) and then get miserable rewards ,compared to what that person can buy with all the resources he's supposed to invest in order to complete that quest line?
    So,to be clear here - NOOOOO and NEVER AGAIN.....again-NO particular adventures for a daily guild quest.Look,search and find in the sections of the forum-there are suggestions.I red the following:another player suggests just to start/complete an adventure of our own choice.Here's an upgrade to this idea-players lvl 30-36 -to start an easy one,lvl 37-42-meduim difficulty(the green ones),43-50-epic ones ( Black knights is a common and fairly acceptable choice),but don't put boundaries to the players' choices.The same should be applied for all the daily quests and quest lines-complete one of the following: and we have all adventures ,separated by the difficulty-lvl 30-36 easy ones ,medium difficulty for the next lvl range etc.Why this is sooo difficult to understand???It ruins the entire market and gives the perfect conditions for a few players to speculate with those very desired and needed for the guild quests and quest line adventures.It is impossible to make militia,soldier and elite soldier units more desirable as there are conditions like : lose few than 500 recruits.With their (M,S,ES) current stats-they're useless.Units should be reworked as well-give more damage to the militia,even more to the soldier and much more to the elite soldier-10-15% more for each one compared to the lesser unit.Otherwise-it's just like tuning ( but only the exterior one) on a car-it looks awesome from the outside,but under the hood,it's still the same old and also really useless.
    And the guild leaders are nagging to their guild mates for not completing a quest.You do realize that with such a horrific system,you put people on the verge of conflicts,disputes etc.Instead of having fun from a game,that some of them support with real money,they get negative emotions.Don't you dare forget that without the players,this game is doomed.And if it continues that way,it IS doomed.Instead of making those events,continue with the big events-Easter,Christmas,Halloween etc.If you want a special event,then make one for the german/polish servers (where the game runs since 2010) and another one for ALL other servers.Otherwise,it's pointless as now players blame support and mods/CM's,they blame themselves and each other and at the end we don't play for fun,but for the opportunity to discharge our anger online.
    You have the whole summer,after the Easter event to ENTIRELY rework this game.Otherwise,from the month of september,maany of the players will just make SALES on the markets-sell what they can-resources,deeds,statues and QUIT the game.If this game continues to run as like it HAS PVP (large amount of Exotic wood,very tiny amounts of granite from adventures,useless titanium and last tier buildings etc.) it'll roll of a cliff and then it's free falling.If things don't change,but change SOON,it'll be the end of the (Settlers online) world.A game is dead while in BETA.How hilarious is that?!
    It's up to the CM's to make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR to BB dev team(s) that german/polish servers have nothing to do with the other servers and people on those other servers want freedom to operate and play their own game.We don't need constantly changing things either.Otherwise,this whole enterprise is pointless.I hope,that despite being extremely analytical,it could be considered as a constructive feedback with advices and ideas and,no,I'm not pointing fingers,I'll just leave the game if things don't change soon enough.It's so simple.Many others will do the same.In that case BB dev team won't have any problem with their insane event quests and buggy,sloppy updates-they'll be only for those who really pay for such a thing-the bored people on the german/polish servers.As those updates were and still are only made for them.

    P.S - I have nothing against the german/polish servers,nor the people who play there,neither against the germans or the polish.Also,most of the suggestions are just summed up here.They're all around the forum in the different threads I red,so I'm not inventing the wheel,I'm just gathering them in a single post as much as I can.This post is against BB's absolute lack of progress in their efforts to understand what the people on "younger" servers would like to see/play and no signs of willingness to change their behaviour.Is this lack of progress due to laziness or lack of information/coordination-I don't care,but either they sort this out pretty soon,either they can start supporting a new game and leave this one to decay in time.

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