Welcome to United Silver Bonds.

The reason we founded this guild was because we liked the cosy feeling we got from our last guild before it disbanded, the reason behind the guildname is to honor the bounds we share. And the reason why we threw in Silver in the mixer is both because we like the tag USB, tihi, and that we consider that this game is the second important thing. Real life and "Gold" bonds that we have in real life will always have priority.

Our main objective in the guild is to have a social chat with nice and helpfull people.

All we ask is that you take part in the Guild Quests and if you need any help just ask

Our membership is FREE and we don't what level you are on or how experienced you are.

If you wish to join please contact myself ( Avaa ) or Hishi. Send us a mail, friend request or whisper and we will send you an invite

Enjoy the game wherever you end up