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Thread: Egg pricing

  1. #1
    Keen Commentor
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    Mar 2012

    Egg pricing

    1 egg = 20 coins. Really? Wonder how many hours/days it will take before some sanity establishes itself.

    I'm not giving you 20 coins for 1 egg, OK? Before the event I'd have gone to 10 coins per egg, but 20? You're having a laugh.

    I know I'm not the only one thinking this, and that's why I've made this thread. I'll see you all in the trading office...

  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BobLurker View Post
    1 egg = 20 coins. Really? Wonder how many hours/days it will take before some sanity establishes itself.

    I'm not giving you 20 coins for 1 egg, OK? Before the event I'd have gone to 10 coins per egg, but 20? You're having a laugh.

    I know I'm not the only one thinking this, and that's why I've made this thread. I'll see you all in the trading office...
    I couldn't agree with you more mate, it's like in on our server as well and it all just comes down to greed and then everyone follows suit. In the end it starts destroying a once great game as knowone is willing to work as a team and help out.

    Well i hope things start to change soon as I know I wont be spending GC on eggs at them silly prices lol.

  3. #3
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Norfolk, England
    This happened at xmas too, I was paying 120 gc for 10 prez after 2 weeks of the event (thats when I first started up), then they gave a load of prez for xmas day and the price dropped dramatically. Be patient for a while! i know its hard cause u want the easter goodies now, Wait for good friday and easter sunday, then youll see a change. I'm surprised ppl are buying at these prices, pure lunacy atm!

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
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    yup they will always fluctuate up and down depending on demand.. And as im level 50 I really don't need anything anyway so im more interested in helping my guildies out who actually need the eggs etc

  5. #5
    Keen Commentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by MutantKid View Post
    This happened at xmas too, I was paying 120 gc for 10 prez after 2 weeks of the event (thats when I first started up), then they gave a load of prez for xmas day and the price dropped dramatically. Be patient for a while! i know its hard cause u want the easter goodies now, Wait for good friday and easter sunday, then youll see a change. I'm surprised ppl are buying at these prices, pure lunacy atm!
    But is anyone buying? Price dropped to 18 coins now.

    What I wonder is who established this insane 1 egg = 20 coins price in the first place? It's like a group got together and decided and the sheep followed suit. I've not been following chat much, so not sure what's being said, but I hope the message to wait until more sensible prices are posted is getting through, particularly to newer players.

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer Taija's Avatar
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    Yeah, really insane prices considering you get a lot of eggs from long / very long explorer searches for free, and there are many quest chains to get eggs. I suppose everybody tries to get that experienced explorer asap, but still.. In christmas there were a lot harder to get presents so price was high for a reason..

    I have noticed that nowadays prices are skyrocketing ten times a value each time there is something going on, free gifts and so on. People must be really bored and swim in gold coins in this game.. Apparently they still buy because people continue to offer those ridicilous prices.
    Last edited by Taija; 23.03.13 at 12:05.

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Norfolk, England
    Thats the current problem! ppl are buying! Just look in trades over all 3 servers and youll find ppl offering 1600+ gc for 100 eggs, that in turn makes the seller think "well if they willing to pay that then ill charge this". With the usual price fixing going on as well u just have to sit bk and wait.

    I guess once the rich & impatient have got all their eggs/ran out of resource gold coins etc then the price will drop.

  8. #8
    Skilled Student Harald_Villraade's Avatar
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    There are obvious reasons for these prices, mainly that bb gave us just what we all wished for (be careful etc...):

    -There is literally something for everyone in this event, meaning ofc that more players are looking to buy eggs, not sell them.
    -The way bb has showered x3 buffs over the servers means there is more gold available than at earlier events.
    -Assuming that many players are after the vet gen, he is priced at 3 times the eggs you can get from quests...
    ...and finally, the fact that bb gave in to pressure, opening for buying a second (or third...) vet for those who have been around since last easter. I was kind of surprised seeing all the cheering following that decision, the consequence was pretty obvious.

    One last request to bb: Can we please have 1 -one- event where you do NOT change the rules as we play?

  9. #9
    Erudite Pioneer Taija's Avatar
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    IF the rich and impatient get everything in time so the prices would drop for the rest of us. Let's all hope so.. Right now I have found much more profitable use for gold like adding coin production... And seriously people are selling all their stock for 10 eggs/10000 unit of finished products and egg prices are going still up.. Eggs are seriously not good investment. I can get much more mf:s and granite with my stock.

    This game is starting to be not so fun in the long run with these prices, without spending tons of gems on products you can live without. Just simply because everybody else has them. And with gems it often feels like you're not really playing, just cheating or creating shortcuts. You can just buy tons of eggs with gems but it is not fun.
    Last edited by Taija; 23.03.13 at 14:39.

  10. #10
    Architect of the Empire
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    The server's age does also play a large part, prices for event items on much younger servers are generally much lower while those on ancient servers are much higher. It's interesting I think that the three Euro have very similar prices, seems we've finally balanced. That said, I'm hoping our prices do come down as time goes on, as they've done for every seasonal event I've seen so far.

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