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Thread: [Guide] Trading advice and guidance - including price guides

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North-east England, UK
    Topics/posts in this thread

    1) Trading inside the guild versus Trading outside of the guild

    2) How the Trade Tab (Global-3/G3) works.

    3) How the Trade Office works

    4) Price Guides (Guild and Trade Office)
    Last edited by noxidjkram; 13.04.13 at 10:27.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
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    Apr 2012
    North-east England, UK
    1) Trading inside the guild versus Trading outside of the guild

    The Basics

    Trading allows you to exchange goods with another player. Examples of reasons to trade are:

    1) You have run out of a resource, and need some to progress with the game (e.g. placing or upgrading a building)

    2) You have produced more of a resource than you need, and would like to trade for gold coins which can then be used to buy other goods (e.g. save to buy a Noble Deed)

    3) You trade goods back and forth in the market to make profit (i.e. buy cheaper and sell more expensively)

    Guild and outside guild trading

    Inside the guild you may have a protected environment with guide prices to help guild members trade with each other at a fair rate of exchange.

    Trading within the Trade Office and Trade Tab are very different - here you have other players who wish to get maximum benefit out of their trades. This means that prices are subject to market conditions - and can be vastly different to those charged within the guild. See other topics within the thread to understand how the Trade Office/ Trade Tab work.

    The Etiquette

    It is a base assumption of trade within a guild that you are buying for personal use, e.g. building upgrades, producing settlers/troops etc. If you intend to buy goods cheaply (i.e at guild rates) from other guild members and subsequently trade them in Trade Office or Trade Tab for profit you MUST inform them that you will be doing so.

  3. #3
    Glorious Graduate
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    Apr 2012
    North-east England, UK
    2) How Global-3 (G3)/Trade Tab works

    The Basics

    The Trade Tab is one of your tabs in the chat window. This is also known as Global-3, or G3 for short. This is where you can see people offering goods for sale or trade, and you can also do the same.


    A lot of posts in the Trade Tab are full of acronyms. Some of the frequently used ones are:

    WTS: Wanted To Sell
    Generally, although not always, this means the seller has something to trade for gold coins

    WTT: Wanted To Trade
    Generally, although not always, this means the seller wants to trade or swap goods

    WTB: Wanted To Buy
    Generally, although not always, this means that the seller wants to buy something for gold coins

    W/M (or sometimes /wm): Whisper Me
    Usually used when a seller doesn't want to post a price in the open, and want buyers to offer prices by whispering them

    TO: Trade Office
    Usually used to indicate that the offered goods are already in the Trade Office, and can be easily found by searching for the sellers name

    PC: Price Check
    If a buyer/seller wants to find out other players estimates of the current trading price of goods. Any replies should be treated with caution.

    LS: Lootspot
    This is where you pay for a place on another players multi-player adventure, with the intention of gaining loot when the adventure is complete.

    Negotiating Terms

    Just because someone states a price, doesn't mean you have to pay it. You can try and get what you want for the price you'd like in a couple of ways:

    1) Post a counter trade
    2) Whisper the person, and make them an offer

    Making a Trade
    So... you have arranged with another player to exchange goods, or perhaps purchase a lootspot. How do you make the trade?

    Unless someone is in your friends list, or is in your guild, you cannot trade directly with them. Adding them as a friend won't be of immediate use, as there is a block on trading for 24 hours when adding a new friend. You should arrange with the other player for one of you to place your trade in the Trade Office, at the terms agreed, and then the other player can accept.

    Making a Trade - example

    You and another player agree to a trade of 10k marble for 275gc. To ensure that no-one else in the Trade Office accepts your trade, two trades will need to be placed in Trade Office as follows:

    - Seller of 10k marble places offers 1 fish for 275gc

    - Buyer of 10k marble places an offer of 1 fish for 10k marble

    Lootspot trades

    A little watchout, lootspots cannot be sold directly within the Trade Office - if you are trading a lootspot via the Trade Office then the seller should place a deal selling 1 fish (or similar) for the cost of the lootspot. The buyer should not post a deal selling the cost of the lootspot for 1 fish, because someone else will likely accept the deal before the seller can accept - payment would be lost!
    Last edited by noxidjkram; 13.04.13 at 10:22.

  4. #4
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North-east England, UK
    3) How the Trade Office works

    The Basics

    The Trade Office allows you to trade (i.e. buy and sell) goods with other players. All trades are time bound once a trade lot is placed - if not sold, it will expire and the goods will be returned to the sellers warehouse at the expiry/end time.

    Accessing Trade Office

    It can be accessed once you are a level 16 or higher player, and have built a Trade Office building on your island.

    Trade Office Examples

    1) A player wishes to make lots of gold coins, and is willing to wait
    This player will post a trade at an inflated price, knowing that another player will likely need his goods in a hurry and will be willing to pay more than the understood going rate. This is likely to be much higher than guild price.

    2) A player wishes to get gold coins quickly
    This player will post a trade at a price they believe is lower than the going rate, hoping to get gold coins more quickly. This is likely to be the same of perhaps lower than guild price.

    3) A player wishes to get resources cheaply
    This player will post a trade at a price they believe is lower than the going rate (or perhaps is what they can afford), and is willing to wait for another player who wishes to sell at this low rate of exchange. This will most likely be a pricer lower than guild price.

    Using the Trade Office

    The Trade Office has 3 Tabs - Buying, Selling and History.

    Buying - This allows you to view/purchase other players for sale items.

    Selling - This allows you to place items in the Trade Office for sale to other players.

    History - This allows you to view your Trade Office purchase/sales history.


    This allows you to view/purchase other players for sale items.

    A refresh button at the bottom left of the window will retrieve a list of currently available items. To the right, in the Filter area, you can apply a number of preset filters using the tick boxes. Also to the right, in the search area, you can apply a text filter to the items shown - this can search for a player name (e.g. noxidjkram) or specific goods (e.g. hardwood planks), and may be a partial word (e.g. noxi). Clicking the magnifying glass applies the currently selected filters. The text filter is based on all fields - if your text appears in Offer, Cost or User fields then the item will appear in the trade list.

    Arrows at the bottom of the screen allow you to navigate if there is more than one page of items available for your search. Clicking on the headers (Offer, Cost, User, Ends) will re-order the trade items based on the column header clicked. Clicking again will reverse the ordering (i.e. A-Z then Z-A).


    This allows you to place items in the Trade Office for sale to other players.

    You may place one or more trade lots in the Trade Office. A single trade lot is free, if you wish to have multiple trade lots at once then there is an additional cost for each lot - the more lots you add, the greater the cost for each additional lot. Additional lots for different items may be placed for trade using the Place Offer (Gems) or Place Offer (Gold) buttons.

    The Place Offer button will open a new window that allows you to select the item that you wish to trade and choose a quantity to sell, and then choose the item you wish to receive and an associated quantity. A central button allow you to then place the trade. Further additional lots of the same item may be placed using the centrally located "Add more lots" button. For items that may be sold in multiples, it is possible to place up to 4 trades in one lot at no additional cost using the slider prior to placing your trade.

    Note that some items may only be sold singly (e.g. Adventures).


    This allows you to view your Trade Office purchase/sales history.

    I've not really found this to be of a great deal of use. It is limited to your most recent transactions.


    Have you asked in the Guild first - it is often the case that resources bought within the guild will be good value, especially when compared to the Trade Office.

    Don't just accept the first reasonable looking offer in the Trade Office, have a look at other sellers, quantities and prices to get the best deal. If you have time, try placing a deal of your own for a price you'd like to pay - often enough you will get a cheap deal this way, which can be even cheaper than Guild Price!

    Other guides

    Last edited by noxidjkram; 13.04.13 at 10:26.

  5. #5
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North-east England, UK
    4) Price Guides (Guild and Trade Office)

    Links to guides

    - TSO Economy Guide

    - Settlers - Cene Resursa


    Please note that if you are an experienced trader then you will likely know your own buying and selling prices, especially if you specialise in the trading of specific goods for profit. These specialist prices are not appropriate for the guides above.
    Last edited by noxidjkram; 24.02.14 at 19:51.

  6. #6
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    On my park bench.

    gives an rough idea about the value of products.

    Big thanks to noxidjkram for making this thread!

  7. #7
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    On my park bench.
    Some other abbrivations that are used frequently for selling either adventures (in trade office) or lootspots:
    IOP = island of pirates
    sotv = sons of the field
    RB = roaring bull
    stfr = stealing from the rich
    sa = surprise attack
    vtv = victor the vicious
    bk = black knights
    dp = dark priest
    db = dark brotherhood

    mf = map fragments (also sometimes asked as payment for lootspots)

  8. #8
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Lancre by way of North Wales
    Hi noxidjkram, this guide is brilliant; thanks. Especially now that you have added the types of adventure, eg resource / experience. Keep up the great work.
    Many thanks, Jo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    For trading prices, I have found this tool which is absolutely gorgeous: you can select the server you are on and then select the resource you want to sell, the amount you want to sell and select the resource you want to get from trade. Then just click Calculate. You get the price range for the sold resource, as well as the average price.
    Plus a nice stock-exchange type running head with the most important resources and their value in GC

  10. #10
    Forum Explorer
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    Aug 2012
    W/M (or sometimes /wm): Whisper Me
    Usually used when a seller doesn't want to post a price in the open, and want buyers to offer prices by whispering them
    Or offen WMO = whisper me offer

    Quote Originally Posted by BBMF View Post
    For trading prices, I have found this tool which is absolutely gorgeous: ... You get the price range for the sold resource, as well as the average price.
    Plus a nice stock-exchange type running head with the most important resources and their value in GC
    Hm, it appears attractive, but imho absolutely unusable while you don't know how and when that average has been calculated. I've checked it more times in the last months, and never was as good as to look at the TO three-four times a day. If I'm well, it calculate a gross total average price from all of offers, and count a product on both side. So it does not work. A well designed "fair price index" should calculated on realized transactions only, and should not be an average, more likely a median. Should be distinguished the offer price and the demand price (that unusable wide ranges). Also, product to product transfers should be treated with caution when changing one side to GC. So, when that nice running header says, GGC is 0.875, and in next turn it is 0,572... it's time to start to suspect.
    Last edited by Brankovics; 22.12.13 at 16:58.

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