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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary Part 1

  1. #101
    Skilled Student
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    midlands uk
    [ Censored ]

    Please check the rules or your PM,
    Last edited by peck_ed; 05.05.13 at 21:41.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I like the way that BB puts a 100% offer together today - I wonder if this was across all servers. It would be a good way to judge peoples intent / levels of apathy regarding the lack of commitment to previously promised updates.

    I wonder how many sales where generated today compared to a normal 100% offer day? Probably a lot especially as its still near the beginning of the month and many people get paid at month end....

    P.S. Jason - hence why I didn't today but I imagine many others did....
    Last edited by fishslice; 05.05.13 at 22:05.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Censorship again huh ? Totalitarium regimes use it all the time, give nothing to the people, but they keep everything for themselves...

    And I really hope, that donations for gems will stop, becouse you don't deserve a penny more, for treating us like that. Giving nothing back to community, but empty promises.

    sooner or later, more people will figure it out, what kind of developers you are and quit playing this game. Figure, where you will get your wages from?

    do something about us lvl50 players soon, better with the new updates, becouse we are borred !!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #104
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    The 2 new buildings look like a writer and a paper maker, the ones definitely got a pen nib on the roof, not a bottle, lol

    As for the game, I'm only lvl 37 and i'm already finding the game really tedious, knowing that lvl 50 offers nothing for me when i get there kinda makes me wanna give up now. I'm sick of having to let my guild down because i am refusing to do the guild quests that chuck out adventures, I fell i should get to decide when i complete adventures, not the developers. ! new mini adventure, whilst fun to begin with, doesn't really cut it for me

    Also knowing that buildings like the damascene and cannon etc are pretty much useless, i have to ask, what is the point in trying to build up an island when i know i won't be unlocking anything of any use?. for those of us who refuse to spend money on gems to further the game it is really slow and such a chore to play this game, why would i want to spend money on a game where the dev's don't listen, don't give feedback and keep stalling the players over implementation of developments, for those of us who are not spending gems on loads of explorers and geologists finding resources is a chore, i say rather than have the cannon and damasc swords ect that are useless, why not replace them with

    granite mines
    exotic wood foresters and cutters

    It would be so much more logical that way, but then BB aren't interested in common sense and logic, they only care about hard cash and that is what's ruining this game.

  5. #105
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    TBH I do not see why a game, that pays wages to people to produce it, should be free. There is a lot of anger in the game about the gems. I have tried other games and found them to be far far worse - in fact you would not play for more than a few minutes without either paying out or leaving. The basis of this game is good you can get to level 50 without buying gems. Without the gem buyers there would not be a game the developers have to make a living. I am peeved with BB but I don't think the gem aspect of the game is the problem. They should have stuck to their original plans whatever they were. They never told us or gave us the chance to test them. They tantalised with granite deposits and repair of buildings and then just removed them. That meant they had to re-write the game back to the drawing board and maybe just maybe we would have enjoyed digging for granite and opting in or out of hitting each other's isle.

    The Pegi7 is strange too. But that should be another thread

  6. #106
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi TSO Community and BB,

    I'll get straight to the point.

    If we assume that L50 players are effectively being removed from the game and furthermore, if we also assume that PvP is in delay or even cancelled may I make a genuine and honest suggestion please.

    Why don't BB send all L50 players a unique invitation to the Closed Beta Anno game and perhaps throw in a little sweetener too.

    I have no wish to speak out of place and I have no wish to speculate or otherwise. I am simply covering a base based upon the above assumptions.

    In such circumstances it's a win/win :-)

    Nutters :-)

    PS - I really don't care about the history of how we arrived here - although I continue to have reservations regarding the BB "press machine" :-) And that's not a side swipe at Dantesama or any person within BB.

    PPS - I am not L50 - not even close ;-)
    Last edited by Nuttymut; 06.05.13 at 16:48.

  7. #107
    Skilled Student
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    Dec 2011
    London, UK
    One thing about gems is that surely they are meant to make the game 'easier' for anyone that uses them - i.e. help them progress through the game faster to level 50. Why would anyone want to speed up their progress when they can see what awaits them? I don't have any problem with paying for a game - you're right the game needs to pay it's own way - but BB doesn't seem to realise that the incentive to buys gems is getting smaller and smaller.

    They still seem to be invested in the game though, since they are releasing / planning to release new content, so there must be problems with adding L50+ content. The only thing I can think of is that they originally intended for the game to end at level 50, and perhaps there are some complications with the game code that make this difficult to do too. This suggests some appalling planning/development at the start, considering this is an online game that they seem to hope will have some longevity.

    Anyway, my main feedback is that BB really need to improve their communication as well as their development approach. They should be open and honest about shortcomings as well as new content, otherwise their reputation will be worthless. And they should manage their development better, to ensure fewer bugs are released to the live game.

    Finally, I would like to ask why maintenance cannot fix the issue that some guilds have with missing guild quests. The video released recently stated that when the game server is reinstated after maintenance there are several checks that are run to make sure things like troops don't go missing. I find it hard to believe that they cannot run a check to see if a guild has an active guild quest and if not allocate a new one. This wouldn't help those that are stuck with a guild quest that won't go away, I know, but it would at least fix one bug.

  8. #108
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Agreed Penguin, good points.

    When i first started playing there appeared to be Level 52 in the game. Certain aspects opened up for that level. So at that time we all believed the cap was 52. That disappeared some time later possibly when the granite deposits did as I think they were achieved at level 52. They have I think done quite a lot when you look back to February last year but the main problem as you say is 'communication' and 'development approach'. They bring up new developments, I think 'great' get renewed interest in the game and then it does not happen.

    I agree over guild quests too. Our guild has not had one since 22nd March and we have been told by Support that the developers are working on it but no idea when the problem will be resolved.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortallicus View Post
    TBH I do not see why a game, that pays wages to people to produce it, should be free.
    TBH I am not worried about BB and their income. If the wages need to be upped, Im sure there are some well payed, high ranked people who can hand in some. Drive a Toyota instead of a Mercedes. =) If gems would be required to continue the game at some point, thall be the day Ill stop playing the game. The game is not an good investment to spend money on. Maybe Im just a cheapskate, but hey, the best things in live are for free!
    (Sorry Mort, my dear guildmaster, not trying to disregard your opinion, just stating my own :P)

  10. #110
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dunyasha View Post
    TBH I am not worried about BB and their income. If the wages need to be upped, Im sure there are some well payed, high ranked people who can hand in some. Drive a Toyota instead of a Mercedes. =) If gems would be required to continue the game at some point, thall be the day Ill stop playing the game. The game is not an good investment to spend money on. Maybe Im just a cheapskate, but hey, the best things in live are for free!
    (Sorry Mort, my dear guildmaster, not trying to disregard your opinion, just stating my own :P)
    Hi Duny, my fault the post you are referring to should have had the quote from the post I was referring to. You have taken it a bit out of context. But in any event pay peanuts and what do you get? I don't know but I would think the game is making enough from gem buyers to warrant at least what they were originally promoting a level 52 cap etc. I can see why that makes people angry.

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