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Thread: [Guide] Guild Quest explained for newbies

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land Fexno's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    The Netherlands

    [Guide] Guild Quest explained for newbies

    You just joined a guild and they are asking you about something called a "Guild Quest",
    This post tries to answer the following questions:
    - What is it?
    - What can you do?
    - Why should you do it?

    What is it:
    The "Guild Quest" or GQ for short, consists of 2 parts.
    The first part I like to call the "Main Guild Quest" and the other part I like to call the "Personal Guild Quest"
    Each day around 2:00 am GMT there will be a new "Guild Quest". Preferably your guild already completed the previous "Guild Quest".
    Fortunately there is some leeway here, since the new "Guild Quest" will be placed in the "Waiting Quests" section of your quest book, and will only become active after the previous one is completed (or canceled by your guild leader).
    Just like the "Daily Quest", you cannot complete the "Personal Guild Quest" while it is placed in the "Waiting Quests" section of your quest book.
    To my understanding your guild does not receive a new "Guild Quest" when there is already a "Guild Quest" waiting.

    To illustrate, I took a few snapshots from my current "Guild Quest".
    (Please note that the name of the "Main Guild Quest" and the "Personal Guild Quest" will be different each day, also the amount of guild coins will differ depending on the size of your guild and your own level)

    Main Guild Quest:

    The name of the "Main Guild Quest" and its requirements are the same for every member of your guild.

    Personal Guild Quest (todo):

    The name of the "Personal Guild Quest" and its requirements are personal, but people around your level might have gotten the same one.

    Personal Guild Quest (completed):

    Don't forget to claim your reward, only then your "Personal Guild Quest" will count towards the number of members that completed their "Personal Guild Quest"

    Main Guild Quest (after personal guild quest was completed):

    This is how it should look when you completed your "Personal Guild Quest", but others members still have to complete their "Personal Guild Quest"

    Waiting Guild Quest (the quest can't be completed while it is shown in this section):

    What can you do:
    You should complete your "Personal Guild Quest" as soon as you can.
    In some guilds you are expected to send a mail to the guild leader (or another member) to tell him you completed the "Guild Quest".

    Why should you do it:
    Completing your "Personal Guild Quest" gives you a small amount of guild coins, when enough members complete their "Personal Guild Quest" the "Main Guild Quest" is completed and all members receive a large amount of guild coins.
    Guild coins can be spent at the Merchant, in the "Guild Market" section. The available items will change over time, so if you don't see usefull items now, just hold on to your guild coins and you can spend them later.
    The higher level you are the more guild coins you get for completing your "Personal Guild Quest" and the guild completing the "Main Guild Quest"

    Additional info
    When you leave a guild (or are removed from the guild) it takes 24 hours before you can join a guild
    Last edited by Fexno; 06.08.15 at 20:22. Reason: added waiting guild quest image (thanks Gamla!)

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land Fexno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Netherlands
    I created this thread, so I can give a link to a new guild member to explain what the guild quest is and what he should do.

    The link you can copy-paste into chat:

    or if you prefer the short link:
    Last edited by Fexno; 06.08.15 at 20:21.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land Fexno's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    The Netherlands
    Feel free to comment, I'll try and update the first post as soon as I can

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Hi, i am interested, what are the conditions to receive a guild quest? I have a guild and 3 members. Is there a member limit after which we receive the guild quest? Or is there a lvl limit, because we are 30+ lvl. Thanks for help in advance.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kukisz View Post
    Hi, i am interested, what are the conditions to receive a guild quest? I have a guild and 3 members. Is there a member limit after which we receive the guild quest? Or is there a lvl limit, because we are 30+ lvl. Thanks for help in advance.
    You need 10 active members to be able to receive a guild quest.
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Thanks for help.

  7. #7
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Is there a set ratio of guild coins per level of player? and also how many per the number of members in a guild?

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    • Daily guild quests are split into different groups to match the level of the player: 10-18, 19-25, 26-35, 36-45 and 45-50
    • The number of members in your guild will affect which guild quests you will receive. The level ranges are: 10-20, 21-35, 36-55 and 56-100 members
    • The amount of guild coins received after finishing a quest(s) depends on the player level and guild size

    Taken from here
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2012
    Is there a cap on how many members need to complete their daily quest? For example, if there are 50 members in a guild would the main guild quest ask for 50 members to complete their daily quest?

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Letishia10 View Post
    Is there a cap on how many members need to complete their daily quest? For example, if there are 50 members in a guild would the main guild quest ask for 50 members to complete their daily quest?
    If I'm not mistaken it's 80% of active (logged on the day before) members that need to complete it.
    I'm more than likely working right now.

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