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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary part 2: Science System

  1. #11
    Original Serf
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    Aug 2012
    lvl 50 players are a burden for BB they want all theese players out so there are place to new players to milk witout complaining

  2. #12
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Sounds interesting. I like the ideas. I don't see a currently full island being too much of a problem i have just decided at 48 to take out my hardwood cutters and foresters , I am sure there are others i could get rid of too. Currently I have to have a lot of mines maybe i could have a few less if I find more efficient ones so more licences available again. Re-vamping your island a few times over i think is a fun part of the game. I would like different colour garrisons to go with the name idea. Blue for Bertie, Red for Reggie

    I would rather though see other things we have requested put in before the 13th June. Though this is not the place for that discussion.

    As for BB finding level 50's a burden i dont agree with that. Many are proven gem buyers not like newbies so it would be in their interest to increase the interest in the game for the 50's. They have also had the experience of running guilds which are important in keeping players within the game.
    Last edited by Mortallicus; 09.05.13 at 16:11.

  3. #13
    Nifty nikovchi's Avatar
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    I like this new addition to the game. Let's hope there won't be a too big time gap between geos improvement and explorers/generals.

  4. #14
    Skilled Student
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    I agree with what someone else has said, there is nothing here for the much higher level players, especially those at level 50.

    I'm level 44 and my island is completely full on the land and i have about 30 spaces left in the water. If the islands are not increased in size then these buildings are pointless to some of us. I have perfected my production so i can produce a nice amount of resources to suit my needs and provide me with surplus to sell. To construct any of these new buildings will require me to destroy an entire production line. Not really worth it to be honest.

    At least increase the building limit or allow more floating houses to be purchased to make more available space on the island.

  5. #15
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BobLurker View Post
    This development worries me. I've seen this happen before.

    This new science system brings complexity and detail, but to no great effect on the actually gameplay. The skills it gives geologists are effectively just permanent buffs. Did we really need an entire science tree of additional buildings to fit on our islands, just to achieve permanent buffs to specialists? I suppose it's one way of doing it, but it smacks of complicating things just for the sake of it. Surely the same skills would be more logically achieved by specialists through accumulating experience. If my geologist has searched for the same copper mine a thousand times, don't you think he might have got a bit better at it after a while?

    I don't want to pre-judge, but I'm worried about the direction things are taking. Did anyone ask for this? I've seen lots of requests and suggestions, but no great clamour for what it is we're being given. If all the development is going into new tech trees and complexity, rather than new adventures, new content for high levels and fresh challenges that will keep us interested for more than the couple of days it will take to learn a new tech tree, then I'm not hopeful for the future. Sorry to be a bit down about this, but I really have seen this sort of uncalled for and pointless complexity be introduced in other games and it didn't add to the experience. I hope I'm wrong.
    Dont worry dude, they are not design 7 new buildings just for geos, think about general and explorers too

  6. #16
    Dedicated Scribe
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    looks interesting, I just hope the amount of buildings needed isn't too crazy, I almost have a full island and if previous upgrades are anything to go by then you will need 2 of a lower production building per higher one, something like:

    4x Simple Papermill
    2x Finesmith

    4x Intermediate Papermill
    2x Lettersmith

    4x Advanced Papermill
    2x Ornamentalsmith

    1x Bookbinder

    = 19 buildings

    19 extra spaces is a lot to find and keep organised (ie not just scattered anywhere like my wells usually are) if it does come to that.

    The upgrades for geologists could be a expanded a bit more, along with some adjustments. For example, I tend to send out the same number of geologists that I need to find depleted mines, the bonus to find two deposits would be a complete waste of time for me, something which halved the time taken to search would be better.

    This system could be used to add in the unused features which got removed before, ie searching for granite/exotic wood if you spend enough on research to open these options up.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Nice new buildings it would go really well with a nice new island.
    Or at least picture this at lvl 45+(50+) you discover that an evil wizard, which, warlord (insert random cool epic bad guy) concealed a part of your island and you only known about half of your island. Than you set out on an epic Q chain to claim the other half. This would solve building place ad lot more content if you make it really hard it keeps high lvl players busy for some time. Balancing more PVE is easier than balancing PVP, and in the mean time maybe you can figure out a direction for the game.
    Regarding the new content ....anything new is welcomed because it brings a breath of fresh air to the game.

  8. #18
    Keen Commentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeddyTheWise View Post
    Dont worry dude, they are not design 7 new buildings just for geos, think about general and explorers too
    Yes, but at the end of it all we will still end up clicking a geo and sending him to search - nothing will change about that. A whole complicated and expensive tech tree that we have to develop, simply to have a few additions to what a geo finds?

    Maybe you'll be right about something much different happening with generals and explorers, but at the moment this just looks like needless complication that won't enhance the gameplaying experience. Like I said though, I hope I'm wrong.

  9. #19
    Veteran Communicator Brayarg's Avatar
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    BB_Dantesama and colleagues, Thank you for the new content. Know atleast some of us are grateful for all your hard work.

  10. #20
    Skilled Student Eschatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esko1122 View Post
    lvl 50 players are a burden for BB they want all theese players out so there are place to new players to milk witout complaining
    agree 100% the game is full, it's pretty much over, theres no way they can expand it, they've proven it's beyond their capabilities What is left is to make little changes to keep those leveling up interested and stay in the market.
    Some they learn, some thy burn...

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