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Thread: Last blocks on Traitors

  1. #1
    Skilled Student C__C's Avatar
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    Question Last blocks on Traitors

    Recently done traitors a couple of times. Using Tages and blocking methods of camp 9 for attacking the Castle the 1r blocks never last long enough and the general attacking the castle gets intercepted. The two guides have different garrison placements.

    I was wondering if this was down to new paths since guides written, or lag, or...any suggestions? Thanks People. CC.

  2. #2
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Might seem a daft question, but you are using the original 'slow' generals for the block, and not a fast one?
    Seen that happen before.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  3. #3
    Skilled Student C__C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Might seem a daft question, but you are using the original 'slow' generals for the block, and not a fast one?
    Seen that happen before.
    I was under the impression that all generals marched at the same rate, do they not???

    I do use normal generals for the 1r blocks, yes. So using a BH gen would make a difference? Can't sacrifice my vet really.

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor
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    They do march at the same speed, but BHG/Veterans finish a fight faster. And if you want to keep a camp busy to let the others pass, that's just what you dont want to do. So for the block, the normal generals are often the best.

  5. #5
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Promethos View Post
    They do march at the same speed, but BHG/Veterans finish a fight faster. And if you want to keep a camp busy to let the others pass, that's just what you dont want to do. So for the block, the normal generals are often the best.
    Unfortunately, they don't march at the same speed. The Grim Reaper and Vet are both known to overtake others on occasion, and the GR and sometimes the Stronghelmet generals can also pass even the Vet when travelling between maps.

  6. #6
    Keen Commentor
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    Travelling between maps is a whole different subject. The veteran/BH/Grim take just 15 minutes, while it takes the normal general 30 minutes to get to a different island. But for blocking that's not imporant.

    While marching to a camp to attack, they do walk at the same speed. A while back there was the 'skipping generals' phenomenon. Lots of lag caused generals to do all kind of weird things and suddenly overtake generals. But that's not the game-mechanics, and I thin doesn't happen anymore since a fix came out.

  7. #7
    Skilled Student C__C's Avatar
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    Thank you for your informed replies.

    It would seem that the BHG fighting faster than a regular general would explain why the round block I am having trouble with could have failed. Thanks for that, I didn't realise they fought quicker.

    For the 1r block, it must just simply be a timing issue as I have been using regular generals. I am going to try placing the normal generals garrison 1 position further away from the enemy camp to give the main attack general just a little bit longer.

    Any other ideas/comments of course very welcome. CC.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Maybe check out this blocking calculation tool that has been made, means you can manually work out when you need to send the blocks
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  9. #9
    Enlightened Sage
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    Did it yesterday, worked fine for me.

  10. #10
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Promethos View Post
    Travelling between maps is a whole different subject. The veteran/BH/Grim take just 15 minutes, while it takes the normal general 30 minutes to get to a different island. But for blocking that's not imporant.

    While marching to a camp to attack, they do walk at the same speed. A while back there was the 'skipping generals' phenomenon. Lots of lag caused generals to do all kind of weird things and suddenly overtake generals. But that's not the game-mechanics, and I thin doesn't happen anymore since a fix came out.
    Yes, it is a different although related subject.
    But it still remains that the GR even if sent several minutes after the Vet will still arrive up to 2 minutes earlier which is bizarre. I really must get the stopwatch on these to see if the Vet is travelling slow, or if the GR is just on steroids!

    Unfortunately, when marching to a camp, there are certain advs where they clearly do not march at the same speed.
    Two advs in particular are very prone to this, Isle of Pirates and Black Knights can be chaotic if you don't take this into account. The trouble is, it doesn't always happen so you often have to plan for the worst, and be ready to hit that retreat button.
    On IoP, using Tage's guide, when you send the 3 generals off for the final conflict, if you send them all at the same time the Vet quite often overtakes the 2nd general, so I usually count to 5 before releasing him, then watch closely in case he does the opposite, and becomes too far detached from the other 2.
    On BK, it's that very first block, the random nature of the walking time makes it very prone to going disastrously wrong.
    I've done some where everything goes to plan, then other times like last Tuesday night, it went absolutely haywire and almost stuffed the entire adventure, I finished it with 5 'dead' generals out of 7, and fortunately had enough reserves to call up to cover for the losses incurred.
    In brief, what happened was: the 1st block started, the 2nd intercept was just going off when it became apparent that generals 3 and 4 had caught up, and both of those got pulled into intercepts, which then turned into something out of Monty Python as the 2nd block began, they headed off to other camps, and the 1st block finished rather quicker than anticipated. I just managed to retreat them, but the other two were already lost and had the lag been worse, I probably couldn't have saved them either.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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