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Thread: You should be a careful!

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Exclamation You should be a careful!

    I'm very disappointed how support and Bluebyte handles things.

    I was on level 49, almost 50, and got reseted back to level 1 because a bug. When game was loading it gave me a message: An error was
    detected on this zone. Please try again. Support gave me instructions to solve the problem but it didn't help. Support told me that he has tried to remove the problem again but they may need to actual reset my account if I'm still having issue after this. And the issue was still there..

    So they told me that the type of blocked zone I have can’t be removed and this leaves us no choice but to reset my account back to level 1. And they said:

    When we reset your account you will be issued the below items.

    Gems purchased will be automatically placed back on your account in your case that will be xxxxx
    We will replace any building purchased using event resources (eggs, presents etc)
    We will issue once again the last 3 gift email that have been sent by our community team
    As well as a starter kit to get you going again.

    8.000 Stone
    8.000 Planks
    8.000 Tools

    5.000 Marble
    5.000 Real Planks
    5.000 Coins

    3.000 Granite
    3.000 Exotic Planks
    3.000 Map Parts

    Even thought you will be back at level one the above should be enough materials to give you a good start on getting back into the game

    Ok, very nice but [ Jeepers ]!!

    I was on lvl 49 half way to 50 and I have spent huge amount of time playing this game. And this is their solution, just reset my account and give "some" stuff back. How about all the experience that I have achieved and how about all those materials (coins, granite, EWP..) that has gone in upgrades and so on..? And I have bought noble deeds, watermills, silos, got castles etc.. I have invited lot of players in to TSO and I have given a feedback about the game and development. Now I'm going to stop playing this after reset and I'm pretty sure there will be lot of people who aren't impressed about this and won't put any more money in to this game. Just reseting all with a little compensation of small amout resources is not a good way to handle this.

    And why I wrote this to here cause people should think twice spending time to this game...

    I understand this is frustrating, but please be careful with terms used
    Last edited by peck_ed; 30.05.13 at 14:41.

  2. #2
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Playing since december 2011? You should ask them to give you all the weekly gem rewards between then and now that you've now lost. In my mind, that would be the minimum compensation for a long term player who's suffered a major bug.

  3. #3
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hello Miciz,

    I am very sorry that you had to reset your account. This bug is rare but very damaging when it happens.

    Your frustration is completely justified, I also understand why you wouldn't want to spend anymore time on the Settlers Online.

    Although the compensation will never truly replace your loss, it is the best Support can offer. I hope you understand.

    This is a hard bug to tackle, I will inform you guys immediately if I get any updates on this.


    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  4. #4
    Town Councillor
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    Jun 2012
    BB_Dantesama on test server they can make you an island with all level 5 buildings and make you level 50 instantly.. I fail to understand why here "it is the best Support can offer" ?

    I get the feeling its not the best they can offer it is all they can be bothered to offer... someone is rubbing there hands going "yup another lvl 50 gone to make room for some more cash cows"

    I guarentee if this happened on German server Miciz would have his island, level and items back to exactly how it was before.

    I personally have already stopped spending any more money on this game I hope this post will open peoples eyes and they do the same until something drastic is done.
    Last edited by PChamps; 30.05.13 at 15:20.

  5. #5
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Indeed, there was an island set up once for all users on the Test Server.

    Yet you should know that our test server is different from our live server, we can afford to make "mistakes" and try new things out, there are no direct consequences when we make changes like these.
    If there are major problems, don't forget that a test server can be wiped at any time, not the live server.

    It differs on a live gameworld. There are millions of ongoing complex changes made by players all the time. The risks are way too high for us to create an island from scratch, it could create a serious bad domino effect.

    A wipe will never be appreciated by anyone, I understand that.
    However, no, we never created islands for players on live game worlds due to the reasons mentioned above. It is simply too risky.

    Please contact the support if you wish to discuss this, as a Community Manager I am sorry, but I cannot help you more at this point.
    I can just tell you this was never done on a live gameworld so far.


    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  6. #6
    Town Councillor
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    Jun 2012
    Thank you for quick reply BB_Dantesama

    No further questions.

  7. #7
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Dantesama View Post
    Indeed, there was an island set up once for all users on the Test Server.

    Yet you should know that our test server is different from our live server, we can afford to make "mistakes" and try new things out, there are no direct consequences when we make changes like these.
    If there are major problems, don't forget that a test server can be wiped at any time, not the live server.


    Sorry, but this doesn't really make sense to me.
    This problem was first identified by we, the players, on the aforementioned test server along with many more.
    These should have been tackled there and not imported to the Live servers.
    I even begged BB on this very forum not to allow these bugs to go 'Live', and many other players have also voiced this concern.
    I would really like to see the Devs spend a considerable time going back over bugs that have been reported, before introducing any more new content. This includes the ones that they "think have already been fixed", even though reports are still being made that prove they have not been.
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  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate IMarduk's Avatar
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    *gulp - faints*

    having hard time believing what i read, never thought this was possible to happen........

    ♥♥♥ Thank You BB_Ravel and Dantesama! ♥♥♥

  9. #9
    Skilled Student
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Dantesama View Post
    The risks are way too high for us to create an island from scratch, it could create a serious bad domino effect.
    You should give enough materials for player to build the island back to its glory. I think players could handle 8 days update time, if you gave them resources to rebuild and not some little amount to "get you going again". Calculating might take little time, but that would be the very least blue byte should do.
    Last edited by Gorefield; 31.05.13 at 10:13.

  10. #10
    Quartermaster Isvoor's Avatar
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    May 2012
    So sorry for you, Miciz! :/

    Giving the exactly same island back would be the best thing to compensate, of course, but if that is not possible, cant support give the experience points back? If even that is too much, maybe the same experience amount could be 'payed' in small parts during a period of time, for example?
    "That cat is staring me in a nasty way... just take the photo quick and run!"
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