The Bookbinder creates books from materials created by the Finesmith, Lettersmith, Ornamentalsmith, Simple Papermill, Intermediate Papermill and the Advanced Papermill
Building Unlock Level
Building Costs
20 Pinewood Plank 80 Stone
Building Licence Used
Manuscript | Tome | Codex
Used Resource
Coin | Nib | Simple Paper | Letter | Intermediate Paper | Manuscript | Book Fitting | Advanced Paper |
Building Class
Intermediate Building
Production For
Geologist Science Tree
Consumption For
Finesmith | Lettersmith | Ornamentalsmith | Simple Papermill | Intermediate Papermill | Advanced Papermill
Upgrade Cost
Times to make a book
level 1: 60h 72h 84h
level 2: 30h 36h 47h
level 3: 20h 24h 28h
level 4: 15h 18h 21h
level 5: 12h 14h 24m 16h 48m
Books cost increase
Manuscript (Increases per 10)
- 250 + 200 + 10 = 1 (1 to 10)
- 275 + 220 + 11 = 1 (11 to 20)
- 305 + 240 + 12 = 1 (21 to 30)
- 335 + 265 + 13 = 1 (31 to 40)
- 365 + 295 + 15 = 1 (41 to 50)
- 405 + 320 + 16 = 1 (51 to 60)
- 445 + 355 + 18 = 1 (61 to 70)
- 490 + 390 + 19 = 1 (71 to 80)
- 535 + 430 + 21 = 1 (81 to 90)
- 590 + 470 + 24 = 1 (91 and above)
Tome (Increases per 20)
- 250 + 200 + 1 = 1 (1 to 20)
- 350 + 240 + 2 = 1 (21 to 40)
- 420 + 290 + 3 = 1 (41 to 60)
- 505 + 345 + 4 = 1 (61 to 80)
- 605 + 415 + 5 = 1 (81 and above)
Codex (Increases per 30)
Special thanks to:
- Esprism on tsotesting for the numbers.
- Our own Fexno for the post