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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: The Fairy Tale Adventure

  1. #101
    Original Serf Doodoopops's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    It all looks and sounds great.. I just hope that you will dedicate some time to fixing the bugs that have become very frustrating and prevent the likes of me finishing quests that should have been finished along time ago..

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    just great can't wait to have that castle

  3. #103
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Gytha_Ogg View Post
    Do you really need a population limit of over 5k? If so why?
    Err yes, or you'll never complete the "have an army of over 8,000" quest.

    But it's really a matter of choice how people want to play, some wish for a large population to have sufficient troops to spam several adventures per day.
    Others would like to keep their silos AND marble masons, as you well know the trading element is dominant in the game (I do wish the balance would shift back towards the more traditional Settlers type of game), and marble sells quite well.
    Similar arguments for brew, and tools are key for ramping up mines to supply these hyped up economies. Horsies are notoriously greedy for both wheat and water, so several popular adventures that go through cavalry would maybe become less popular?

    I've tried it both ways, having 2 'large' economies, and leaving the 3 others fairly minimalist. Before the insanity of the guild, side and daily quests demanding do this adventure, do that adventure, the 3 small ones coped quite well, ambling through the levels at their own pace, but the game changed and they could not cope with the pressures put upon them. Gradually, they are being forced closer to the size of the other two to keep up with the demands now put upon them.
    BB never thought these through properly, or if they did the changes appear quite cynical.
    Anyone who played the game would have baulked at introducing them.
    You will see a classic example after the maintenance where just to trigger the 1st part of one of the Science System chains of quests, you are expected to produce 1200 gold ingots per 12 hours.
    I tried it with my reasonably capable Level 3 Gold Smelter, and even when buffed could only get to 348. Even chucking a valuable 4x buff at it still only gets you half way.
    Upgrading it to Level 4 has now set me right back on another current quest to accumulate 10,000 granite at a time where explorer searches and loot drops have dropped off the chart, and trading prices are farcical.
    Therefore, I now have to build another 3 levels of Gold Smelter at least, and chuck away rare buffs just to get this quest chain started. The cheapest way would be to build 3 more Level 1s, then demolish them after, but that would take 4 buffs to complete the quest.
    The alternative is to build 1 more level 3, you save 2 of the buffs but chuck away vast quantities of h/w planks, marble and gold to do so. (Did someone suggest demolishing marble masons?).

    Does anybody else remember the 'old days', where we were told that we could dip in and out of the game as we pleased? That we could take things at our own pace?
    Nowadays, forget that. The onus is on building huge 'ramped-up' economies, continually buffed (which is some of the cause of lag), and large populations to support large armies as quest after quest demands adventuring.
    No wonder space and licences are at a premium. When did this change from being a 'game' to being a 'job'?
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Gytha_Ogg View Post
    I see a lot of people claiming to have no space on their islands, may I just ask all of you who are doing so to step back and take very analytical and critical look at your home islands.

    Do you really need a population limit of over 5k? If so why?

    Do you really need as many silo's? And if you do maybe You don't need as many marble masons if you are not replanting fields every day, who knows may be even a tool maker may be able to go too. Friaries replace 4 breweries, floating residencies can replace nobles and a level 5 watermill can replace 5 wells

    Yes I know it would be hard to demolish those L5 buildings but I would do it in a heartbeat.

    All speaking as a player of course.
    I too would love to see an island covered with all L5 buildings. I can not imagine how anybody could fill the entire island with L5 buildings only.

    Screen shots please.

  5. #105
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Gytha_Ogg View Post
    I see a lot of people claiming to have no space on their islands, may I just ask all of you who are doing so to step back and take very analytical and critical look at your home islands.
    As Gytha asks - what do you really need on your islands? And if you can't or won't adapt to these new challenges, then what?

    I understand that high level buildings cost a lot of resources - they always do in every other game I have played. Change is difficult, but it may be more rewarding than the status quo.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuffinMule View Post
    So you don't want granite mines and tit ore deposits?
    Both Level 52.
    Where are these deposits? Currently you can get them from adventures.

    Also- if they were to add these new deposit types. they could easily add it to the lvl 50 players. why do they need to raise level cap for this ?

    my point raising lvl cap is very artificial. it's not like you're gaining stats points per level you go up added to your general or something.
    Last edited by RonPope; 11.06.13 at 22:56.

  7. #107
    Veteran Communicator Brayarg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RonPope View Post
    Where are these deposits? Currently you can get them from adventures.
    They use to exist on the geologist search page, but they got removed long ago, you started playing in March 2012, you must remember them... think back... way back

  8. #108
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    I think there are a lot of space on the island as is. Most people 'seem' to run out is because of poor planning and placement. A lot of people are wasting space doing the perfect efficient setup. But if you go back to the island and start moving things around and plan the grid out so you can make buildings fit as compactly as possible (granted you won't get the perfect formation of efficiency as you might want), you'll find there is plenty of space.

    I've seen a lot of islands that are full but I also see they're doing some placements that are just horrible where they could milk out extra buildings into the space.

    for example It's like a tile area can fit 3 but they decided to plop down a building smack in the middle and they lose out the other 2 spots as a result.

    there is a lot of tetris like planning in this game.
    Last edited by RonPope; 11.06.13 at 23:19.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    (I do wish the balance would shift back towards the more traditional Settlers type of game)
    I do love the idea of a traditional settlers type of game. But those types of games are based on a per map (level/mission) design.
    Each mission/map you start from scratch until you complete the objective (which is usually wipe out the other NPC on the map) and then you move on to the next map repeating the same thing.

    It would be great if they had similar "Adventures" that tells in game story, which missions, and when you complete the map, you get to carry back 'some' of resources that built up from those adventures. More like an economy adventure with the combat.

    The old settlers, was also a 'capture' the towers to capture the zones. All production buildings get removed if you capture the tower. And the NPC doing that to you means you lose your buildings too.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brayarg View Post
    They use to exist on the geologist search page, but they got removed long ago, you started playing in March 2012, you must remember them... think back... way back
    I guess removing them was a good idea. because it forces people to go on adventures now to get them. otherwise, everybody would just be farming them on their island without ever doing an adventure. (of course they can also be acquired through the explorer and trading). We don't need more deposit nodes. They're more of a chore right now than anything. Thank god for the new Gold Towers.

    We already have a list of chores as is.

    1. rebuild water wells for those who don't have enuf watermills.
    2. rebuild wheat field for those who don't have enuf silos.
    3. rebuild meat for those who don't have deerhuts
    4. rebuild fish deposits.
    5. rebuild cooper mines for those who don't have unlimited cooper mines
    6. rebuild gold mines.
    7. rebuild iron mines.
    8. search for marbles.
    9. search for stones.

    Do we really need to add more chores like granite mines?

    These things are chores. We don't need them.
    We need interesting adventures/quests. PVP?
    PVE island economy with mix of combat?

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