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Thread: [Contest] Settlers: The Movie

  1. #11
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Aug 2012

    Dark Night

    Settlers: Dark Night

    What if evil doesn't really exist? What if evil is something dreamed up by setttlers, and there is nothing to struggle against, except out own limitations?

    But evil does exist and this very evil threatens to extinguish every living thing. It waits for the perfect moment to strike our town, our homes and all that we hold most dear. Brought back from the deepest of thoughts by the Swamp Witch, this new image of darkness prepares in silence to unleash his power onto the settlers nearby. The Dark High Priest has risen once more to retake the land that was once his own.

    The armies of recruits and soldiers that once defeated this evil have long been disbanded. All that remained behind is the general that led those armies into battle. Now a veteran of war, he may be rusty but far from old and far from giving up on his home town and fellow settlers.

    You may be a hunter, a brewer or even a baker but you are still a settler, one with a duty to your community, family and kingdom. Your general needs YOU to take the fight into the night, the Dark Night comes... so join us as a proud Recruit!

    Coming soon in theaters near you - Settlers: Dark Night
    A Chris Roberts film
    With Jason Statham as Veteran General
    and others
    Original Artwork found HERE
    Last edited by stefanceltare; 14.06.13 at 07:11. Reason: typos

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Vengeance - The Settlers online.

    The General is victorious, your troops will now return home, as the witch is defeated.
    But as your army leaves, the witch crawls from the swamp, unseen and barely alive, having survived the campaign into her lands. She looks around her island, tears welling in her eyes, a rage building in her that cannot be quelled until her blood lust is sated!
    She begins to chant, her body glowing as a purple light surrounds her entirely. As the light fades, the old witch is gone, and a young woman remains. She gathers herself and begins her journey seeking out the leaders of bandit groups and various armies to plead her case for vengeance on general who took everything from her! As the weeks go on, the army grows in size, lead by her new leading general, Victor the Vicious.
    Tension holds your isle as word reaches you of the witch's plans, brought forth by raiding parties led by Olaf Grimtooth and his Viking warriors.
    Your island cannot stand alone against the threat of this witch's revenge, you will need the help of your guild members to defeat the evil witch
    once and for all.
    An epic battle stands on the horizon, and the fate of all settlers will be decided one way or another ...

    Directed by Mel Gibson

    Dame Helen Mirren as the old witch / Megan Fox as the younger witch
    Dwane (the rock) Johnston as Olaf Grimtooth
    Robert Downey Jnr as Victor the Vicious
    Will Smith as the Battle Hardened General

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Portsmouth PO1. UK
    It would have to be a Cartoon/Animation. Real live actors etc wouldn't look right for the duration of the film. Or a real person playing the game in the first few minutes and then the camera zooms in on the computer screen and turns into a Cartoon/Animation for the rest of the film.

    Or kind of like half & half, like "Fungus the Bogeyman" film.

    Voices of:
    Roger Moore for a Mayor?
    Nicholas Cage - A General.
    Johnny Depp - Another General.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    In the old, old times there was Gondor largest village, famous for its seven king who founded the village.
    The first four kings are quickly killed in the fight for the preservation of the village.
    remained three kings: the first named Theodor
    other Aenorstraker,
    and the third, which was the strongest and most respected king
    The largest among them BB_Dantesama wanted to appropriate all
    kingdom for him, but they were the only obstacle to the king Theodor and the king Aenorstraker.
    has passed a lot of time and BB King had declared war until recently his best friends.
    Gondor in the smell of war, people are leaving the village fearing and fearing for his life. KINGS Theodor and Aenorstraker king has collect army all that they found from ordinary recruit, the knight ,and horseman...
    It's been five long years of war, and the kings have lost their military is the only BB King had another pet Five thousands of soldiers.
    It was winter, it was a day when the kings cross swords for the last time, the day is known as the 'last day,.
    BB King with his five thousand soldiers attacked the army with about two thousand. however BB King noted that other kings are not field.BB went to court where they were hiding kings Theodor and Aenorstraker. these kings were so afraid of BB sword that killed themselves
    people began to return to the village, they were happy and had a lot of money. everything looked as if the war had not happened, but all of them were much more satisfied with the King BB.
    bb king reigned (458-387) years before the new ere.some believe that his ghost still wanders, and also that it was the best king in the history of mankind.

    Director: lords of knights david mc
    the novel: 7 King
    starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. and Michael Gambon

  5. #15
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
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    Moved some posts that were off topic, let's get back to the contest now please.

    Thank you

    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  6. #16
    Nifty Merkraad's Avatar
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    BB_Dantesama , could I post my entry without a poster, and add the poster later editing the post?


  7. #17
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Merkraad View Post
    BB_Dantesama , could I post my entry without a poster, and add the poster later editing the post?

    Of course you can.


    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  8. #18
    Original Serf JohnnyRocker's Avatar
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    my house
    Settlers the Movie

    based on real live events
    medieval style theme (like in game of thones)

    Movies start with the birth of a baby boy Fred and his young life in a settlers town, learning to read, going to school and stuff. (bit boring)

    Then he joins the Grand Army of his King JohnnyRocker at a young age (15) his family are so proud and honored, he start to train to be a great warrior untill he comes of age (18) and becomes a Recruit (bit like in rocky IV with dolph training lot of skills/fight training in many fighting styles)

    Then he returns home from the barracks and meets a girl from the town they have a short romance and falls in love just before he gets called to war (boring bit) they only have 1 farwell kiss (kinda girly love story bit (yuck))

    so he heads to war with the grand army and army so massive and mighty there marching makes the mountins shake and crack and crumble to dust (kool cgi as they march to war)

    with the armys massed on the battlefield, rank after rank of great warriors, horsemen and bowmen all lined up in massive columns with there banners held high (a big formation looks amazeing cgi) faceing down a small tower with a witch in it (look easy) and the call goes out from there King Johnny to attack, the Recruits and Fred, charged the tower, they charge with a great battle cry, 1000's of Recruits run to the tower and every single one of them get's wiped out includeing our hero Fred (hahahaha), then like 10 horsemen follow in finish off the tower (without any losses) and the army turns and leaves to head home leaving 1000's of dead Recruits to rot

    the King was happy to return home with the rest of his army intact and had great party to celerbrate, the bowmen, longbowmen, crossbowmen, horsemen, milita, solders and cannons all partyed all night till dawn at local brewery ( Johnny paid ) )

    the young girl who lover Fred (that Recruit fella from before) see's the king at dawn come forwards and ask the king "why WHY so many others returned but no Recruits" (with tears running down her face) the Great King Johnny takes her by the hand and say's
    "Recruits are rubbish, they all die, there only cheap to train" (lmao)

    end of the movie
    (you know we all do it )

    ( my first story was better it had flying monkeys and a green eyed monster )
    Last edited by JohnnyRocker; 15.06.13 at 21:10. Reason: because i can :)

  9. #19
    Nifty Merkraad's Avatar
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    Uploaded with

    The Settlers: The Man With The Bronze Sword

    A tale of love, blood and betrayal - brought to you by director Quentin Tarantino!

    The story of a simple man, a retired bandit turned Recruit, that stands between The Kingdom and vicious bandits. He fights on the battlefields and fends off villainous plots inside the capitol’s walls, in search of his wife and the King’s Gold!

    The Recruit (Mickey Rourke) had won the hearts of the people with his combat prowess, witty smile, stylish beard and funny hat. Now he faces his ultimate challenge, as the biggest Gold shipment ever has been stolen from The King (Mark Addy) - and all evidence points to him! As if that wasn't bad enough, The Recruit’s wife - the Pretty Noble Girl (Rose McGowan) also vanished mysteriously. Using knowledge from his bandit days, The Recruit hopes to find the hidden Gold to clear his name and honor, and reunite with his loving wife - all before The Kingdom collapses from the social unrest and poverty.

    Standing in his way is The Recruit’s own father-in-law, The Veteran General (Cristoph Waltz). The educated, well groomed, proudly mustache bearer and ever suspicious General did not agree to the marriage, and since then he has tried to make The Recruit’s life as hard as possible. That includes sending him in suicide attacks against the most well defended Bandit camps; and when combat failed, he tried to bore or embarrass him away with endless high-society dinners, with excessive cutlery and complicated 21 course meals. While The Recruit was angry about never being promoted to Elite Soldier - let alone to a simple Militia - he endured to prove himself to his treacherous father-in-law, out of love for his daughter.

    Now the General prepares to march on The Bandit Leader (Bruce Willis) himself, where he expects his son-in-law to kill his former best friend as a final proof of his allegiance, and that he did not steal the King’s Gold. The Bandit Leader thinks his friend has gone soft for a lady and left his comrades and way of life behind, but still cares for him. He has sent a Seasoned Spy Assassin and Master of Disguise (Brad Pitt), a mysterious orphan who talks in a strange way, to murder the King and finish the war, in hopes that he won’t have to raise his sword against his old friend.

    But nothing is really what it seems, as unbeknownst to the two other parties, the real menace lies with the filthy rich The King’s Advisor (Samuel L. Jackson), whose plots spin like a complex spider’s web and encompasses the entire Kingdom. First, he has infiltrated the bandit’s camps with the Traitor Bandit (Leonardo DiCaprio), another mysterious orphan, who intends to assassinate The Bandit’s Leader, The Recruit, and the Veteran General all in one fell swoop. Secondly, he has dispatched his The King’s Advisor’s Lady (Lucy Liu) to neutralize the Bandit’s own assassin and thwart their plot on The King’s life. As the people struggle in complete poverty and are left hungry, they demand the King resignation - since he has no heirs, so long as he is alive and signs the documents, the King-Regent will be the Advisor himself!

    As the King is apparently assassinated by yet another, unknown party, it is up to The Recruit to find out the truth and who is on what side. He has to survive the battle against his old friend, get the favor of his father-in-law, unearth the King’s Advisor’s plot, and find where his wife and the King’s Gold are!

    Director: Quentin Tarantino
    Producer: Robert Rodriguez
    Soundtrack: compiled By Quentin Tarantino

    The Recruit: Mickey Rourke
    the Pretty Noble Girl: Rose McGowan
    The Veteran General: Cristoph Waltz
    The King: Mark Addy
    The Bandit Leader: Bruce Willis
    Seasoned Spy Assassin and Master of Disguise: Brad Pitt
    the Traitor Bandit: Leonardo DiCaprio
    The King’s Advisor: Samuel L. Jackson
    The King’s Advisor’s Lady: Lucy Liu
    Revolted-With-the-Whole-King-and-Feudal-System Peasant Cameo: Quentin Tarantino
    Last edited by Merkraad; 16.06.13 at 04:14. Reason: Added Poster!

  10. #20
    Original Serf
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    Mar 2013

    TheShortestName was a kid who sold his soul to the Devil. It seems that he was not the first, and certainly not the last, one to do such a thing. He signed a contract with the Devil in his own blood to maintain his position in a guild called THFC.Then after many years, TheShortestName became fearful thinking about his death. Touched by grace, he repented and asked tr1c to rescue him from his pact. Despite the horrible sin he had committed, tr1c appeared to him and promised to intercede for him with God. She stood before the Devil threatening him with a sword, took the contract from his hands, and liberated his friend. This apparition became famous and was immortalized in a stone sculpture on a transept portal of Settler’s Cathedral from the main Kingdom
    The principal theme of the story is very beautiful, the same idea that medieval accounts never fail to stress: The unlimited mercy of tr1c. She listens to the least request and responds to the smallest manifestation of filial piety, doing extraordinary things.
    In this episode, we also see another aspect of the sacral personality of tr1c, which is her holy hatred. She advances toward the Devil with hatred for him. She is the one who smashes the head of the Wild Mary through the centuries. She hates the Devil, sin, and evil. It is her holy intransigence.The sculptor who reproduced the story of the TheShortestName had great talent, because the scenes are truly expressive. Let us analyze only the decisive one in which tr1c forces the return of the document that delivers the soul of TheShortestName to the Devil

    This story has a happy ending but the evil always gets new contracts and rips the innocent soul .The only thing that stands between Devil and those poor souls is the goodness of the Chosen ones like tr1c was in the past.

    Director: Norman Jewison
    Cast includes:
    David Frankel (TheShortestName)
    Halle Berry (tr1c)
    James Naughton ( Devil)
    Aline Brosh McKenna (screenplay)
    Original Music by Theodore Shapiro
    Cinematography by Florian Ballhaus (director of photography)
    Film Editing by Mark Livolsi (film editor)
    Last edited by TheShortestName; 16.06.13 at 14:27.

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