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Thread: I've hit the wall....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    I've hit the wall....

    Well, in marathons they speak of 'hitting the wall'.
    I've done so, it seems.

    Had a disastrous start not understanding the trading system at first. Not least as that tiny little reload button on the 'buy' list isn't as brightly advertised as maybe it ought to be... So anyway, I chucked away some start up capital at first.
    But anyhow, I managed to get up the levels by hook or by crook somehow. Battling and scrimping.
    Whatever gold I could get hold of I used to get whatever resources I was short of and just kept on going.
    Then, at level 28, I hit the wall.

    Clearly, I had developed rather patchily. Some resources i had, others I'd just relied on gold for to top them up.
    The gold had kept coming, so I could manage. But then the gold stopped. It just no longer figured in the loot.

    My first adventure was the 'Witch of the Swamp'. I started well, but then ran into serious trouble. Clearly the resistance was just too strong for my kind. So I quit and not long after found an easier adventure; 'Horseback'.
    But again, anything I asked to 'combat preview' just resulted in appalling losses.
    There was no way to preserve a rump of my forces and to replenish them would take ages - days!
    Well, no general worth his salt goes into battle willing to take crippling losses. Especially if there are no gains to compensate for the losses. And there was no loot in sight. So I quit 'Horseback' too.

    Thought I'd concentrate on conquering the rest of the homeland instead.
    But I don't seem to stand a chance. Whatever I click at, combat preview suggests 50-95% losses. Whether I go in with heavy concentration on cavalry or with soldiers (which I once believed would be the improvement which could get me places), combat preview just always suggests near wipe out.

    So militarily I'm stuck. Sure, I can go in and perhaps take a camp or two. But after that it'll take a week to get an army again. And if 'Witch of the Swamp' and 'Horseback' are any guide, then winning any decent loot from fighting is now a thing of the past.

    So I'm sitting on 125 cavalry, 40 longbowmen (which seem utterly useless) and 100 soldiers. But I can't afford to use them, because any advance on the last three bandit sectors simply means near wipeout. Steel swords are a merest trickle. My horses breed more like pandas. So it would take a week to get back to this, if my forces get wiped.

    Meanwhile, economically I'm trying to reach an even keel. My hardwood production was pitiful, so I improved it (painfully slowly). But I'm now pretty much out of building licences and gold is just unobtainable. I'm doing some trades scraping in the odd ten pieces here or there, but I simply can't seem to get things kickstarted again. Any buildings I might want to update, I can't, because it takes hundreds of gold to do so each time, which I can't get.

    I'd send my explorer on adventure searches, but at 10 pieces of gold a pop, with him coming back with 3 scraps of map pieces... Well, it seems unaffordable, given my current dilemma.

    So please, I'm not just telling you this in order to have a good whine. Has anyone any help?
    I just don't see how there is a way out. Any progress I was making just pretty much came to a halt at level 28. Sure, I got lots of experience points with the Witch adventure and it bumped me up another level. But this was a purely theoretical gain.

    If it weren't for the the Golden Brew Mug, the Lonely Marble Block and the Hard Plank Door in the Provision House I'd simply have nothing worth doing when I log on. Well, except for replenishing fish stocks and rebuilding wheat fields...

    Have I just played myself into a corner from which there is no feasible escape? Or am I missing something here?
    Is there some solution staring me in the face of which I'm unaware?

    Having advanced rather patchily, my quest book is a bit of a mess, I realise. So I wonder whether it is possible that somewhere something got missed along the road, which now might be of vital importance.

    Whatever the case may be, right now I can't seem to conquer any sectors, get hold of building licences or gold.
    Steel and hardwood are incredibly scarce and I haven't got the gold to do anything about it.

    Has this happened to others? Anyone else hit 'the wall?
    Or have I just screwed up fantastically and rendered it pointless to continue with the game?

    Any comments and advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hola! Few things, first it sounds like you need some help regarding what troops to produce and send where, I used this guide here for clearing my home island, I'd likely start with that rather than trying to do adventures for now.

    As for other things, I'd try and level up and increase any hardwood and marble production, that'll help you upgrade your other buildings as well, which would be very handy, you can also sell any additional resources on the market to get gold back for. Hopefully that should help towards kicking it all back into line.

    Also, I notice a lot of players have surplus Pinewood production post the lower levels, maybe substitute some of those for additional marble or hardwood production?
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Thanks for your advice Peck_ed. Much appreciated.
    Upping the hardwood is something I'm trying to accomplish.
    I've been reducing the pinewood production in favour of hardwood. In fact, following your post, I've been somewhat more daring and have made more radical changes. (so it's all your fault now... lol!) So, I've just knocked my second pinewood sawmill on the head. Also cut yet another pinewood chopper and his forester pal. Fingers crossed. So yes, a little more breathing space on the licences.
    As such, I'm all marbled up as it is. Well, marble masons on level one. No gold, after all...
    It's the hardwood which is causing the problem, to get a balance there one must have a bias toward the foresters in order to prevent deforestation.
    But getting any of those tree huggers up to level two costs 100 gold each time.
    It's what I've been struggling with, getting the money together for these woodsmen.
    To have any hope of progress on soldiers and cavalry I need to up the stable and steel production. Which again is more gold.
    This is where I just don't quite get where I'm going wrong. There used to be an influx. With quests and fighting. But then it virtually ground to a halt.
    It was that which set me wondering if I've somewhere missed a beat.
    It's not as though I've not been trading. (hell, when I had money I even bought some cannons I saw going cheap and sold them on at a profit!).
    But my leftovers nowadays are truly pitiful and there's little money to be had from them.
    It's why i'm trying to build up my breweries with what little hardwood I'm making. For the Golden Brew Mug. Well, ten gold's better than nothing...
    This is what I mean, I've gone from trading arbitrage on cannons to having to scrimp beer to get a few coins.
    I was on a roll and stopped with a shunt. I even had one or two gold mines running. Not a chance now as I can't get the resources together to get 'em running.
    It's that I went from hero to zero so fast that made me wonder whether I'd somehow missed a step.
    To give you an idea, in the quest book I've just been asked to produce 5 recruits, 5 bowmen and 5 militia. Which seems a little antiquated. It's why I think in the quests I seem to have shot ahead on some strings while hardly getting out of the starting blocks on others.
    It seems a very uneven quest development is possible, where you get handed the With of the Swamp adventure, but don't pass by the requests for half a dozen recruits...
    It's that which is making me think I might have snookered myself, because I've missed something in there which I need to take this further.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Thanks also for the guide on how to conquer the island.
    Thought I'd answer separately to avoid confusion.
    To be honest i'm a bit baffled. Have the settings possibly changed since this report was compiled?
    I know the author speaks of multiple waves. But it seems to be simply a matter of sending in cannon fodder recruits most of the time...
    Is the lesson that there really is no point in bothering with the beefier fighters and just to favour quantity over quality? Several waves of [ rubbish ], rather than one decent army?
    I'm wondering whether that's where I've been wasting my time, expending money and effort on steel swords etc, if they're really just useless.

    Please be careful with words chosen,

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    As you're likely aware, you can more than likely make 200 recruits far easier than a lot of Soldiers, so the logic is by some people to use that and send 2 waves to help clear them out.

    You'll need to send in 200 Cavalry to the last camp just to take out the dogs alone! So attacking in waves is a good tactic to get used to
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Thanks for that Peck_ed,
    I guess that's where I've been going wrong.
    I've been thinking big and strong. Whereas the game favours the tactics of the ant.
    This might have been why I came to a shuddering halt.
    Not sure I'm a fan of mere numerical attrition, but I guess if that's what the game demands, there's no other way.


    p.s. Sorry if I offended sensitivities. Wasn't intended. Where I'm from that's not even seen as a particularly rude word...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You havn't been going wrong its just the tactics of the game as you level up you will need the bigger and better armys just that to get to the next levels or to get the adv finished it is often cheaper to fight with the army which is cheaper to rebuild. I used to only use Recruits Mil and Sold as I was fed up with replacing the Bowmen but further on there is a need for them to save your recruits for other fights. it's all tactics but I do know where you are coming from. One thing I have said to loads of other players is that if they made it to easy to level up you would get bored of the game very quickly and stop playing it. I also get frustrated but also keep coming back.... Do hang on as it is worth it Nigel

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I agree with Nigels comments whole heartedly when it is too easy it is boring/ One other suggestion is to make friends with more experienced players, they can pop to your island and or give advice gained from making the same mistakes we all make. :-)).
    I personally did not join a guild until I had cleared my island..sort of wanted to do it myself , so i found one or 2 will very willing to help me anyway.....but

    Another is to join a guild look at the guild list which you can find behind your shield icon...Guilds are great places to learn, do adventures together and have fun at the same time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Thanks to both Nigel and Chipita for your posts,

    I agree that things being too easy makes for a tedious game.
    But then, as I guess you understand, that wasn't really the point of my initial post.
    Operating on a strategy which -unbeknownst to me- just wasn't compatible with this game, I simply had run aground. I was stuck fast and couldn't see how to get things started again.

    As such, I'm trying to put things right. But, it's a tricky one.
    I've flogged all the recent bonus bookbinders glue to have some cash to update hardwood production. That said, it's still nothing to shout about.
    I've managed to get my two brewers to level three, which is as high as they'll go without gold.
    But there's still some way to go updating residences and that blasted bronze weaponsmith I never bothered about in the past is doddering along on level 2.

    I've started recruit production, but obviously – with the way I'd been playing – bronze sword production was the last thing I had concentrated on. Thus the recruits are joining me at a crawl right now. So it's all a very slow process.

    I'll be honest, had it not been for the bookbinders glue coming in handy, I'd have possibly chucked it in. Not because I'm fickle, but because it would most likely have taken over a week just to get the gold together for those tree huggers.

    As it is I still need to get 100 gold to update one forester to restore equilibrium between chopping and planting. And still only one hardwood chopper is at level 2! So there's a long way to go. But at least some sort of motion is detectable again.

    I'm sure my innate ability to cut corners will come into its own again eventually. But right now I just need to re-establish some sort of momentum. - And I need to get to bashing some villains again!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Well at least you seem to be a little more positive or the wall has begun to retreat somewhat.! Keep bashing, building and buffing you will get to love it lol!

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