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Thread: Sciency type Stuff

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Sciency type Stuff

    Be prepared for your carefully balanced economy to vanish without trace…

    Note! Manuscript, Tome and Codex are not tradable, but paper, nibs etc. are.

    Skills are assigned to ONE Geo - putting a book on one skill in one Geo will affect ONLY that Geo, so you can specialize your Geologists individually.

    Once skills are acquired, your Geo has a % chance of that skill happening, it depends on how many books you have on that type of skill as to the actual % chance, it is shown in the geologist's skill tree (example: one book on skill 'Two Marble in One' gives an 8% chance of discovering two marble deposits at once - so roughly 8 times in 100 you will gain 2 marble quarries not one when looking for marble with that general. this increases with the second book, and again with the third).

    Made in bookbinder level 1: (each building level upgrade increases production speed by 50%)
    100 simple paper + 50 nib + 10 gold coins = 1 manuscript (lvl1 building = 2 days 12 hours, lvl2 building = 1 day 6 hrsand so on)
    100 intermediate + 50 printing type + 1 manuscript = 1 tome (3days)
    100 advanced + 50 bookfitting + 1 tome = 1 codex (3 days 12 hours)

    For each level below (numbers in bracket at start) you can put on a max of 3 books per skill which increases the benefit of each skill. However you can put a max of 31 skills in total per geologist, so it depends what you want out of your geo at the end.
    BE WARNED! You need 5 books active at each level before you can move onto the next level. However if you put more than 5 on any one level you will be unable to get to the final level where you can only put one skill…

    Resetting skill tree is possible, you get back some books, but not all that you have put on them.

    Required resource for the skills below: MANUSCRIPT
    1) Hidden Stone Stash - Grants a certain chance to find a treasure when searching for a Stone deposit.
    1) Natural Copper Vein - Grants a possibility to discover bigger Copper deposits.

    2) Two Marble in One - Grants a certain chance to discover two Marble deposits at once.
    2) Quality Copper Shafts - Grants a certain chance to find Copper deposits that can be mined faster.
    2) Natural Stone Vein - Grants a possibility to discover bigger Stone deposits.

    Required resource for the skills below: TOME
    3) Natural Marble Vein - Grants a possibility to discover bigger Marble deposits.
    3) Copper Mining Surplus - Grants a certain chance to find Copper Ore when searching for a Copper deposit.
    3) Two Iron in One - Grants a certain chance to discover two Iron deposits at once.

    4) Quality Coal Shafts - Grants a certain chance to find Coal deposits that can be mined faster.
    4) Tendentious Geologist - Shortens the search time for Minerals (i.e. stone, marble, coal).
    4) Gold Mining Surplus - Grants a certain chance to find Gold Ore when searching for a Gold deposit.

    Required resource for the skills below: CODEX
    5) Hidden Coal Stash - Grants a certain chance to find a treasure when searching for a Coal deposit.
    5) Iron Mining Surplus - Grants a certain chance to find Iron Ore when searching for an Iron deposit.
    5) Natural Gold Vein - Grants a possibility to discover bigger Gold deposits.

    6) Two Coal in One - Grants a certain chance to discover two Coal deposits at once.
    6) Quality Gold Shafts - Grants a certain chance to find Gold deposits that can be mined faster.
    6) Ore Collector - Shortens the search time for Ores (i.e. copper, iron, gold).

    Final level: can have only one of these:

    Lucky Find - Grants a certain chance to discover one more Iron or Marble deposit than the maximum.
    Natural Born Digger - Grants a possibility to discover bigger deposits of all types.
    Nature's Gift - Grants a certain chance to refill a random active deposit when geologist comes back.

    All resource use below is for a level 1 building. res use goes up for each level exactly the same as all other buildings, buffing also has the same effects on all but bookbinder which needs special glue buffs . With the exception of the bookbinder you can have more than 1 building of each type. I put production times in for those that are interested…

    Intermediate buildings
    Bookbinder: makes codex, manuscript, tome (can only build one of these!)
    Simple paper mill: produces simple paper: 2 pinewood + 2 water = 1 simple paper (10.30min +transport)
    Finesmith: produces nibs: 4 copper ore = 1 nib (15min + transport)

    Advanced buildings:
    Intermediate papermill: 4 hardwood + 3 water = 1 intermediate paper (1min 30sec +transport)
    Lettersmith: 4 iron ore + 4 coal = 1 printing type (12 min+transport)

    Expert buildings
    Advanced papermill: 4 exotic wood + 4 water = 1 advanced paper (1min 30sec +transport)
    Ornamentalsmith: 8 titanium ore + 8 coal = 1 book fitting (16min +transport)

    There is a full guide here which you may also wish to look at: for which the credit goes to LordStevie

    Fun info: you can individually name your Geologists, Explorers and Generals: on their first screen, at the top on the right hand side there is a pencil, click it, and type in the name you want, then click accept.

    I hope this makes sense to you, and please be nice, it's my first attempt at any type of guide.
    Last edited by Sybilla; 25.06.13 at 11:21.

  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer Acee's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sybilla View Post
    4) Gold Mining Surplus - Grants a certain chance to find Gold Ore when searching for a Gold deposit.
    Can be gold ore still found if deposit isn't? Example: I have all gold deposits found, I send out geo to find gold depo, he founds none obviously, will I get some extra ore from that search or not?
    Back in bizniz.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    not as far as I've seen, can only find extras (be it ore or 'treasure') when a deposit is found, this may be wrong, if so and your geo finds some, please let me know

  4. #4
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Darkest Dorset
    Very good attempt Sybilla, 1st or otherwise.
    1 tip, as it's a guide, putting [Guide] in front of the title helps the system sort these correctly. (include the square brackets).
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sybilla View Post

    Made in bookbinder level 1: (each building level upgrade increases production speed by 50%)
    100 simple paper + 50 nib + 10 gold coins = 1 manuscript (lvl1 building = 2 days 12 hours, lvl2 building = 1 day 6 hrsand so on)
    100 intermediate + 50 printing type + 1 manuscript = 1 tome (3days)
    100 advanced + 50 bookfitting + 1 tome = 1 codex (3 days 12 hours)

    Intermediate buildings
    Bookbinder: makes codex, manuscript, tome (can only build one of these!)
    Simple paper mill: produces simple paper: 4 pinewood + 2 water = 2 simple paper (3min +transport)
    Finesmith: produces nibs: 4 copper ore = 1 nib (6min + transport)

    Advanced buildings:
    Intermediate papermill: 4 hardwood + 3 water = 1 intermediate paper (1min 30sec +transport)
    Lettersmith: 6 iron ore + 4 coal = 1 printing type (12 min+transport)

    Expert buildings
    Advanced papermill: 4 exotic wood + 4 water = 1 advanced paper (1min 30sec +transport)
    Ornamentalsmith: 8 titanium ore + 8 coal = 1 book fitting (16min +transport)
    This production times is from testserver.. The real times and needed resurses are different:
    250 simple paper + 200 nib + 10 gold coins = 1 manuscript
    250 intermediate + 200 printing type + 1 manuscript = 1 tome
    250 advanced + 200 bookfitting + 1 tome = 1 codex

    Simple paper mill: produces simple paper: 2 pinewood + 2 water = 1 simple paper (10min 30sec +transport)
    Finesmith: produces nibs: (15min + transport)
    Intermediate papermill: (11min 30sec +transport)
    Last edited by Rajaja; 18.06.13 at 03:19.

  6. #6
    Forum Explorer
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    Mar 2012
    COST goes up after the 10th book is made.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    where do I get magic beans etc?

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGTEROY View Post
    where do I get magic beans etc?
    From Fairy Tale Adventures (or trade), you can find more information about them here
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Ornamentalsmith: 8 titanium ore + 8 coal = 1 book fitting (16min +transport)
    is this a typpo ?

    here says 4 titanium ore

  10. #10
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    May 2012
    It's definitely 4 titanium. Maybe it was 8 on test and it wasn't noticed during writing. Or the mentioned typo.

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