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Thread: Bookbinder Queue

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I agree with the use of a queue system in the bookbinder, but do not agree with anything else. It will take a long time to get each individual geologist up the tree or part way. I do not think that at this moment anything needs changing except putting a queue system in place, even if you upped the gold required for the manuscript from 10 for 1st level, 20 for 2nd level, etc. Or put in place some challenge to get an extra queue slot, either by purchase through gems or through guild coins. Just an idea.

  2. #32
    Committed Clicker
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    Mar 2012
    There will be science systems for explorers, military and home island added too, so the various books (and associated production materials) will always be in demand.

    As to the queue, though it would be a good idea, balancing a production timeline like
    Quote Originally Posted by peck_ed View Post
    Part of the challenge for me is crafting up a well timed schedule for it all, sometimes produce the Codex as it'll help resync it to the time you're online and then use the Manuscript to reduce the time for other books.
    said, is part of the idiosyncrasy of this new feature.

  3. #33
    Ruler of the Land
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    Milky Way
    A game is only part of life, some of us have more important things to worry about than ensuring something is happening in game 24/7.

  4. #34
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefanceltare View Post
    Anyone who agrees stays quiet because it has been proven on several occasions that BB does not listen to the player's feedback.

    I am not upset but annoyed because it is yet another item on the daily to-do list in this game but as it is now i have to do it 2 times at specific hours with no control whatsoever. So if I am not online for one evening then thats it... the binder does not work. Sometimes when I am at work I cannot log early in the morning. That means my book gathering hours and putting the next one will fluctuate. Say if I put one at 12PM then that means at Midnight I have to put the next. Do you see my problem?

    A game is meant to be fun and not tedious.
    If you think the game is tedious and not fun then you should stop playing

  5. #35
    Enlightened Sage
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    Logic is irrelevant. There's very little logic to this game and essentially none to the way the science system has been set up.

    If BB were after consistency with every other building in the game, they would have put a queue in the bookbinder since every other building can be either queued up or keeps on producing automatically. There is no building like the bookbinder in the game which just stops after one cycle.

    For whatever reason they didn't decide to do that. And there are plenty of people who think that is a bad decision.

    What reasons might they have to not put a queue on the bookbinder?

    1. To limit the number of books people have
    Why? They're not tradeable. The bookbinder is already way too slow compared to the buildings that produce resources for it. Why would they want to slow up the bookbinder further?

    2. To make people pay with gems.
    People already can pay with gems to insta-buy a book. Is a queue really going to make people less likely to insta-buy? Completely different thought processes.

    3. Didn't think of it in rushing the science system through and couldn't be bothered to change the design after everyone on test told them it was a much needed feature
    Hmm.... if you want evidence of other rushed design aspects to the bookbinder, how about the fact that the production bar covers up half the window so you can't see the production requirements! Also the fact that IT DIDN'T WORK for the first few days it was on the test server!

    4. To force people to plan ahead.
    Ha! Don't make me laugh. Does anyone actually think that idea was fed into the design process when choosing the production times for the bookbinder? They just decided they wanted it to be slow and plucked the exact figures from thin air. That's certainly what they did for the associated production buildings. Don't mistake an unintended consequence of a feature for a design aspect.

    I vote for number 3

  6. #36
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    If you think the game is tedious and not fun then you should stop playing
    If you have nothing to add to the discussion at hand maybe you should stop posting...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerontius View Post
    I vote for number 3
    I don't think it's 3... Code wise they would've copy pasted the PH code.

    I vote for a combination of 1 and your reasoning for 4.
    " They just decided they wanted it to be slow and plucked the exact figures from thin air and no queue, lets see how that works out."
    Last edited by stefanceltare; 16.06.13 at 17:43.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    A game is only part of life, some of us have more important things to worry about than ensuring something is happening in game 24/7.
    Probably the single most intelligent thing I have read on these boards for a long time.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Building queue on book binder building!!!

    I mean come on... raising the quantities needed is one thing but not being able to have a queue is just sadistic...

  9. #39
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tripi View Post
    There will be science systems for explorers, military and home island added too, so the various books (and associated production materials) will always be in demand.

    As to the queue, though it would be a good idea, balancing a production timeline like said, is part of the idiosyncrasy of this new feature.
    Sadly not the case. As I mentioned, because the bookbinder is so slow a single building, un-buffed, is able to produce enough mats for one person to run their binder. There will be no significant TO demand unless peoples demand potentially outstrips their supply of the science materials.

    And to elliea's point. It wont take a long time at all. It'll take under 1 month per geologist.

  10. #40
    Committed Clicker
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiwiNoob View Post
    And to elliea's point. It wont take a long time at all. It'll take under 1 month per geologist.
    Lvl 5 bookbinder: 31 manuscripts, 21 tomes, 11 codices = roughly 36 days presuming no gaps in the production cycle between books.

    You should also note that quite a few of the high level, full island players have chosen not to build the material production buildings and therefore will always need to buy from Trade Office.
    Remember too, that there is quite a large supply of bookbinder glue at the moment, which would increase support material demand. Let's hope BB somehow make this item purchasable/find-able in the future.

    Finally: If you find the cost of support materials in Trade Office makes it ineffective to run a support building... demolish it and start buying instead (same as bowmaker, same as iron production, same as every other production building in the game)
    Alternatively, just zZzleep it occasionally and maybe run it buffed during woken times.

    I actually think BB have found quite sensible production cycle times in the science system, allowing individual players to choose which method suits them best.

    (p.s. I do have all the buildings (pending 3.5k granite for the last one, upgraded to lvls 3, 2 and 1 respectively) and will be keeping an eye on trade prices to determine whether I should keep them, upgrade them or just demolish them)

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