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Thread: [Feeedback] Test Server: Fairy tale Adventure

  1. #21
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Really hope to be able to access the website soon.......

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Bit of a worry when you can't even get the web page to come up. Seems as though if it not server problems it is something else. It would be nice if you could get your act together and fix the bugs.

  3. #23
    Forum Explorer
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefanceltare View Post
    Keep in mind that BB said these advents are not final. Changes may (hopefully) will occur to balance the reward vs losses.
    the need to think about having XP convert to magic beans or gold or something because at lvl 50, the xp is worthless.

  4. #24
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    lvl 50's that keep having to "earn" xp that then gets wasted will only serve to drive people away- better to have all rewardpoints in tangibles and not in experience points- There is no need to "punish" lvl 50's over other players for having reached 50

    it is either that or open up xp gain for future lvls so the xp is not a waste

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambandil View Post
    lvl 50's that keep having to "earn" xp that then gets wasted will only serve to drive people away- better to have all rewardpoints in tangibles and not in experience points- There is no need to "punish" lvl 50's over other players for having reached 50

    it is either that or open up xp gain for future lvls so the xp is not a waste
    I don't believe in silly superficial lvls. There will always be a level cap at some point and when you reach that point you're going to complain again and again and again.

    The end game is here, so they need to deal with it. Not raise levels because that is only going to drag out the problem further.

    They need to do what Warcraft does with XP. Convert XP to coins or gold ores, or magic beans.

  6. #26
    Forum Explorer
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    The testserver is BACK ONLINE !!!!!!!

  7. #27
    Enlightened Sage
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    Jan 2012
    I thought BB had had a good idea with the magnificent residence

    I take it back

    I thought the mag res was there to solve space problems on people's islands in the sense that people could demolish their noble ress and replace them with mag ress to make more efficient use of the space on their island.

    This is not the case.

    The mag res has a population capacity of 140 and cannot be upgraded. This is equivalent to 2 level 5 noble ress, or less than 3 level 3 noble ress.

    However, the mag res takes up the space of at least 4 noble ress. It's large and a funny shape, so I was actually able to build 5 nobles in one of the few areas that was big enough to contain it.

    In other words, it is a LESS efficient use of space than noble residences and therefore (a) utterly pointless and (b) not a solution to the space problem.

    Please PLEASE tell me this wasn't intentional... and the numbers/lack of upgrade capability is just a placeholder design because you haven't thought it through yet...

    (also posted on feedback section on test server)

  8. #28
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Mar 2012
    As a lvl50 what am i meant to do with with xp?

  9. #29
    Forum Explorer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerontius View Post
    I thought BB had had a good idea with the magnificent residence

    I take it back

    I thought the mag res was there to solve space problems on people's islands in the sense that people could demolish their noble ress and replace them with mag ress to make more efficient use of the space on their island.

    This is not the case.

    The mag res has a population capacity of 140 and cannot be upgraded. This is equivalent to 2 level 5 noble ress, or less than 3 level 3 noble ress.

    However, the mag res takes up the space of at least 4 noble ress. It's large and a funny shape, so I was actually able to build 5 nobles in one of the few areas that was big enough to contain it.

    In other words, it is a LESS efficient use of space than noble residences and therefore (a) utterly pointless and (b) not a solution to the space problem.

    Please PLEASE tell me this wasn't intentional... and the numbers/lack of upgrade capability is just a placeholder design because you haven't thought it through yet...

    (also posted on feedback section on test server)
    I agree. it seems to take up 5 noble's worth of space. I had 6 nobles in 2 rows of 3 and torn them down to make space it was able to rebuild back only 1 noble in that area. used the roads to outline building and its in a very odd shape.

  10. #30
    Committed Clicker
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    Mar 2012
    As much as I appreciate any new content, these new buildings all seem entirely uneconomical (at test server production cycles/levels).
    Ignoring the residence, as most will do, due to the obvious failings...
    • Earn beans from doing 'apparently rather high loss' adventures
    • Buy a Fairy Tale Castle for 50,000 beans (very large building that needs storehouse route)
    • Upgrade FTC to level 5 so it starts producing beanstalks:
      50 beans + 5 mins = 10 beanstalks
    • Buy Spinner Tower (max 3) for 4,000 beanstalks (33hr FTC unbuffed - medium large buildings that needs storehouse route)
      50 wheat + 48 mins = 1 gold bar
    • Demolish FTC after buying 3rd Spinner Tower (as nothing else to spend stalks on)

    So, after all that work you have some rather large buildings to make gold from wheat:

    9 hour shift (for buff feasibility, with helpful friend):
    Input: 562 wheat
    Output: 11.25 gold bars per tower
    Coinage (unbuffed): 11.25 bars -> 2.8gc (hmmm, less than the cost of a basket)

    I do hope BB adjust the resource requirements for these before adding them to live servers.
    Yes, free gold is a great thing, not when I could make higher profit just selling the wheat on trade office though.
    Why go to all the work to build the towers just to make less gold than simple trading?

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