The second phase has started!
Newfoundland have been paired with Sandycove.
Let's get donating and show the rest of the world what we can do!
Post screenshots of your donations or provision house queues here!
The second phase has started!
Newfoundland have been paired with Sandycove.
Let's get donating and show the rest of the world what we can do!
Post screenshots of your donations or provision house queues here!
24h (well only 22ish left now ) worth of "water -> balloon" conversion (about 70k)
duh, should have taken a screenshot with the tooltip:P)
pff, and I thought clicking all that water into queue was hard work, seems like I'm lowest by half of all the others,
At least I was first
2013-07-03 17:42 GMT+1:
Just reached 135k balloons in donations, provision house has been working without pause since phase 2 started and I already used up a bunny.
trying to get my queue back to 24h+ so I can use the next bunny.
2013-07-04 7:34 GMT+1:
gathered while I was sleeping
(finally I managed to take a screenshot before donating )
2013-07-04 18:48 GMT+1:
managed to get over 24h in queue again, so second bunny is almost halfway through
I have donated over 230k balloons now, and still adding as much queue as I can
2013-07-07 20:04 GMT+1:
Having trouble getting my queue back over the magical 24h limit so I can apply another bunny.
Still I passed 500.000 balloons donated this morning. I'm now at 560.000 balloons donated
2013-07-07 7:48 GMT+1:
Still busy and my provision house hasn't paused yet. thnx, to lulu and thegreatDabrowski I was able to top of my queu and use another bunny.
I'm afraid, I'm still forgetting to screenshot my donations. however I just reached 750,000 balloons donated
Last update:
I'm still creating balloons as fast as possible, just don't have the will to keep records and update this post.
I'm well past the 1.000.000 of donated balloons now. Will be donating till the event ends.
Last edited by Fexno; 22.07.13 at 14:55.
can't wait to donate those ballons)
Last edited by N1r0d; 02.07.13 at 10:14.
L5 provision house with bunny on!! Mostly HWL but also 200k coal, 150k water.
Last edited by Baggis; 02.07.13 at 10:03. my 1st batch 300k water 7k salt 150k hwl and about 50k coal so far
donations so far.
left overs from phase 1 gone 3100
now to new donations lets do this everyone 1st one of phase 2 gone 10030 2nd set sent in 13220 3rd one sent in 8500
school run time be back donating after got ph qued up anyways keep donating an making them balloons Newfoundland and Sandycove 4th 11065
back from school run bring on the balloons guys keep up hard work we can do it 5th 13800 6th 32250 total donations day one is 91965 balloons
day 2 phase 2 donations, 74085 Good morning team uk that's last nights donations added to pot 28520 ones made so far today 44660 last ones for the day total donations to date 239230
day 3
[09:19] System: You donated 86030 of the resource Balloons. It has been taken from your storage [overnights been added to pot] screenshot site not working for some reason 27320 total donations to date 352580
day 4. 82375 100305 535260 total donations to date be more tomorrow
day 5 50025 overnights sent in 89485 total donations to date 674770
day 6 54590 overnights sent in 85350 be more tomorrow now total donations to date 814710
day 7 60500 not bad its 9am and they been unbuffed since 2:30am. the overnights ones sent in [20:53] System: You donated 76070 of the resource Balloons. It has been taken from your storage.
be more tomorrow total donations to date 951280 yeah i should have 1 million donated when morning ones go in
day 8 70180 overnights added into the pot
OK as your all aware the ranking table has gone nuts so im not donating no more until its fixed so hopefully the morning donation will be mega so will leave it with this from post this morning in this thread
total donations to date on day 8
table back up working
day 9 150160 yesterdays donated with overnights 103280 today's donated more tomorrow total donations to date 1274900
day 10 71945 overnights sent in 80995 today's donated more tomorrow total donations to date 1427840
day 11 104000 overnights sent in now over 1.5 million donated it total 91465 today's sent in more tomorrow. total donations to date 1623305
Day 12 I am not donating until the table fixed again but i am still producing and storing balloons ready for that moment.
Day 13 still not donating until the rank list fixed but do have a full storage of 238600 balloons ready to go as well as a star menu filling up nicely again ready to be added and donated
Day 14 yeah tables back guys we can do this get donating now and making as usual (proof of time in case i have more than 1 set of these because of all saved ones in star ) 238600 added to pot (proof of time ) 157310 also added to pot from what i kept when table was down now back to normal
passed my 2 million new target on way to 3 million still will donate tonight's though 54505 todays sent in more in morning new bunny put on for 12 hours
total donations to date 2073720
day 15 85320 overnights sent in more be sent in tonight 81285 todays sent in more in morning total donations to date 2240325
day 16 87605] overnights sent in more in 12 hours 73555] todays sent in more tomorrow total donations to date 2401485
day 17
Had a glitch in PH overnight when i was offline so only had 20 balloons waiting in my star menu it was making 11 out of stack 25 coal balloons then resetting back to the beginning of that set again so had wasted bunny and about 70k balloons short. eventually got it sorted so it works so will do 1 big donation tonight and hopefully will work over night tonight and do 2 donations a day again for last few days. I was gutted this morning as they wern't there 105850 total donated today more tomorrow will miss 1-2 am bunny as keep getting kicked from server so going offline now.
but should have some in morning at least and will make and donate more tomorrow ph still got over a days worth in
total donations to date 2507335
day 18 55835 overnights sent in 6 hours unbuffed but still fair amount more in 12 hours 70860 of the resource Balloons. It has been taken from your storage. again silly lightshot wouldn't workwhen i wanted it to
12 hours bunnied worth donated no hwl/meat in that lot so all pure water/coal ones so bit less than normal
more tomorrow
total donated to date 2634030
day 19 83180 overnights sent in more in 12 hours
ok strange things are happening sent over 81k balloons out storage nothing came on screen in news tab etc but they went out storage so dont have the odd numbers at end so will just say 81k and sorry cant do screen shot apparently they will still be counted also just lag causes it not to show up as it does proof i queried it though
total donations to date 2798210 plus a few cant remember from last post more tomorrow
day 20
need i say more so will be donating tonight so far only have balloons made in 14 hours approx
eventually for now seems to be working so will donate what i can tonight if PH dont break again nope they came back after i was kicked from game logged back in so probably wont be donating any balloons today if thats the case im sorry guys i cant sort this mess out
and the balloons that was made have gone also
Day 20 total wash out
day 21 100000 eventually PH started working and over 12 hours i made 100k balloons and sent them
now have 100k more qued up with few extras just to get me over my 3 million mark. be more donations in 12 hours and hopefully i did maths right and thats the 3 millionth plus all hwl/and meat only this time bring on 12 hours 142350 All balloons sent for now until we get confirmation of when event ends
Over 3 million balloons made and donated by me alone. Helped many people with resources to help them make some and thank you to all those who sent me resources to hand out for balloons also. We rocked as a team
Last edited by lulu10093; 22.07.13 at 14:42. Reason: will edit and update post with all screenshots donations for you guys
Finland beat Russians once, so Newfoundland and Sandycove can beat Germans and Polish (servers) NOW!!
All stuff is atleast 2000res->500balloons rate!
Counted that close to 1.5 million balloons is what im capable to produce during phase2....
Last edited by Sicki; 02.07.13 at 09:40.
HWL & water queued up, all watermills recyclers and cokers buffed
Day 1 - done with useless salt
Prov house queued with bunny:
Elusive 24hr mark passed for use of 2 bunnies hehe
Last edited by BamBamBam; 02.07.13 at 10:14.