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Thread: Enough of these rumours BB Tell the players where we stand with the celebration event

  1. #1
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012

    Enough of these rumours BB Tell the players where we stand with the celebration event

    Dear BlueByte,
    All we have officially been told to do is: Collect balloons and donate them to an Inter server event. to reach a vague target of 100%, 150% and 200% which reward all the players on that server with a prize for each target.
    Now unless your understanding of % is different than the rest of the world, there can not be a difference between the number of balloons donated up to 100% and those donated after to reach the higher targets. So why have you not made any statement to that effect back to the player community, where speculation and rumours are abound as to why there ` appears to be' a sudden slow down on the leaderboard of servers once they pass the 100% threshold.
    Now there is some more speculation, driven I believe from what has been seen on the test server, that another reason for this `slowdown' is that at some point the balloons will have a gold coin value and players are balancing the prize value of the donated balloons against the in-game value of the gold coins. There has been no official announcement of this, with details of when, if or how this will be implemented, so please get your act together before you unleash even more bad feeling of this event, when those who are generously donating in the spirit of a server community, suddenly discover that really the 150% and 200% targets were never worth playing for, and those greedily stockpiling balloons on the speculation of gold coins profit from the hard work and generosity of others, benefit so unjustly.
    IF you are deciding to go the balloon/gold coin route, make an announcement NOW so everybody can make an informed decision on how they wish to proceed. Also if, like other aspects of the event, you haven't quite thought this through, ( Phase 1 and subsequent pairings and staggered gem happy hours quite easily spring to mind) may I suggest that any value of gold coin to balloons increases after each of the three targets proportionally, thus still giving the incentive to those wishing to profiteer to at least still keep contributing to the server event.
    Please, Please give your GM's a statement to give to their players, you must have set out a plan for this event, by not sharing it with us you're not helping. As a surprise may be a good party idea, if its badly thought out it could be a disaster like sending an Alpaca as the entertainment to Hungry Lions convention
    Here's hoping my concerns will be heard amongst those popping balloons.
    Happy Anniversary

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    they wont commet :s

  3. #3
    Committed Clicker
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    The statistics have been available for many days, many servers/teams seem to already be acting upon them, so why wait so long before asking a question you likely know will not be answered?

    P.S. (Some guesswork based on historic similarities)
    I really doubt BB will give excess balloons a gold value, I think they will just sum them within the final count for any server and effectively delete them.
    I have a suspicion that BB might 'tweak' the end-goal requirements to allow at least one server to reach the final 200% goal.
    "Your general was a tortoise!" ... "He will now amble back to his garrison as slow as his short reptilian legs will manage"

  4. #4
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    How could they refuse not to tell our new GM Lulu?

  5. #5
    Flesh Eating Mushroom Keen Commentor SwampHen's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tripi View Post
    The statistics have been available for many days, many servers/teams seem to already be acting upon them, so why wait so long before asking a question you likely know will not be answered?

    P.S. (Some guesswork based on historic similarities)
    I really doubt BB will give excess balloons a gold value, I think they will just sum them within the final count for any server and effectively delete them.
    I have a suspicion that BB might 'tweak' the end-goal requirements to allow at least one server to reach the final 200% goal.
    I'm asking the question now Tripi, at the halfway stage, simply to end the continuing speculation and the rumour mill that is eroding the event. Whilst I'm sure a simple statement will still not satisfy everybody, as some want to blame everybody but themselves anyway, but right now it also wouldn't hurt to revitalise what is a long event.
    I hope you're right about the GC and balloon issue, as this is how it should be, but as for tweaking the 200% threshold, if 200% is simply twice that of 100%, as it should be, looking at the rankings barely at the halfway point this will not be necessary. But what is necessary, is for BB to recognise that players are becoming unsure about what is happening because of these rumours, and by saying nothing BB are not helping those players both in the short term game event, and in long term confidence of BB. My Gran's favourite saying was `a stitch in time saves nine' BB would do well not to ignore my Gran

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    How could they refuse not to tell our new GM Lulu?

    awww sweet but they probably wont or they will only tell her bits of it

  8. #8
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by lulu10093 View Post
    awww sweet but they probably wont or they will only tell her bits of it
    As long as they give all the Community Managers the same information at the same time, then that is fine. If some are receiving more information than others, or information earlier than others, then that is less than fair.

    We continue to make balloons, we campaign for a 'proper' 200% (ie twice 100%) and the prize goes to the server that has got the furthest past 200%. What's the problem with increasing the cap to 300%, for instance?

  9. #9
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sto_Helit View Post
    As long as they give all the Community Managers the same information at the same time, then that is fine. If some are receiving more information than others, or information earlier than others, then that is less than fair.

    We continue to make balloons, we campaign for a 'proper' 200% (ie twice 100%) and the prize goes to the server that has got the furthest past 200%. What's the problem with increasing the cap to 300%, for instance?
    ha ha I think we will all need a little therapy after this, I saw an EotW adventure on TO a few days ago and felt `the urge again' Luckily it was either to expensive or my rehab must of worked

  10. #10
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    ha ha I think we will all need a little therapy after this, I saw an EotW adventure on TO a few days ago and felt `the urge again' Luckily it was either to expensive or my rehab must of worked
    After this I collapse and get therapy for balloon aversion and screaming at clowns.

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