same problem to me. i use a buff to the epic woodyard, and the message popup.
same problem to me. i use a buff to the epic woodyard, and the message popup.
Finally got in last night almost 24 hours later, 2 of my generals appear to be hidden inside objects (depleted iron mine and well) on the archipelago. Just sent them direct to an adventure to move them. Strange bug.
Getting this zone error popup now,can log in ok but just wont load the map so forced back out again,premium running pumpkins needing buffed and all that....tick tock
i am back in the game after 40h. Lost nearly 2 days of premium. I will not be able to kill all golems. Premium not extended, adv. time not extended. Got loads of bugs like missing gen. This is some sort of prank which BB implemented. No respond what soever. They dont made it work it reset itself at 2 am 2 days after. I so dont enjoy it
Over 24h is gone and I still have this issue, great event. I wonder what Christmas Event brings with it?
Getting withdrawal symptoms now guys,still waiting!
I've also been hit by this bug. I have not been moving any buildings or generals. I first got it when i went back to my main island from a finished adventure. I was able to log in, after a complete reset of my browser (Chrome) and a restart of my computer. The bug returned again without me doing anything. I managed to put a Treat on my Pumpkin Cemeteries before i got kicked of server. Hopefully i'll be able to get back in before the buff runs out.
(Edit i)
I've tried with other browsers and still no luck. I've found out that other players can't visit my island. They get the same error message and get kicked off server, but they are able to login again.
(Edit ii)
Clearing cache, cleaning browser data, running in "incognito" in Safari, Chrome & Firefox does not resolve the issue. Neither does running the game from another computer. Login in from another person, at the same time and on same computer is working.
(Edit iii)
I've waited for the server reset at 2AM (BST). I still can not get into the game.
(Edit iv)
I've now waited until after the "emergency maintenance" and i still can't get into the game. I've tried the same methods as described above.
Other players can't visit my island either.
(Edit v)
Small hope grows... i am able to log in and reach home island... some depleted stone and marble deposits, wells and mines have disappeared. Some generals are in star carrying troops.
Have done 1 adventure and the seem to be no Server zone crash so far.
Last edited by Rehgz; 23.10.15 at 16:05. Reason: Added extra information
I'm having the same issues as Rehgz. Please fix this BB
Had this problem yesterday for 12hrs and it ruined my premium day. (Lost a rtf already swapped FT ls during this too). Yet never got an answer for my various tickets and no compensation at all and the best thing is that 24hrs later, here we are the same problem again !!! don't know how much time it will last, luckily just had finished buff and no prem on but it's kinda of super annoying and even more frustrating not to have an answer of gesture from BB!!!
An error was detected on this zone. Please try again.
Well, trying again wont make any difference
Last edited by MOD_Houri; 22.10.15 at 21:34.