I have a problem. I can't enter or cancel the adventure
and my troops are stuck there. When I try to enter,pops up this prntscr.com/8vu1st. Thanks in advance!
I have a problem. I can't enter or cancel the adventure
and my troops are stuck there. When I try to enter,pops up this prntscr.com/8vu1st. Thanks in advance!
Me too
getting this now cant log in no matter what browser i use started after a pop up saying the server was being shut for maintenance then it crashed with the normal server zone crashed ...my wife logged in on same laptop and was able to play with no issue so its not my browser or laptop or connection its account related
also seems anyone trying to visit my island will get the zone error
getting withdraw symptoms here need it fixed have prem running new elite stuff that buffs will run out on plus i need to do golems and pumpkins
Last edited by hades8840; 04.11.15 at 14:09.
just hit me now cant get the adv black knights to load keeps kicking me out of game
i cant play the game. It doesnt load and a pop-up message appear. http://prnt.sc/bmovvk
An error was detected on this zone. try again later.
Help please, thanks.
note: i cleaned all cookies,cache, restart modem/laptop,try different browsers but nothing changed.
Last edited by skaloc; 29.06.16 at 18:14.
Have had to switch to firefox as game will often not load in IE 11, was fine till about a week ago, now all I get is the engine simply scrolling round permanently, whole IE 11 page frozen etc. Once in game it works slowly. All other searches/games I play work fine still.
first time I have seen this bug, I will see if the 02:00 script corrects it
okay, still happeninh after clear cache etc and the daily script..... Mods what next ?
I've tried everything today but was not able to log in, it happened today around 2PM EU time!
Son cannot login. Gets various error messages:
Mainly: 'Sorry, an error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again'
Sometimes told Ubisoft is currently available.
He's tried privacy edge, IE, firefox, tried privacy window on each too. Ideas? (I use chrome so we don't clash when both online)