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Thread: [OPEN] Chat crashes at random times

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Fexno View Post
    He doesn't mean that you have to be running Windows 7, but giving an example that running Windows 7 on a computer with less then 1 Gb is considered a minimum-spec. Windows 7 generally reserves a big part of the 1 gb for itself, so not much is left for other applications like settlers online.
    thx for clarifying
    Also would like to mention the trade tab disapears when chat comes back by itself

  2. #12
    Skilled Student Triple-J's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    Usually chat comes back when visiting another island for a minute or a bit longer.
    For some reason the trade tab comes back when you go home.
    Or atleast that's my experience.

    I must say that i find win8 very unstable.
    Every time i come back from another program the chat fails.
    (sometimes even when coming back from another chrome-tab in the same window)
    Lately chat fails aswell when my screen goes on standby.

    It's a i7 2,4 ghz quadcore with 6gb internal memory and 2 original videocards.
    I'm not saying it's t.s.o. but i can't believe it's my fresh out of the box laptop.
    Most likely it's Chrome indeed, but i would like to keep running t.s.o. in it.

    Crashes happen when i have many heavy things running but just as often when i only run t.s.o.
    With many heavy things running it's usually the shockwave player that crashes (the game entirely)
    I fully understand that but the chatfails (like 10x a day) are very annoying.

    The one with a good solution for this deserves a shiny medal

  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land peck_ed's Avatar
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    Every time I've had this, it's been due to connection issues, rather than machine issues. Mostly when using wireless connections as well
    I'm more than likely working right now.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    UK - Lincs
    This only happens to me if I use IE when using chrome everything is mostly fine but on IE I lose everything within seconds and then it comes and goes like a yoyo .. gave up with it in the end. :-(

  5. #15
    Original Serf
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    Oct 2013
    Hi , Ive been having the same issue , and just recently. It's not my PC, I built it myself for gaming . Specs can run any game I want at this time. I've tried chrome and firefox and ie and non seem to be any better than others. Its been worse this last week or so and its crashing all the time . Server Call Fail, chat not working and half the time access to the buildings is non-existant till I log out....reload . I am not running any other etc . I do however , still us xp. I'm a die hard and it has always seemed the most stable os to me . I have one pc with 7, one with 8. Just like xp .I'd have to agree with Urkles assessment of comes and goes like a yo-yo. Thought I should post so people aware this is an issue. I've tried the suggested "fixes" to no avail. Thanks

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    This has started to happend to me several times a day. My connection is excelent, and I have done this

    I have to go another map and come back, to get chat back.
    Born crying. Live complaining. Die disappointed.

  7. #17
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Since last night's maintenance, chat server is either taking an age to load, or not even bothering.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Fexno View Post
    I use chrome.

    Hmm for those that have it often, could you try and change the amount of data that the game is allowed to store.
    • Right-click somewhere in the game
    • Click "Settings"
    • Go to the middle tab, should be called "Local storage"
    • Change the setting to 10 Mb

    Also would be nice to know if the prevention measures posted by Jamdoggy helps you.
    Sorry for necroing an old post but this happens to my chat window all the time, every couple of minutes, its impossible to even use the chat
    because i cant sustain a conversation.

    Ive tried to alter the local storage settings but when I right click on the game screen to alter the Flash Player settings
    I only see 3 tabs not all 5 tabs shown. Local storage tab is missing.

    Im using windows 10 and FireFox and at this time the latest version of flash 20,0,0,235

    How can I enable all 5 tabs in the flash settings menu so I can even attempt to increase the local storage Settlers uses to try to cure
    the chat problem ( i dont even know if this will affect it)


  9. #19
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset

    Unstable chat server

    seems to be affecting Sandycove a lot lately, with chat resetting with annoying regularity. Other servers seem fine with it being a rare occurrence.

    Last edited by MOD_Houri; 01.01.16 at 12:21.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    it happens to me too has for a long time i no what courses it for me if im using ether steam or have a torrent downloading all the tabs crash every 30 secs its not a bandwidth problem i use no were near my limit 78mb but as soon as i exit steam or the torrant the tabs come back and stay back

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