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Thread: Time limit for adventures

  1. #21
    Original Serf
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    May 2012
    PC champs: My proposal is on the condition that they should make it possible that you can cancel the adventure (in case the other player leave the adventure).

    And to Dorotheus: This is a game and not work. This is the time i have to play and i can't change that. I hope you read my comments where i am explaining that the game is very very slow, then why not be slow on all its aspects? I don't understand why the people that are objecting, are objecting?!?!?!

    If you can finish it early fine, what's your problem in giving time to others? a 3 players adventure can be played by 1 now since he has all the time to complete it. The way you speak, is like some people asking to change the time limit of some adventures from 3 days for example to 4 days, and then the people that are able to finish it in 3 hours are objecting this idea and requesting the time limit to be changed to 3 hours. They don't care about the others. And here you are not caring about the others, as long as the time is suitable for you!

  2. #22
    Nifty Energyman's Avatar
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    If sooner finishing means more resources, well yes good idea... Also it would be nice if master player cancel mission his allies can continue quest.

    +1 Neo
    Just be yourself... Your soul is the God... Find the way to your true reality... Help others to help yourself... We all are One!

  3. #23
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neoreeno View Post
    And to Dorotheus: This is a game and not work. This is the time i have to play and i can't change that. I hope you read my comments where i am explaining that the game is very very slow, then why not be slow on all its aspects? I don't understand why the people that are objecting, are objecting?!?!?!
    I think unfortunately you are in a very small minority if you only play for 15 minutes twice a day. I did suggest a way to prepare for adventures with your current time restrictions, and I think if you tried it, it might actually work for some of the easier adventures. The game is slow, but it is also designed for people to login every day and for a reasonable period of time.

    One of the main points with adventures is the time it takes for generals to travel to the adventure island, and if you are short on time, half an hour (for normal generals) can be a long time to wait before you can start an adventure. Maybe you should be campaigning for a change in travel time for the generals rather than no time limits on adventures. Afterall, if I can start an adventure quickly and get all my generals there within a short period of time (seconds rather than minutes), I could actually complete it in a shorter time. To be honest, I've never actually understood the reasoning behind making the travel times so long; I can't see what it achieves.

  4. #24
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    The time limit for adventures is already more tha generous. I only have enough time in my day to play TSO for a couple of hours in the evening. I train my troops ready and actually start an adventure just before I log out at night. I send all the troops so when I log back in the following day they are all sat waiting for me.

    I would suggest changing your playing time, or if that is not possible then maybe adventuring is not for you and instead focus on the economy side of the game so you are able to trade more for the resources you need.

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gytha_Ogg View Post
    The time limit for adventures is already more tha generous.
    I would suggest changing your playing time, or if that is not possible then maybe adventuring is not for you and instead focus on the economy side of the game so you are able to trade more for the resources you need.
    I agree i dont get why they want it unlimited and all the other suggestions,
    if you dont have a lot of troops they give you more than enough time to remake the troops you need to complete it.
    or do as many do try to get your population up a bit and have all or most of the troops you need made ready then make the rest as you go along just make men out of bread so you dont have to wait for settlers.

    if you cant do anything like this then maybe your trying to attempt to do adventures too soon before your ready to do them. or they just arnt for you.
    if you dont know what troops you may need there are lots of different guides on the forum to help you out with the best losses for the troops you can make.

  6. #26
    Original Serf
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    Well no one was able to answer my last paragraph:

    "If you can finish it early fine, what's your problem in giving time to others? a 3 players adventure can be played by 1 now since he has all the time to complete it. The way you speak, is like some people asking to change the time limit of some adventures from 3 days for example to 4 days, and then the people that are able to finish it in 3 hours are objecting this idea and requesting the time limit to be changed to 3 hours. They don't care about the others. And here you are not caring about the others, as long as the time is suitable for you!"

    So i guess that people just don't care. I guess this is the response! If i don't see support, then let it be this way, and i will see what you will do when you have little time (i'd guess like most of my friends, just quit, cos this game ain't made for people with less time).

    The only logical answer was from Sto_Helit. And i tell him, you are right, we might be minority, this is why the game developers wouldn't care, but again: why other people can't support? there's nothing bad to it.

    And one last thing, i play this game to unwind. Again planning all the generals and calculating the time and army and resources, why? wouldn't be just better to log in, check what is the next camp u're facing send your general (or 2 or 3). and leave, come back later and attack, and you can call that a day. and then the next day a camp or two and so on. For me this is fun. And if you guys don't support, either i'll stop playing or i'll just continue building my economy and maxing my resources up...

  7. #27
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Nobody is telling you to stop playing.
    and no we dont support it but still no reason to leave game, just play the game how you want to.

  8. #28
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    I sympathise Neoreeno with the time dilemma, but I think the others have made some very valid points against your idea.

    And one last thing, i play this game to unwind. Again planning all the generals and calculating the time and army and resources, why? wouldn't be just better to log in, check what is the next camp u're facing send your general (or 2 or 3). and leave, come back later and attack, and you can call that a day. and then the next day a camp or two and so on. For me this is fun.
    Just a thought , but this way of playing has a perfect solution already in game...Lootspot buying. Only one camp to attack, minimal troop loss, just need the resources to pay for it and someone selling in your game window.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neoreeno View Post
    ... If i don't see support, ...
    I support your call for some adventures to have no time restriction.

    I think you have been given some lame arguments for not introducing a few single and multi player adventures without time limit.

    BB should at least give your idea a couple of trials and then they would be more able to truly guage how popular it would be.

  10. #30
    Original Serf
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    May 2012
    Thanks Bottlecap

    Larili: lootspots won't get you xp

    I hope this will be considered by BB

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