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Thread: Time limit for adventures

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Time limit for adventures


    I suggest to remove the time limit for adventures. Some people can't be always online (like me) and can't finish an adventure unless it is timeless. When i started this game i loved it because you have all the time in the world to clear your island. It should be the same for adventures, they should have no time limit, and the slower we finish them the less resources we get, so it's not really an advantage.
    I am unable to level up or increase my xp with the time limit, so the game is getting very boring.
    I hope that many people will support my idea and i hope that the game developers will look seriously into this matter.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Absolutely with you, on this 1. Especially with adventures that allow you to invite someone else, to join in. For ages I had nobody in my friend list, so finishing was pretty much impossible, in the time allowed. Developers take note please. Not everyone can finish, if they have such short time limits.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I've personally never had a problem with the time limits on adventures (well, except that one time on level 20-25 ish when all my cavalry got stuck in some kind of limbo and Support had to help me out), just make sure you have all the troops required for an adventure when you start it and follow a guide. As simple as that.

    Regarding the inviting someone to adventures; that's mainly used as "selling a lootspot" where someone buys the spot for joining the adventure, then kills 1-2 units just so that the game considers them real participants and after the adventure starter finishes the adventure both players gets loot.

    By reading your posts I can only assume that you're quite low leveled players? My recommendation is that you (again) follow guides while doing adventures to level up and then find yourself a guild. The gameplay changes considerably when you join an active guild.

    Conclusion: I do not support this idea mainly because the real issue seems to be that the OP has yet to grasp the idea of the game, not that the game in itself is flawed. Although I would still like to raise the question why there's a time limit in the first case, but I can only assume that BB has their reasons.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2013
    I'm not sure whether I want the time limit removed from existing adventures, but I have thought it would be nice to have some adventures that didn't have time limits. At lower levels you can be restricted on the adventures that you can do because of the amount of troops that you can retrain in a certain time period. These tend to be the shorter, simpler adventures with only a few camps. If you could spread the attacks out over a much longer time, you could actually do adventures with a larger number of camps. This would mean adventures were a bit more like clearing the home island - something done a bit at a time, but still with an end reward.

    Oh, and by the way, I do make sure that I have all my troops ready for the beginning of an adventure and I use combat simulators rather than guides through personal choice. I do know that I need a much bigger and better economy and higher level to do the more challenging adventures and I am prepared to wait for that. However, I think there might also be a place in the game for slightly more relaxed adventures that you can do piece-meal.
    Last edited by Sto_Helit; 08.09.13 at 20:29.

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2013
    Ankh Morpork

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Soggy Ireland
    I can think of a reason for the time limits. All our islands and their layouts need to be stored. When an adventure is started, a new island has to be created & stored until the adventure is complete. Putting time limits on adventures means they will end at some point, so the adventure island can be disposed of & storage space freed up.

  7. #7
    Treasure Hunter
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    Apr 2012
    I don´t really get what you mean with the more time you use the less resources we get, where do that come from? For every adventure there is some different types of loot that varies, so at first spot you get exo, gran, salt, tit. ore, the second and third spot you get weapons, firth spot is bread, meat, beer and so, fifth is where you get refills, buildings and so. And the numbers you get is the same every time, only the first spot can varie a bit. Check this out

  8. #8
    Keen Commentor
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Faststriker View Post
    I don´t really get what you mean with the more time you use the less resources we get, where do that come from? For every adventure there is some different types of loot that varies, so at first spot you get exo, gran, salt, tit. ore, the second and third spot you get weapons, firth spot is bread, meat, beer and so, fifth is where you get refills, buildings and so. And the numbers you get is the same every time, only the first spot can varie a bit. Check this out
    It's part of the OP's suggestion. So instead of the current system, where we have time limits and fixed loots, and the penalty for slow play is basically failing the adventure, the OP proposes decreasing loot amount as a new penalty for slower completion.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Milky Way
    The OP states they are not able to finish adventures inside the time limit. You get 2 days to complete Lost skull which is to my knowledge the easiest adventure after Bounty hunter. An adventure like Dark priests can be completed in about 1 hour including time to send your generals.

    So he is telling us he can't spare 30 minutes a day to play an adventure. If this is the case then I'm afriad he is playing the wrong game.

    The only other alternatives are his army is so small and his production is so low he is not able to make troops on the fly to do the adventures in which case he needs help to show him how to make the preparations before starting A adventure.

    The time limit for completing adventures is if anything on the generous side, failing to complete them indicates a fundamental problem on the player side not on the games side.

  10. #10
    Town Councillor
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    Jun 2012
    Bad idea.. well for adventures that are 2 or 3 players. I could join your adventure and you may never log back on ever again I am therefore stuck in the adventure for ever. For a single player adventure sure, feel your boots its only you to play with.

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