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Thread: [Feedback] The Golem Halloween Invasion

  1. #1
    Former Community Team Member Quartermaster
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    [Feedback] The Golem Halloween Invasion

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  2. #2
    Forum Explorer
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    This is great and all. BUT the problem here is that the server goal is based on individual participation. And you do your part. And that's it!

    Unlike the balloon event, if somebody decides not to participate, you could step it up and donate more balloons to move the bar for your server.

    Here, you can only move the bar for your first golem kill and that's it! You're at the mercy of other players.

    Very similar to Guild Quests. Anybody who knows how guild quest works will really hate this mechanic. Server calculates how many people are needed to complete the guild group quest goal. And if somebody decides not to do it. Or they're a person who just logs in and logs off and doesn't care about anything. You already know how this affects the guild quest. In guild quest, at least the leader can cancel it so the server recalculates for you the new goals. Or maintenance that does reset fixes.

    I hope BB knows how to recalculate the event server goals! Otherwise, we're screwed! We never completed the server goals on the test server. So that kind of tells you something.

    *technically you could visit your friend's island and defeat their first golem for them. assuming they're active and they've triggered the first golem spawn already.
    The only slight problem is there are players who are active that's not on your friends list that might not have the first golem killing that you can't access.

    This is a complaint that has been made already on the test server. And I'm not sure if the developers even care about it or fixed the problem. They obviously haven't fixed the 25 unit creation limit. And I hope they fixed the health, because past the 3rd or 4th golem it's not worth doing at all.

    Some issues related to this event...

    A. Possibly this is one of those superficial fluff event. Where the server goal gets adjusted so that we end up getting the prize because BB suddenly realized that their calculations of active players are off.

    B. We don't get the prize because they calculated the goal based on active players on the server at the time the event launched. And during the event 50% of the players stopped playing or don't care to do the golem. Or they based the server goals on active players (including those that are under level 19) and expect them to reach 19 to complete the first golem. Which they might not. I had a friend that I tried to get into plaything this game and he created an account and got bored of it and quit playing and never got to level 10. Said the game wasn't for him.

    C. At some point during this event, the server goal bar never moves or reached a point where it's not moving much. This may promote people to make multiple accounts just to move the bar. Which is a BAD THING, since BB does not promote players having multiple accounts. So you're left with asking your bother, mother, father, friend, uncle, etc to create an account to play this game to beat the first golem?? As I said above, the balloon quest you can donate as much as you want to move the bar. In this event, you can only do your part with first golem, and help those on your friends list. But that's it! What about those with no friends? or those other network of friends that are not connected to your list.? I hope developers realize that we can't just access anybody's island that's not on our friends list.
    Last edited by RonPope; 09.10.13 at 16:41.

  3. #3
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    good point RonPope +1

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Here's a direct quote from the announcement "Each game world has an individual goal that is calculated based on the game world's economy. " Is this not exactly the same way they did the 20th Balloon event, did not the results of that prove that BB was incapable of calculating that number due to the fact there was such a massive spread in the final results.

    All we need to do is look at the final results and that will tell you if your server will reach the goal or not. Obviously those servers which failed to reach the target last time are not going to be inclined to waste the time and resources required to take part this time.

  5. #5
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Mmm, given that several daily quests are so out of touch with the game world `economies' and are binned immediately ( If your sensible) as the rewards do not reflect the goods requested. When I read this from BB:-
    Each game world has an individual goal that is calculated based on the game world's economy.
    I get a little nervous, as I don't believe for one second that they (BB) use the same figures that represent a true reflection of what is a game world economy to validate a calculation of this nature, let alone in a snapshot of time as in an event of three weeks. They certainly have not shown it in all the previous events, and whilst this is not an inter-server event rather a server goal event, players are still reliant on this calculation being correct, and TRUSTING it to be correct to make it a worthwhile challenge , but not one that we discover half way through is virtually impossible to achieve due to `another' miscalculation.
    As Ronpope has pointed out, there is even less room for error as only helping other players defeat their first Golem will count, not defeating multiple Golems on our own island to make up any shortfall of non participating players. ( so even having the likes of mad Mayan adventuring, Balloon making, Golem killing Lulu on our server won't really get us out of a messed up calculation from BB ) Once all those first Golems have been killed from those players willing to participate, with or without help from other players donating resources. If the ( unknown) target set by BB has not been reached, then that's it, the rest of us will have to watch a progress bar in the quest book, move no further, and if that happens you can bet there will be a few more disgruntled players pointing this out in the forum.
    The Halloween event was fun the first time around, I want to have a good event again, I just hope that this part of the event doesn't make for a feeling of being `tricked' rather than a `treated' after November 7th.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Id like to see EXACTLY what 100% is in each world...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollyfog2012 View Post
    Id like to see EXACTLY what 100% is in each world...
    We all do. :-)

    On the test server they showed "0/100" it doesn't even say "%" next to it. But a few people assumed that the counter is actually a % and not a number.

    It would be ideal for BB to give us an actual number for us to know how many 'level 1 golem' needs to be killed. But then that would reveal to the world how many 'active' players they used to calculate the number. And I doubt BB wants to show a number.

    It's really "shady" if you ask me because they use the % to hide the numbers, so they can adjust the numbers in the background. Like how they did it to phase 1 of the balloon event. Nobody really knows what BB is doing in the background.

    Like I said in my first comment. It's just a superficial event server goal to make us all feel like we're doing something. When in reality they'll either give it to us. (by adjusting the numbers) Or they're just really bad at math and end up screwing up and not give us anything at all.

    It's a shady event. That's all I can tell you.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    So you prefer to have nothing to do?

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    No we just want it done right.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    1. happy the "idea" of golden golem was implemented even though different from what i suggested in 1st place
    2. disappointed only 1st one on everyone's island counts towards server goal
    3. WE NEED EVERYONE TO KILL AT LEAST 1 which really is not a lot of resources or PH time so shouldn't be a problem
    4. BUT know still going to have them be too stubborn to even do that and refuse
    5. WE ALL WANT TO KNOW WHAT 100% will be, how many golems total will it be but BB wont tell us

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