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Thread: Level 5 Golem a Joke

  1. #1
    Pathfinder Bazzaroony65's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Angry Level 5 Golem a Joke

    Well i have just killed the first level 5 Golem in our Guild for this Halloween event, and if this is the adjusted "less costly" version of the Golem, then sorry, BB you have failed.

    60k/90k/120k...12k marble/9k wheat/48k water, and have the weapons reproduced every 48 hours if you want max pumpkins....

    OH, and keep producing your fish/deer food, settlers, irma baskets etc, etc. How many chocky rabbits would you like me to buy with gems BB. I was enjoying this event until the golems stopped coming, then when they finally do, after we are behind the 8 ball, we have this to acheive, i have never seen a money grabbing scheme like it, sure we should have pre made weapons "oh,i did", and save all rabbits i could buy on TO etc, "oh, i did", but i am level 50, and have a nice highly levelled prov house, heaps of resources, and plenty of gens. Poor guild members of mine who have not got these things, i am now donating all my pumpkins to these guys, and buying more on TO to donate to them.
    I am so dissappointed and feel for the folks in my guild, all they wanted was a reaper general to help level up with, as many can not afford to play with money, and many of them won't even get the Reaper.

    The amount of button pushing and mouse operating required to make so many weapons, and the game is so full of lag and spinning hourglasses, not to mension refreshes......i have had my vent, sorry guys, i love this game, but events for me are fast becoming frustrating and costly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The cost of resources for a level five golem are higher than the worth of the pumpinks in gold coins. I'd suggest to simply not do them.

    The reaper is easily possible without doing the level five golem. Make sure you keep the pumpkin fields buffed when they produce, do the easy quests, collectibles, and the golem until level 4. This will get you between 1550 en 1600 pumpkins.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Originally the golem costs were about 5x higher in total. We was given 3 weeks to prepare for the event, it took me only 2. Unlike the Eotw event when we only had a couple of days to prepare, or the crisis quests when we had no time to prepare whatsoever.
    Last edited by Dorotheus; 25.10.13 at 14:55. Reason: additional info

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yes, 50 pumpkins are not worth the resources needed to kill lvl 5 and higher golems, but what if there is some special prize after killing e.g. 8 golems? I mean there is no such information from BB, but we can't be sure... right?

  5. #5
    Treasure Hunter
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    Aug 2012
    No one requires you to do the 5th+, so they are easily avoidable.

    If you have a bunch of excess rope/marbles/etc. left over from the previous (for those who did not plan specifically how many they wanted), they could throw it at their 5th golem. And if they are in a guild or have friends who have extras, they could pool their left overs and throw it at the last golem and share the pumpkin rewards.

    Or could just ignore it :P

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Ive been ignoring mine for quite a few days now, happily it is an invisible golem so easily ignored

    Quite what I am going to do with all this stuff in my star menu im not sure

  7. #7
    Quartermaster Saraptheold's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Norway - Birthland of giants......and trolls.
    This must simply be a mistake. This is the resource amounts that was on golem 5 in test. Also does anyone else have problems when zooming the game? And now I can't even log on to the server. Friday job?

    Edit: Cleaned cache restarted. Zoom is just as unstable. Good news though. Things are unstable on the German servers, so then we know their going to fix it.
    Last edited by Saraptheold; 25.10.13 at 21:51.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    UK - Lincs
    Quote Originally Posted by Saraptheold View Post
    This must simply be a mistake. This is the resource amounts that was on golem 5 in test. Also does anyone else have problems when zooming the game? And now I can't even log on to the server. Friday job?
    I just got thrown out because the server is busy and can't log in again either!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Urkle View Post
    I just got thrown out because the server is busy and can't log in again either!
    me and my guild friend also got kicked out because of a busy server, WTF?, can't get in either.
    And what the event quests consern, twice a day searching for crap things that are not worth using.
    everybody has loads of herbs and scarecrows me and my friend haven't seen a food cart in 5(!!!) days.

    And i agree about the Gollems, first one was new and nice but now it's gettin' lame. Of course i do have the choice not to finish them but come on, there must be some kind of variety to build in events. Ubisoft is gonna lose players to other browser games like this.

  10. #10
    Committed Clicker
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    Mar 2012
    The only economic reasons to kill golems #5 and beyond are:
    1. To get rid of some stock rather than selling on trade office
    2. To show you can
    3. Simple farm-ville click fest enjoyment
    4. Just in-case there is a bonus for killing all ten

    #1, #2 and #3 are just player dependent, #4 is governed by BB

    Presuming there was an un-notified reward for killing all 10, BB would then have to resolve all the issues that anyone has with them. Any unspawned golem would effectively be a ticket after the event saying 'my golem did not spawn, hence I could not get reward'...
    Ergo, one must surmise that the only reward for killing golems #5 and onwards is self-gratifying kudos and a bit more space in star/mail

    btw, I have killed my 5th and do plan to kill the next 5 too.... got to get rid of that over-stock somehow
    "Your general was a tortoise!" ... "He will now amble back to his garrison as slow as his short reptilian legs will manage"

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