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Thread: Sons of the Little Tailor - what did I do wrong?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Sons of the Little Tailor - what did I do wrong?

    First of all this is not a moan or rant I appreciate greatly the guides created by others I would not have a clue how to go about it.
    Secondly, I could not seem to navigate to post this where Evil_J might see it
    Thirdly I so hope that someone much cleverer than I am sees this post I am lost at sea with no rudder
    Am doing Sons of the little tailor using Evil_j guide for major

    All working perfectly until block on camp 16 and attack on leader 6. Block failed during victory countdown

    Block fight was lost in 5 rounds screenshot
    wave 1 on leader took 2 rounds
    wave 2 was victory in 4 rounds screenshot

    Should this have still worked ...can anyone suggest what i may have done wrong sent generals as quick as I could
    position screen shot

    Thank you for reading if you got this far ;-)

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    North East England
    What i have worked out is that evil j must base his blocks on the average rounds they take not the minimum as i too have had blocks fail due to timings being off even though all the blocks i sent were instantly after each other in the right order etc.
    that is the rounds it can fail in 4 rounds average is 5.07 rounds and max is 8 rounds (which we all hope it would be) if it went on for the 8 then your block would have worked no problem, sometimes the blocks end sooner than we hope to, i guess that's just the risk you take doing blocks but it does suck as you lost the 183 elites and 17 cannoneers.
    edit as you can see there is various ways to block the camp but they are all 5-8 rounds max also just some of the numbers after the . are different so have slightly longer average rounds
    I use same set up in my guide except i made the other bad one that kept failing on me a longer/safer block along with some others that i changed also

    Quote Originally Posted by lulu10093 View Post
    You can zoom in on maps Just click the picture then when link open click on it again

    Sons Little Tailor with blocks
    Last edited by lulu10093; 16.11.13 at 13:12.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thank you for your reply lulu ...most helpful

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
    Join Date
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    North East England
    no problem

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Mar 2012
    that block just has a slight chance to fail. in this way.

    you did nothing wrong, I use the same block setting. couldn't find a better solution and if this happens 1 out of 50 times it should still be worth it.

    win on 4 and loss on 5 both aren't long enough to kill the leader in this block. the rest last 20sec longer and that's plenty of time.
    chances at win on 4 is: 19:22=0.86% and chance for loss at round 5 is 23/22=1.045% (total less then 2% so 1 out of 50 runs)
    alternative is to kill it or send in 70+ rec in as wave one, but this puts the other block at risk.

    so yeah was either 50 times killing the camp or 1 time loosing the block. this is why I thought the block was worth it.
    glad to see I'm not the only one that uses this setup in his guide ) assuming evil-jay saw it also. I did and called it a necessary risk. and knowing it is there isn't fun, better to have em play 50 times with a bliss ignorance in my opinion. to bad you found out it can happen

    I still use it even knowing it, and still like sons. I just can't watch this one block cuz I know it can happen
    Last edited by NightEye; 19.11.13 at 19:33.

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Great info. I like guides that give you an indication if a block is tight (so timings have to be even more careful than usual) or there is a small risk as in this case which is just down to small probabilities).

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