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Thread: [Guide] corona88 adventure guides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    [Guide] corona88 adventure guides

    Guides without generals skill tree
    Event adventures
    MINI adventures
    RESOURCES adventures
    EPIC adventures
    FOLLOW-UP adventures
    COOPERATIVE adventures
    FAIRYTALE adventures
    1001 NIGHT FAIRYTALE adventures

    Guide for buff quest (including guide for tikki island adventure)

    Event adventures
    Garrun the trapper MMA guide without cannons
    Save the christmas feast
    The Stolen Sleigh

    Storm recovery

    MINI adventures
    Dark Priest MMA general gude (for lvl 41+)

    RESOURCES adventures
    Bandit Nest MMA general guide
    Outlaws MMA and major general guide
    Traitors MMA general guide

    EPIC adventures
    Black Knights MMA general guide (full and fast)
    Black knights fast version 2x MMA and major general guide avg losses 387R
    Full BK 4 MMA and Major
    Roaring Bull MMA and major(or veteran) general guide (fast) (out of date)
    Secluded Experiments
    FOLLOW-UP adventures
    Motherly love MMA general
    return to the bandit nest Fast major (MMA) guide max losses 281R 1S(click for guide)
    Return to the bandit nest full major guide

    More Secluded Experiments fast major (+MMA) guide
    More Secluded Experiments short guide 5 MMA

    The Siege major general (2 players)
    Lakeside Treasure major general (2 players)
    The Buccaneer Roundup major general(3 players)
    Raiding the Raiders major general (3 players)
    The Whirlwind major general (+MMA) - no block (4 players)
    The Whirlwind major general (+MMA) - with block
    Tomb Raiders major general (+ MMA) - no block(4 players)
    Tomb Raiders major general (+ MMA) with block(4 players)


    The valiant little tailor

    The sons of the little tailor

    The betrayed little tailor - R/B version
    The betrayed little tailor - mainly losses R

    The clever little tailor

    The heroic little tailor


    Swordsman=S, Mounted Swordsman=MS, Knight=K, Marksman=M, Armored Marksman=AM, Mounted Marksman=MM, Besieger=B
    for normal units i use full name

    Ali Baba the young wood cutter - 1 player

    Ali Baba and the first thief - 1 player

    Ali Baba and the second thief - 2 player

    Ali Baba and the third thief - 1 player

    Ali Baba and the treasure of knowledge - 2 player

    Ali Baba and the treasure of wisdom - 1 player

    Sinbad and the besieged city - 2 player

    Sinbad and the sea snake - 2 player

    Aladdin and the oil lamp - 3 player

    Aladdin and the beautiful princess - 1 player

    out of date (under spoiler)

    Thanks everyone for help, especially:
    Last edited by corona88; 03.07.17 at 19:24.
    BB don't understand their own game

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    North East England
    i was looking through forum came across this guide, so i get the adventure and gave it a go.
    Just wanted to say thank you as it worked a charm

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Return to the Bandit Nest fast major and MMA general guide

    Not for everyone. You will get 23 star coins (about 2200-2300XP)



    For 3 MMA + MG
    max losses: 171R 1S
    tested losses: 153R
    units needed: 171R 335C 184ES 1S 94K 94XB

    For MG
    max losses: 281R 1S (263R 1S MMA+MG)
    tested losses: 252R
    units needed: 281R 335C 184ES 1S 169K 94XB

    bigger picture for general position:
    bigger picture for sending G3 and major:
    G1, G2 and G3 normal general, G4 major, G5, G6 and G7 MMA (MMA are optional, if you use mma put on exactly positions)

    From G4 to camp 1: scavenger 50 guard dog 50 ranger
    MG: 101R 1ES 168K (101R)
    MMA: 83R 1ES 136K (83R)
    G5: MMA: 1R (1R)
    G7: MMA: 27R 1 ES 192C (21-24-27R)

    From G4 to camp 2: 80 thug 100 guard dog 20 ranger
    MG: 100R 1ES 169K (100R)
    MMA: 100R 1ES 119K (100R)
    G6 MMA: 1R (1R)
    G7 MMA: 62R 1ES 80K (46-53-62R)

    Very important
    After you destroy leader camp 6, you must claim reward fastes you can. Usually you will have at least ~ 25 sec, but in 1.36% cases you will have only 5-6 secoond for do that (for claim reward usually need 2 seconds).

    You must claim reward fastest you can, because you blocking camp from other leader and camp will stay after you destroy camp 6. You must finish adventure for saving your troops not only destroy leader camp.

    Claim reward is enough. When you claim reward adventure is ended.

    Block, send G1 and G2 right after each other:
    From G1 to camp 3: 100 guard dog 100 roughneck
    109ES 20C

    From G2 to camp 4: 60 guard dog 80 roughneck 60 ranger
    42ES 158C

    Send G3 and G4 after G2 reach black circle dot
    From G3 to camp 5: 80 guard dog 60 roughneck 60 ranger
    32ES 157C

    From G4 to leader camp 6: 1 chuck 100 thug 1 skunk
    MG: 80R 1S 1E 94XB 94K (63R - 72R - 80R 1S)
    Last edited by corona88; 24.03.15 at 21:57.
    BB don't understand their own game

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Return to the Bandit Nest major guide



    max losses: 452R 50C 15M 1S
    tested losses: 424R 50C 6M
    units needed: 452R 15M 307C 81ES 94XB 142K 1S

    G1 normal general, G2 any general, G3 Major

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G1 to camp 1: 80 thug 20 guard dog 80 ranger
    25ES 142C

    From G2 and G3 to leader camp 2: 40 guard dog 80 roughneck 80 ranger
    G2: 48R (48R)
    G3: 63R 1ES 165C 41K (63R)

    After you destroy camp 2

    From G3 to leader camp 3: 80 Thug 80 Ranger
    60R 1ES 209C (60R)

    G4 normal general, G5 major

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G4 to camp 1: 50 scavenger 70 guard dog 50 ranger
    80ES 14C

    From G5 to leader camp 2: 50 guard dog 100 roughneck 50 ranger
    127R 1ES 142K (127R)

    after you destroy camp 2

    From G4, G5 to leader camp 3: 1 metal tooth 50 guard dog 60 roughneck 80 ranger
    G4: 50C (50C)
    G5: 74R 15M 1ES 110C 70XB (74R 15M)

    after you destroy camp 3

    From G5 to leader camp 4: 1 chuck 100 thug 1 skunk
    80R 1S 1E 94XB 94K (80R 1S)
    Last edited by corona88; 01.10.15 at 13:45.
    BB don't understand their own game

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    More Secluded Experiments fast major (+MMA) guide

    MSE with 5 MMA



    max losses: 506R 131C 94S 2K (566R 78S MG + MMA, 597R 30S for 2 MMA +MG )
    tested losses: 455R 131C 93S 2K
    units needed: 506R 96S 304C 1M 362ES 223K (566R and 78S for 1 MMA, 597 and 30S for 2 MMA)

    fast version 211 star coins or ~ 21 000 XP

    general positions :
    G1 normal general, G2 major

    From G2 to camp 1 : 70 militia desrter 50 bowman deserter
    MG: 37R 1ES 232C (37R)
    MMA: 38R 1ES 181C (26R - 31R -38R)

    From G2 to camp 2: 80 recruit deserter 80 longbowsman deserter
    MG: 23R 1ES 246C (23R)
    MMA: 23R 1ES 196C (18-21-23)

    From G2 to camp 3: 80 militia desrter 80 bowman deserter
    MG: 52R 1ES 202C 15K (52R)
    MMA: 52R 1ES 152C 15K (38R - 45R - 52R)

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G1 to camp 4: 90 militia deserter 90 lonbgows deserter
    41ES 104C

    From G2 to leader camp 5: 80 recruit deserter 1 big beretha
    46R 1M 223K (46R)

    general position:
    G3 normal general, G4 major

    if you have 2 MMA check spoiler

    general position:

    From G4 to camp 6: 90 militia deserter 90 crossbowman deserter
    MMA: 66R 1ES 108C 45K (50R - 58R - 66R)

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G3 to camp 7: 80 militia deserter 80 cavarly deserter 40 bowman deserter
    100ES 19C

    From G4 and GX to camp 8 leader: 1 witch of the swamp 100 shadowsneaker 100 dark priest
    G4: 1R (1R)
    GX: 70R 30S 120K (70R 18S - 70R 23S - 70R 29S)

    From G4 to camp 6: 90 militia deserter 90 crossbowman deserter
    MG: 68R 1ES 156C 45K (68R)
    MMA: 66R 1ES 108C 45K (50R - 58R - 66R)

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G3 to camp 7: 80 militia deserter 80 cavarly deserter 40 bowman deserter
    100ES 19C

    From G4 to camp 8 leader: 1 witch of the swamp 100 shadowsneaker 100 dark priest
    36R 96S 138K (36R 94S 2K)
    or MMA
    MMA: 40R 78S 1ES 101K (40R 65S - 40R 70S - 40R 78S)

    general positions:
    G5 normal general, G6 major

    block, sent G5 and wait
    From G5 to camp 8: 120 elite soldier deserter
    109ES 12C

    Sent G6 after G5 reach red circle
    From G6 to leader camp 9: 70 elite soldier deserter 70 crossbowman deserter
    59R 1ES 140C 70K (59R)

    general positions:
    G1 and G2 normal general, G3 MMA

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G1 to camp 11: 90 Elite Soldier Deserter 90 Cavalry Deserter

    From G2 to camp 12: 50 Cavalry Deserter 50 Bowman Deserter 50 Cannoneer Deserter
    74ES 126C

    From G3 to leader camp 10: 60 cavalry deserter 60 longbowman deserter 1 big beretha
    MMA: 60R 160K (40R - 49R - 60R)

    general positions:
    G8 and G9 normal general, G10 any general (or MMA), G11 major

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G8 to camp 11: 100 cultist 100 dark priest 1 dark high priest

    From G9 to camp 12: 100 shadowsneaker 80 firedancer 1 dark high priest

    From G10 and G11 to leader camp 13: 1 spawn of hell 30 shadowsneaker 60 firedancer
    G10: 131C (131C)
    G11: 113R 1ES 156K (113R)
    or if you have MMA
    G10 MMA: 73R (73R)
    G11 MG: 110R 160K (104R - 108R - 110R)
    Last edited by corona88; 16.04.16 at 22:26.
    BB don't understand their own game

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. #7
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thank you very much for your guides to the newer adventures!

    Quote Originally Posted by corona88 View Post
    Return to the Bandit Nest major

    From G5 to leader camp 4: 1 chuck 100 thug 1 skunk
    103R 1ES 166XB (103R)
    Since you only have to kill Chuck with Xbowmen in the 1st round, cannoneers are better for killing thugs.
    Suggested: 80R 1S 1E 94XB 94K (losses 61R - 73R - 80R 1S)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kris3457 View Post
    Thank you very much for your guides to the newer adventures!

    Since you only have to kill Chuck with Xbowmen in the 1st round, cannoneers are better for killing thugs.
    Suggested: 80R 1S 1E 94XB 94K (losses 61R - 73R - 80R 1S)
    Thanks for help. Added in guide

  9. #9
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Barger Compascuum
    thanks for the guides they are very helpfull again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I hope that I had realized earlier that adv gives books in loot.

    ty for this
    Born crying. Live complaining. Die disappointed.

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