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Thread: [Guide] More Secluded Experiments: Veteran Max Speed Guide for lootswappers

  1. #1
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Talking [Guide] More Secluded Experiments: Veteran Max Speed Guide for lootswappers

    Ok, here is my very crude guide for MSE. Like this, your biggest delay will be getting one normal general to the island and moving it to the block.
    In effect, you should take less than 45 minutes for MSE if you do it this way.

    You will be using 4-5 combat buffs ( 3-4 Ranged Support and 1 Weak Potion) so this guide is only for those who want to gain buffs through premium lootswapping.

    This guide is intended to minimize the overall adventure time, including the barracks time.
    At worst, you will lose some 300-400 recruits and a couple soldiers, so you should be able to churn out troops as fast as you lose them (assuming you use Skunk on Barracks).
    The troops are calculated so that in the paces where "2S" are mentioned, there is a small risk (0.5%) of losing these soldiers - so be prepared to lose some on rare occasions.

    Troops needed:
    For ultimate fast version, 3 veterans are required (attacking multiple camps in parallel) in which case you need to have roughly 600 cavalry and 250 cannoneers.

    If you want to attack all the camps sequentially, the needed troops are:
    449R 224C 30S 40E 199K

    You are advised to take a maximum of 2 regular generals on this adventure so that you can start the subsequent adventure without needing to wait for the generals to return home.

    Max losses are, depending on scenario:
    - 449R (Witch poisoned)
    - 369R 10S (Sneakers poisoned)
    - 323R (Priests poisoned)

    Sorry no pictures at the moment, will add later.
    Please follow other guides on the block locations for the Witch camp (Boss #1).

    Before you send troops:
    Alternative 1: You don't have a steady loot partner who is using this guide.
    1. Use 3-4 Ranged Support on the Shadow Spawn boss camp to the north to finish it off completely.
    2. Use a weak point potion on the Witch camp.
    Depending on what you hit, you may need to send extra recruits. If you get a good hit (Priests), you will be set with merely 325 recruits. Otherwise, a second general will be needed for the additional recruits.

    If you have reapers and battle hardened generals to carry on the troops, call in the lootspotter "RTF" as soon as your veteran has arrived.
    Otherwise, call in the lootspotter "RTF" as soon as your normal generals arrive. You will be ready to clean up before their fast general arrives.
    The lootspotter can send 1R to attack the camp in S1 without cavalry.

    Alternative 2: You have a steady loot partner who is also using this guide.
    In this case, both of you should be starting the adventure at the same time and invite each other immediately.
    1. Go to YOUR LOOT PARTNER's adventure and Use 3-4 Ranged Support on the Shadow Spawn boss camp to the north to finish it off completely.
    2. Go to YOUR OWN adventure and Use a weak point potion on the Witch camp.
    This eliminates the need to send troops to each other's islands, eliminating travel time overhead. It may well reduce the total adventure time to below 1 hour including the 45 mandatory minutes of travel time.

    The killing section

    Attack ONLY the camps listed.

    70M 50B --> 37R 1E 210C 2K
    80R 80LB --> 25R 1E 224C

    80M 80B --> 49R 2S 1E 175C 23K
    90M 90LB --> 69R 2S 1E 155C 23K (same setup used in S4 for the xbow camp)
    Leader (80R 1BB) --> 50R 1E 199K

    Position normal general for block as soon as he has arrived.
    Position veteran general to kill the leader camp, same location can be used to kill crossbow camp.

    90M 90LB --> 69R 2S 1E 155C 23K (same setup used in S4 for the xbow camp)

    Witch Leader sector:
    Block the 80M 80C 40B camp with normal general: 20S 40E 100C
    Wait 3-4 seconds before moving out the Veteran to attack with boss camp.

    NOTICE: The setup of troops depends on what the weak potion killed.

    Option 1: Shadowsneakers are dead
    1 Witch 100 DP: 70R 10S 1E 131C 38K

    Option 2: Priests are dead
    1 Witch 100 SS: 24R 1E 225K

    Option 3: Witch is dead
    100SS 100 DP: 150R 100K

    There ya go. All done.
    Last edited by Sharpielein; 05.01.14 at 08:12.

  2. #2
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Assuming you have both Premium as well as are using a loot swap together with another player, this is what you will get on average for your investment:

    Slot 1: 1170 Exotic Wood, 1170 Granite
    Slot 2: 500 Marble, 500 Hardwood
    Slots 3+4: 2.3 Ranged Support, 2.3 Weak Poison, 2.3 Small Catapult, 1 Pirate Residence -- CONSUMING 3-4 Ranged Support and 1 Weak Potion (net benefit: -1 Ranged Support, 1.3 Weak Potion, 2.3 Small Catapult, 1 Residence) - in theory. Practically, I never seem to get Pirate Residences from Slot 3, so the Ranged Support and Weak Poitions pretty much even out in this deal.
    Slot 6: 500 Sausage, 500 Bread.

    That said, you'll be (during Xmas event) spending 95 Presents (~800 coins) for the above. Add the ~600 coins for the dead recruits plus using the skunk.
    You'll be spending the granite to cover all of the cost.

    Bottom line:
    Your net benefit from lootswapping MSE with the above guide is 3 combat buffs (the catapults adding up) plus a bunch of exotic wood and some minor resources.
    And, of course, also the XP - or alternatively, ~400 star coins.
    Last edited by Sharpielein; 03.01.14 at 09:10.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    i have just done this 3 times only had to use 3 ranged on the north cult leader so far..but interestingly though other player, i had them kill c3 camp and then just the wpp on L6 .
    now they have prem account so first time they killed witch got 50k plus xp plus 25k plus off prem same the 2nd one killed witch first got same xp they leveled up off that... 3rd time they got the shadowsneakers only gained 818 xp plus 414 off prem... massive difference for killing the witch first time great way for lower lvl to gain the potions plus lvl up fast if they can get the witch first hit

  4. #4
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Yeah, if you hit a boss with a Weak Potion on the first try, you get massive XP / Star Coin Bonus. I've actually gained over 900 Star Coins from this adventure when hitting both the Spawn and the Witch with a Weak Potion (enough to pay for that full day of Premium)

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

  6. #6
    Town Councillor
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    Sep 2012
    hades: Yea, I wasn't saying they don't exist, just that they are definitely nowhere near the 25% rarity proclaimed in the guide.
    I would think they are about as rare as the White or Black Castle, i.e. closer to 5%.

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    arh sorry but its like many fabled structures believing is in seeing lol and i agree i must done 20 or so mse b4 i saw a pirate res then i got two more or less back to back
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpielein View Post
    hades: Yea, I wasn't saying they don't exist, just that they are definitely nowhere near the 25% rarity proclaimed in the guide.
    I would think they are about as rare as the White or Black Castle, i.e. closer to 5%.

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