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Thread: I don't know how you guys feel but I find adventures to be boring

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    I don't know how you guys feel but I find adventures to be boring

    Does anyone really find this important aspect of the game really fun? I don't get to have any fun and I consider it more of job I have to do within the game. Don't get me wrong, it's not the aspect of conflict that I don't like, but the whole mechanic I don't find rewarding in any way. I would much prefer to be in the fashion of heroes and turn based, or how the Hobbit does it with real time battle. I don't actually know how I would make it, but I just know as it is I don't like it one bit.

    And we'll every be able to attack each other?

    PS: I'm level 38 never skipped a day within the game. This is my opinion after many hours of playing. I know we did a survey some time ago and maybe change is on the way, I just wanted to know how you guys feel.

  2. #2
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Don't know how much you could change whilst the game is browser based, ATM most of the adventures I do are largely done paying no attention at all. I send an attack and go back to chatting, reading forums etc etc. Given the choice I'd prefer scenario type situations both economic and military like the traditional settlers or Anno. PVP might be nice but depends how its implemented.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Well with browser games like Stronghold or Hobbit that have unit controlled battles I think the aim is not that high. I just don't like the whole send general -> wait 15 min -> attack some camp -> wait some more -> attack some camp -> wait some more. It's so BORING. I feel like I don't do anything smart and I have to wait a lot of it.

    In the Hobbit game you attack other castles built by other people with their layout and their units defending. Settlers however is a lot more polished and has the economy system a lot more developed but the pvp and pve part are just bad and not rewarding in any way.

  4. #4
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Some advs are quite fun to do, I like the 'open plan' ones a lot better than the linear. At least then you can go off in different directions instead of following the 1 path. At lvl 38, you haven't seen them all yet, but it's the dratted quests, especially GQs, that take the fun out of it, keep having to spend time and resources doing an adv I don't enjoy, that doesn't have the rewards I'm after, instead of doing the more fun/more appropriate ones.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad2 View Post
    Some advs are quite fun to do, I like the 'open plan' ones a lot better than the linear. At least then you can go off in different directions instead of following the 1 path. At lvl 38, you haven't seen them all yet, but it's the dratted quests, especially GQs, that take the fun out of it, keep having to spend time and resources doing an adv I don't enjoy, that doesn't have the rewards I'm after, instead of doing the more fun/more appropriate ones.
    I agree. I feel that GQ make adventures mandatory and this is where I get the "task at the job" feeling out the adventures. If I could just pick and do them on my own that would be better. But still, the whole mechanic is not that rewarding.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I am stuck at level 35 for 2 years or so, just because adventures are boring But I do not think TSO should change, because if a player wants to control the army in turn-base (like me) he/she can play another game like Forge of empires. I play both games to enjoy myself.

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