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Thread: Decoration points: Christmas Trees, Raving Rabbits, etc.

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Decoration points: Christmas Trees, Raving Rabbits, etc.

    The basic idea is that all the decorations (statues, benches, flowers, other deco) and every building that don't cost license should have its own currency, like points, for which the merchant would buy them, and for those points, it'd give other decorations. Like if you have a lot of witch towers, you could exchange them for points and buy a lot of benches and flowers. Or the other way round: exchange a lot of christmas trees and raving rabbits into a white castle.

    I know I can sell them in TO but they don't have much value, and there are so many of them that they aren't worth it. On the other hand, the MA boxes were too expensive to just squander Christmas trees and pavilions for 10-20gc when a noble deed of similar gem value is around 500gc. With this change decorations and other buildings would be more interesting.

  2. #2
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The whole point of the MA box's and secret adv. box's is that it is a gamble. As with all `gambles' there has to be a downside to make the system work, the gem value of the higher rewards far exceeds the cost in gems...IF you get them. If you want certainty of cost = value then you buy items with gems that you know the value of in trade, to compare with noble deeds and complain about poor returns of deco's in a swamped market kinda misses the point of why these `unspecific' items were put in the game. If you want to gamble, and take the good with the bad, buy the MA's, if you don't buy nobles etc...Do you feel lucky...well do ya?
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  3. #3
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    The big problem is that thanks to the MA Boxes, the value of Xmas trees and Raving Rabbid Statues is obliterated for generations to come.
    Point in case:
    Which person in their right mind would pay 60 Presents for an Xmas tree when they could get one for a mere 1 gold coin?
    Which person in their right mind would pay 5 weeks worth of gems / 5€ Real Cash for a Raving Rabbid when they could get one for a mere 1 gold coin?

    The MA box should have had fairly pointless "license free" buildings in it, like Arctic Copper Mines (nobody gonna spend Omni Refills on Copper) or even just it's own 100% unique decorations to flood the game - but using the MA box to ruin other content was very, very poorly thought about.

    That said, I agree it would be nice to trade in decorations. But trading "pointless" stuff for "good" stuff somehow always has a smell attached.
    Maybe we could trade them in for random resources which could be anything between 10 pinewood logs and 100 Granite - yet another gamble :-)

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