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Thread: [Feedback] Cooperation adventures - First insights

  1. #41
    Quartermaster Saraptheold's Avatar
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    Norway - Birthland of giants......and trolls.
    @jamdoggy. Do you know if it's possible to do coop and normal adventure at the same time? And is there enough time to compensate for the possibility that all the players can't play simultaniously?

  2. #42
    Treasure Hunter
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Rafnir View Post
    Blocks may be unintended, but are certainly not "bugs".

    No Blocks - no problems? Dumbest post in the entire forum, I'd say. Maybe you'll understand this:

    SotV, no blocks: appx 3900 units lost
    SotV, with blocks: appx 1700 units lost

    So, appearently it's "no problem" losing additional 1700R, 320C and 160S according to you...
    Yes with blocking you can save a lot of troops on different adv. but it has never been the intend of the develepors and therefor it is nad never have been a supported part of the game, thats why its a kind of "bug".
    That the playes have invented this as a part of the game and that its allowed to inform about it in guides on forum is very different story.
    "How good bad music and bad reasons sound when we march against an enemy"

  3. #43
    Battle Hardened Contributor Jamdoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saraptheold View Post
    @jamdoggy. Do you know if it's possible to do coop and normal adventure at the same time? And is there enough time to compensate for the possibility that all the players can't play simultaniously?
    Sorry, Sarap, I actually didn't try - I'd started "The Buccaneer Roundup" and no-one invited me to another adventure, co-op or otherwise. Good question though, maybe I can investigate that later today...

    All of the Co-op adventures have a 4-day time limit. The one I did today could be completed in 15-20 minutes (after generals arrive) if all 3 participants know what they're doing and don't hang about - mine was done about 20 mins after the 3rd person arrived, but it is an 'easy' adventure (see my guide on the wiki, and you'll see what I mean) and I had my generals poised to attack most of the final sector's camps as soon as they came available.

  4. #44
    Skilled Student
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    The most importantant, in my opinion, is to know the loot tables, to decide if the adventures worth or not.

  5. #45
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    I think one solution for chat in all adventures is: After you start the adventure, one chat pops up.. and every person in the adventure, can talk in that chat. If you are alone, only you see the chat, if you invite anyone, that person will see the chat to, and both can talk. The same aplly to 3+ / 4+ players adventures. If this is not hard to implement in the game, i think is a good solution.

  6. #46
    Erudite Pioneer DUNJAI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by King-Fero View Post
    New features always provide a breath of fresh air. However, could BB please tie up some loose ends before moving ahead with yet another introduction of a new feature. As we stand now,

    -There's still two skill trees that have been announced but not implemented to the game
    -There were also economy adventures announced ages ago, though never seen on test or mentioned since
    -PvP (need I say more?)
    -Epic workyards were announced of which one type has been seen on test, but not implemented to the game
    -A rework of the mail system was seen on test but not implemented to the game
    -Similarly a 'news' window was announced a long time ago, never seen on test or mentioned since
    -New bean or beanstalk items have not been added although many high lv players have everything worthwhile acquired
    -New guild coin items have not been added although virtually every player in the game has everything worthwhile acquired
    -There was a rock removal feature briefly presented on test, but no news of implementing it to the game
    -Guild bank was presented on test, but no news of implementing it to the game

    Quite a list, huh? A few items, like the rock removal which was mentioned to be in need of further development, can understandably get postponed. And some might already be waiting for implementation right after Christmas event ends. But there's quite a few others that I'd like to see finished before yet another feature gets added. Either that, or hear that these features have been canceled or sent back to the drawing board. Top priority would of course be with the science skills for general and home island, but I have to say I've been personally most disappointed with the complete dismissal of the economy adventures, something that I saw as a realistic feature to be implemented and was highly looking forward to them.

    On a positive note, co-op adventures possess a tenfold more potential than the last "exciting new feature", the collectibles. I will only say for sure once the thing is live though, and all of it, not just a first phase never to be followed with the rest.
    +1 to all of the above, especially the new skill trees/science chains, rock removal,guild-bank and PvP(which tbh i dont think will ever see the light of day,hence the co-op adv's getting released to soften the blow of the upcoming announcement that PvP has been shelved/canned.looolz)
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robinek View Post
    +1 from me - why to add new features - if there is a lot of things to fix in the current version ??

    And one thing from me - how about removal of trees and bushes ?? There is a lot of space that could be easily recovered and much better utilized ...
    I so agree with this.

    There are so many things that needs to be fixed to tweaked right now.

    Such as 25 build limit problem. Unloading all the units from the general when going on adventures and returning from adventures.

    The new mail feature that is coming out is epic fail. They didn't bother listening to any of the feedback.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by MonOlykos View Post
    The most importantant, in my opinion, is to know the loot tables, to decide if the adventures worth or not.
    Based on what people have posted so far. The loot table is not worth doing the adventures.

  9. #49
    Keen Commentor gajodoporto's Avatar
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  10. #50
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    These *might* be a welcome addition, but not until other issues are addressed 1st. The obvious drawback should be obvious to anybody who has played on the live servers, 2 or more people on an adventure, and it's like going back to "dial-up" internet. The lag is already unacceptable solo, and recent Flash updates seem to have made this even worse.
    But, as has already been pointed out earlier, and in many other topics ad nauseam, please stop bolting on even more stuff when the basics still do not work. Guild Quests - broken, Collectibles - broken, lag - intolerable, and many more. For pity's sake, if you can't even get the green "online" indicators to work properly and consistently in 3 years of closed beta, open beta, pseudo live (but still beta servers) , or even the 'full' version, what chance do you think these will have?
    Please, if the Devs are not willing to discuss in open forum the problems we are experiencing, will they at least acknowledge that they read and understand the concerns raised on these forums?
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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