hi sorry the best sim in the game but could we learn here if we cant their yet what books people are putting on their gens pls
although attm i have a few issues with simming for some gens - it might be battle frenzy issues
hi sorry the best sim in the game but could we learn here if we cant their yet what books people are putting on their gens pls
although attm i have a few issues with simming for some gens - it might be battle frenzy issues
Hi all - does anybody know how to make a new feature request on fastsim. Basically, I'd really like to be able to change the names of my saved skill sets. I have 8 skilled generals and can never remember which skill set is for which. I've I could change the text "Skills 1", "Skills 2" etc to be Vargus, MG, MMA1 etc, it would really help.
This was mentioned twice before, but not fixed yet; the Snow White boss - Evil Stepmother - does not have the correct HP on the fastsim.
So fastsim says she has 55k HP but it is 95k HP.
Last edited by WillowWarbler; 11.03.18 at 19:41.
I am a bit old fashioned - have these things called pen and paper
Agreed - it can be done by hand. But the efficiency of a tool such as Excel (or in this case the simulator) needs to be appreciated. Sure, I could add by hand a column of 1000 numbers by hand but why when there is a tool. You could cut down a tree with a herring but an axe is better.
Sorry, but I've slept since then...
There is a bug with the initiative of the Easter event unit Bully - it's First Strike on the sim but it's Normal Initiative in the game => wrong best attack results.
In 2nd thief, a camp has incorrect unit numbers (200 extra)
Can we get an "all unit type" option. I want to sim the new mountain clan adventures but I can't combine elite units with Nordic enemies.