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Thread: Bored level 50, what now?

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Bored level 50, what now?

    Yes it's been asked for before and i am asking again can level 50 players please have more levels? The Fairytale adventures have been great, but only so much you can achieve. We need new goals or something to aim for. It's got boring doing adventure for sake of it.Anyone else feel this way?

  2. #2
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    they should add a new section to the island which is only findable at level 50 which then allows you to find granite and at level 52 make granite mason... none of this granite pit stupid stuff.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yes agree that's a very good idea.

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    If you could produce granite on your island you'd just level up everything to level 5 with a fraction of the effort that it currently takes. How do you think that the game would become more interesting that way? That would neutralize any challenge from the game. The reason why the game becomes boring at lv50 is because there is no more challenge. By purposefully making one of the last limited resources in the game easily obtainable, you would just make the game more boring.

  5. #5
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Just lilke them adding a granite pit you mean? I disagree totally if you are sitting at level 50 you will have a fair share of buildings already upgraded to lvl 5 and having to get ot lvl 52 before you can mine it would be an even bigger challenge. Then mining granite will be harder than gold with cost of building the mine and mining time + what the deposit held. I think it would be perfect.

  6. #6
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Brilliant idea. Epic exploration option can be open at level 50 to find new smaller islands where new deposit types (e.g granite and titanium) and new resources (perhaps silver ?) can be found. Using these resources could open the use of new production chains (Shipyard, Alchemist ?) and maybe new military units (Naval Commander, etc.) and new sea adventures. Would open a whole new game for over level 50.

    I must say there is a lack of interest and imagination from BB. Maybe they don't want to make TSO outshine the stand-alone game ? Although, I imagine TSO must be quite profitable. If lack of interest continues it looks like more and more players will get bored and leave.
    Last edited by Gandofli; 20.01.14 at 07:20.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Why would BB bother. This is a free to play game but they have to make their money somewhere and that is from people buying gems. A L50 player with a decent island isnt go to buy gems whereas a mid L30 or mid L40 player will see all the eye candy that BB is introducing and will be more likely to buy gems to improve their position / make life easier and therefore their development focus will always be;
    1. Make it easy for people to understand the game - they introduced more early tutorials
    2. Get them hooked - early on the complaint was the game was to slow so they introduced lots and lots of sub quests to keep people interested
    3. Get them to spend money - so most new facilities make people want to get gem items.

    Seems like a sound business model to me......

  8. #8
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by fishslice View Post
    Why would BB bother. This is a free to play game but they have to make their money somewhere and that is from people buying gems. A L50 player with a decent island isnt go to buy gems whereas a mid L30 or mid L40 player will see all the eye candy that BB is introducing and will be more likely to buy gems to improve their position / make life easier and therefore their development focus will always be;
    1. Make it easy for people to understand the game - they introduced more early tutorials
    2. Get them hooked - early on the complaint was the game was to slow so they introduced lots and lots of sub quests to keep people interested
    3. Get them to spend money - so most new facilities make people want to get gem items.

    Seems like a sound business model to me......
    This is all true and I fear it's also the reality. But it doesn't necessarily have to be so. For example, the Premium time rewards best the players who can acquire a lot of loot within a short period of time. The stronger the player's economy and the richer he is should therefore increase the appeal of buying premium. For a more sustainable business model than the one you suggest, which requires a continuous inflow of new players, BlueByte might consider developing a business model where advanced players are motivated to spend money on the game.

    Reaching a standstill at lv50 is certainly not motivating. But if there was more to achieve, I imagine that getting a long-term Premium time would become an appealing option. I for one could afford it and have considered it, but as there's currently nothing in the horizon for me to use the extra loot resources on, I have not bothered. And Premium time doesn't have to be the only way to get advanced players to spend money on the game, I'm just using it as an example as I genuinely believe that it's worth its cost if you are an active, long-term player. If the game had a bit more SENSIBLE pricing policy, I believe I would use a lot more of the features that gems currently provide. But why, oh why, would I e.g. hurry complete a geologist's stone search with 25 gems to get one stone deposit that I still need to mine to get stone from, when 95 gems can get me a noble that on Northisle server is worth 50 000 - 100 000 stone!

    The majority of lv50 players strive to get watermills, silos and other perks to save time and trouble. The desire to save time and trouble is there. Problem is, BlueByte fails to offer cost-efficient, appealing features in the game for real money spenders. I'm not sure what the exact term for this business model is in English, but in my native language it's called "micro payments". However, I don't see much useful features in, let's say, 5-50 gem bracket. Thus after getting some building licenses, explorers, generals, nobles, watermills etc PERMANENT perks in the game, I play fro free from that point on and no revenue for BB. Make EXPIRING/ONE-TIME perks substantially cheaper than what they currently are and maybe also the long-term players find a reason to start spending again. The premium time is one example of such a perk that might keep players spending money continuously for the entire duration they stay in the game.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    What we need is some sort of colonization of an exotic island. Building an armade should be a guild effort with lvl 50 players contributing. The island should be occupied with a standing army that can be attacked by other guilds. So we kill 2 birds with one stone, extra gameplay for lvl 50 players and PvP without risking attacks on our home island.
    The spoils of the colonisation should be going to all guild members, not just to the lvl 50 players.
    Another option is trade. The guild can build a light tower that attracts foreign traders. This is more diplomacy & trade than conquest.
    Perhaps these foreign traders are looking to buy beanstalks, so again, 2 birds with one stone, something to do for the lvl 50 players and it would put the fairy castle back in action.

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