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Thread: [OPEN] Locked Adventure Zone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    [OPEN] Locked Adventure Zone

    I have never seen this error before, I haven't heard of others experiencing it and a search on the other English language forums doesn't show other people having experienced this issue before.
    • I have received a locked zone error whilst in an adventure (RBN). This was about 1 hour in to the 10 day adventure.
    • Immediately after receiving the error I am booted from the game back to the home screen but I can get back into the game straight away.
    • Every time I attempt to access the adventure the Locked Zone Error returns and I am booted again.
    • I have cleared browser cache and flash cache. I have tried multiple browsers. I have waited for the overnight script to run I have been logged out for more than the recommended 15 minutes. I have used a different computer. None of this resolves the problem.
    • BB Support have 'removed what was left of the problem zones' to no avail.
    • They can't cancel the adventure but suggested I do so. Cancelling the adventure from the sidebar menu icon or the quest book both cause the adventure to disappear and the locked zone message to appear. Logging back into the game the adventure returns with the same locked zone problem...
    The only other recommendation from BB was to wait for the adventure to expire (another 10 days as the maintenance period added another 12 hours onto the 10 day adenture) and hopefully that will resolve the problem.

    So the adventure has now expired - Great you think. No.
    • I haven't received an email telling me the adv has expired and giving the xp / star coins achieved but no loot.
    • I have received 2 emails telling me my Generals fought 2 camps (10.5 days after originally sending the generals).
    • The adventure no longer shows up in my quest book or on the sidebar yet my generals havent yet started their journey home.
    • According to the Population Inventory, and adding up the number of bowmen, recruits etc, I have roughly 600 less Military Units shown than are assigned. The missing units are currently stuck somewhere else. They cant be on the adventure as it doesnt exist anymore but they arent on their way home and they arent at home.
    • None of my Generals show as returning home. They arent even greyed out (in transit) they just dont exist anymore.
    I am sure people are thinking the 2AM script may send them back to me but I doubt it as BB has already confirmed that they have removed all of the problem arifacts that occured during the locked zone so the script is pretty useless in my case.

    An email to support was sent advising the Generals haven't returned - their suggestion was to wait a little while longer till they consider it a major issue. Well its now 6 hours later and they still haven't arrived. I've asked BB how long I should be expected to wait before this is considered a major issue but awaiting a response.

    So 11 days in and still no adventuring to be done.

    On the plus side I am sure BB will continue to introduce lots more unwanted features and bugs rather than focus on fixing the existing ones.

    Update: BB support continue to be sympathetic but ask that I wait till the following day before its reported to the Devs as a Major Issue - forgive my ignorance but for me this is already a major issue and they have already advised me it is a known issue. Its now the following day so another overnight locked zone script has run and still no Generals or missing troops. Seems like it may be time to think about another game and hang up my TSO boots
    How to get a refund on my unspent Gems will be the next question - after all it is BB code that is preventing me playing.
    Last edited by fishslice; 21.01.14 at 08:29.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Yeah 12 days after the problem was sent to support they have pushed it up to the Developers......
    Here's hoping they can sort their code out and let me get adventuring again.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    well that sucks and is worrying there should be in place methods to compensate ppl faster for whats known to be a known issue..after all ppl spend a lot of real money on this game and to be basically locked from doing much of anything while an adv is stuck would really annoy me..and thats putting it mildly.
    specially seeing this could strike at anytime i have some 60 or so of the bandits adv in my menu some 100 mse ...and it would be not so much a refund on what gems i hadn't spent but of the total bought after all if you cant get what you paid for then you would expect a full refund

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I agree hades - it is very worrying. Support tell me its a known problem but I haven't seen any mention on any of the English language forums of this problem occurring previously. I can't knock support as they have been responsive with emails but I'm at a loss as to what they think they can do.

    I've read on other posts about locked zones requiring resets to Level 1 and BB wont re-instate previous islands, xp or resources from backups as to mess with individual accounts is a no-no. Considering that the current nightly scripts and Thursday maintenance have failed to sort the problem I'm of the opinion a Dev or Database guy isn't going to create a new script just for me so I'm currently counting down the days before I stop logging in at all.

    Even asking a Guild Member to start an adventure for me and let me play it isn't any use as my 3 Vets and Major General are all currently considered Missing In Action somewhere.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    OK so I said I couldn't find any reference to this bug on any English language server.

    I've now found references to it on the TSO Testing Forum as per the below. My issue with this is BB_SlasH says this problem was fixed back in August 2013 and as such the post is buried in a section for 'No Bug'. Whilst it is rare its obviously not fixed or even worse it was fixed on test before the problem went live and then a recent release has re-introduced an old bug but this time into the live environment. Oh well, lets see what tomorrow brings.

  6. #6
    Quartermaster minion79's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Leixlip, Ireland
    Some comfort for you, although not much. I play on the US server in zeus occasionally and a guildmate has had the same thing happen on Nords adventure, this meant he lost both vet gens, and 2 or 3 BHG. It took over 2 weeks to fully resolve the issue, although they were pretty quick at refunding the adventure and provided updates when requested although no details on how the problem was resolved. This was at the end on November.

    He was similarly frustrated, understandably, and guessed that the reason it took so long was that whatever had to be done to recover them was a last resort and support/developers were hoping the weekly maintenance would resolve the issue and followed a standard fault resolution flow chart. He's still not overly happy, but, on the plus side, the generals did return, eventually, although they required extensive rehabilitation because they had drunk a years supply of brew on the near 3 week voyage home from the norse kingdom.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    My problem has now been resolved and I can adventure again.
    A combination of letting the adventure expire and then waiting for a maintenance run after the expiration during which BB may have also run a script to resolve.
    I've already completed another RBN to make sure it didn't reappear so lets hope it doesn't return any time soon for me or anyone else.

  8. #8
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    My Return to Bandit's Nest just locked about 2 hrs ago.
    I was worried about losing the last 7 hrs of my weekly premium, but now I see I may also lose my Major general for 10 days, not a good perspective.
    I'll post later to inform how long the problem pesisted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    That's not good Kris.
    Basically for me I had to wait for the adventure to expire, bear in mind that however long you think the adventure has to last BB add approximately 12 hours to your adventure time during each maintenance. Once it expired nothing happened, no xp / star coins for the camps destroyed, no ability to start any new adventures and none of the generals returned. I then had to wait for the next maintenance and after that maintenance I eventually had my generals back and was able to start adventures again, although still no xp / star coins for the camps I destroyed.

    Seems like what BB suggest was a rare bug has suddenly become a lot more frequent.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Before 15-16 month one my friend have same bug with outlaws. He got generals after 4 month.

    BB send him only resources for army what he lost, without any compensation.

    BB(support) don't care for real bugs. They don't care for players who have big losses because of bug

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