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Thread: Auction by DutchDuty Febr. 18

  1. #1
    Forum Explorer
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Auction by DutchDuty Febr. 18

    Hi sandycovians,

    Since yesterday this thread appeared on forum , some players have attempted to do an auction. No with a lot of succes so far, mainly because the auction is announced at the last moment.

    I think that when it is well organized it could be a fun thing to do.... so as an experiment I will hold an auction this evening.

    Time: 21.30 CET/ 20.30 GMT/ 22.30 EET
    Where: G3 Sandycove
    What: On auction will be:
    1 More Secluded experiments (adventure)
    1 Nords (adventure)
    1 Dark Castle (building: adds 100 to your pop limit)
    1 Pirates residence (building: adds 50 to your pop limit)
    1 2000 Gold ore refill

    How is it going to work?

    At 20.30 GMT I will welcome all that want to take part in the auction.
    Next i will tell you again what the rules are.
    Then I will announce the item on auction , then the bidding time starts.
    Bidding time will be minimal 3 minutes, maximum 4 minutes, somewhere between 3 and 4 minutes i will say STOP!!!
    At that moment the bidding stops and the item will go to the highest bidder.

    In whisper i will contact the person with the highest bid to arrange the transfer of the goods (wich is offcourse easier when you are allready on my friendslist)
    When i dealed with that i will call the next item on sale, followed by Start and the proces starts all over.

    Because its an experiment , and i want it to be interesting for everyone I will have a minimum price of 1 gc.
    So all bidding starts at 1 GC. There is no maximum price, that is up to you as bidders
    All offers have to be in GoldCoins (this to avoid discussions if a bid of 1000 granite is or isnt higher then a bid of 1900 gc)

    WARNING: Make sure you make serious offers, when you make the highest bid, and fail to make the trade, I will have to auction the same object again, and all others will know you didnt keep your word, wich will do you no good in trading in general

    Only offers in G3 are accepted, no whispers !!!
    No pre auction bidding !!! All Bids start at 20.30 GMT, iff you are not online at that time, have a friend or guildie bid for you, make sure they know what your maximum price is, and that they can do the trade for you.

    I hope this will be a fun experiment, and invite all of you who are interested.

    Edit: you can go to G3 by typing /j global-3
    to go back to G1 again typ /j global-1
    Last edited by DutchDuty; 18.02.14 at 11:15.

  2. #2
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Where is G3?

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    North East England
    you type /j global-3 to get to in instead of default global 1 chat

  4. #4
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Global-1 isn't everyone's default anymore, though it was for a long time. When you're done in global-3 and want to return to another global type /j global-x and change x to the channel number. For example English is: /j global-1

    Other "official" language and chat channels can be found here in the forum under News and Announcements-> Important Information: Official channels and languages

    GL with the auction DutchDuty, they can be a lot of fun.
    Last edited by Iolanthe; 18.02.14 at 13:22.

  5. #5
    Forum Explorer
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    May 2012
    I want to thank everyone who participated in my auction.

    I think it was an huge succes, not only in means of the offers, wich where higher then i ever inmagined, but I think we also prooved that it is possible to do an exciting and fun auction. Such a succes that we had several new auctions after mine.
    To be honoust i had no expectations , and was ready to sell the items for real cheap prices, but I got more offered then i ever expected that it could be worth.

    Iff someone wants to do an auction like this again then be sure you announce it in time, I announced mine here in the morning and have advertised it the whole afternoon in tradetab, all though rules say we can advert it every hour, I didnt want to spam trade to much and adverted it only once every 90 minutes.
    And I think it worked, there was nice crowd taking part in the bidding, and prices where good from my point as seller.
    Make sure you got more then one item on offer, and dont start with an starting price wich is too high (=close to tradeprice).

    I am curious what you thought about it, so feel free to give an reaction here.

  6. #6
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Thanks for the auction Dutch. Alas, every auction will always finish with the said item being sold for TO price. I hope this does kick off, but I cannot see it
    Good Luck all the same DD.

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