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Thread: RE: Complaints about event stuff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    RE: Complaints about event stuff

    Im sorry if I offend anyone, but honestly.....why do so many complain about event things before its even been live for more than 12 hours. Do you people not read the information put up on here by BB???
    In all honesty, most of the complaints are so petty they arent worth a pinch of salt, and a little patience on the players part would solve their worries. BB are getting better and better at making these events yet it seems that everyone expects diamonds for sand. What is with people these days, is it greed? or just pure ignorance and being to lazy to find out the information that is freely given in here?
    As for spending real money on any part of this game that is purely "individual choice". Some of us can spend real money and some of us cant, so what... it doesnt make you a better player just because you buy gems. Yes gems can enhance your playing experience and make it easier in a lot of areas, but at the end of the day everyone complains and blames BB for every little gliche and problem they have.
    I really think its about time that people started to appreciate the good that BB do, as ultimately if it wasnt for them putting this game online we wouldnt be able to play it. Then where would you be?

  2. #2
    Keen Commentor EctoRune's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    And so a post complaining about other people complaining. We've come full circle!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Im just pointing out that people need to be more appreciative of the work that BB put into this game

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor EctoRune's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Unfortunately, all your arguments to that effect are completely silly.

    There's nothing wrong with people voicing it if they have issues with the way BlueByte run the game. It's a useful resource for BlueByte if they want to improve their game, and it can be a relief to vent your frustrations together with other people when you're having issues.
    EVO is recruiting.
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  5. #5
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    i gave a big thank you 2 BB yesterday think they got this event spot on and gave everyone a chance to get aII the goodys without buying reaI money gems which is a good thing to keep customers but in the other hand they reaIIy need to Iistern to pIayer base in things that wouId make the game more enjoyabIe, Iike sIiding bar 250 troops new res chains with a reason to buiId them i couId go on but i wont bore you with everything that has been said before, they wiII get their in the end and it wiII be a fantastic game for aII but we need posts that moan if everyone was happy then they wouId change nothing wouId they

  6. #6
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Join date March 2014. Have you actually been here for all the events?

    I don't see complaints I see feedback. If people don't voice their opinions things will never get fixed. However posts like this are not constructive at all, it is nothing relating to the game just moaning about the people who feedback about the game.

  7. #7
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    ^^ i agree champs

  8. #8
    Forum Explorer
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Actually i agree. I have been here for ALL the events so far and yes. The minute an event starts out come the same complaints and no, they're not always feedback, they are good old whingeing because people didn't get what they want. Great example this time round - everyone moaning because they can't have more than 3 vets. Seriously - who needs more than 3 and why not focus on the other general instead (I forget what he is but that's what i'm going for). Why just complain that you can't have what you want when you can get something completely different? They very first event (yes I remember it) everyone complained the recycling plant was too expensive, and yet most of us managed to get on once we'd worked out how the event worked.

    There is a huge difference between constructive criticism (ie feedback) and whining because you can't have what you want and a lot of the so called feedback is quite simply having a dig at BB. The clue to this is in the wording of the 'feedback' where there are literal digs at BB and how they run things. So many games out there offer nothing by way of events or updates. The fact that BB give us something at all should be applauded, not constantly criticised. I haven't always agreed with everything on every event, but others have. BB cannot possibly hope to please everyone. What they do do is try to please as many as possible and for some of us a break from the routine is just what it needs. Personally I look forward to Easter and the ridiculous task of bunny hunting. It brings out the kid in me. The rewards for my efforts - well that depends on how much effort I put in.

    Constructive criticism is always good. Moaning before you even see what's happening isn't. It's what puts me off reading the forum most of the time.

  9. #9
    Town Councillor
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    Jun 2012
    Cully just because you don't see something as constructive feedback does not mean it is not. You have made a perfect example for me without me having to try. Everyone moaned last Easter that they were annoyed that if they had the vet from the previous year they would not be able to get it that year. Guess what before it went live BB changed it so everyone could get another due to that "feedback"

    I bet you bought that vet last Easter... you have the complainers/moaners to thank for that.

    My other example is the granite pit look how much that got complained about and it is not even out yet. Guess what BB again changed it.

    Do you see a pattern here? Moaning is constructive feedback which changes the game, a normal suggestion gets you no where, you have to complain and moan to show BB how much it bothers you.
    Last edited by PChamps; 11.04.14 at 05:47.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I for one have not seen the granite pit, Exo nursery or the guild bank go live as yet. Yes I do occasionally play on the Test Server, however granite pits etc are different to events. If you actually look at the time of the complaints you will find they are put up within the first hour of the event being live or can people complain about something so early....Thanks Cully for your support...

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