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Thread: Still have population problem

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Stopps View Post
    Luckaly its population count that is deducted twice not the troops themselves
    as in 1R lost is 2 settlers discounted from total not 2R
    That's going to be very strange then. What happens if you have no unemployed settlers. Also if your population goes down by 2 and you are using bread to make settlers you have to use twice as much bread to get back to the same population number you had before the loses?

  2. #42
    Original Serf GAT_akiss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    After 5 BN,1 Traitors and 1 VTV, i had to add 6x625 and 2x700 population cards to make my army again.+ brew+weapons+bread.
    1 Pirates cost me ~336 pop, and i loose only 168R to the adv!!!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Lets all go on strike.....

  4. #44
    Original Serf GAT_akiss's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    I will. no adv until the bug fix. and i want my bread back:P
    Last edited by GAT_akiss; 06.06.14 at 11:19.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GAT_akiss View Post
    After 5 BN,1 Traitors and 1 VTV, i had to add 6x625 and 2x700 population cards to make my army again.+ brew+weapons+bread.
    1 Pirates cost me ~336 pop, and i loose only 168R to the adv!!!!
    only rebuild what you lost, not twice what you lost.
    If you do so you will also go over your population limit and that would be a very silly thing to do right now
    If you do go over your population limit, kill those troops of before they will be taken away during a maintenance.

  6. #46
    Raving Rabbid
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    May 2012
    I'm guessing this is what's happening:

    The game sees troops in adventures as missing on your home island and so deducts them from your population. (unlike before when they were missing in the assigned/unassigned count, but still accounted for in the full count).

    Then when adventures complete, troop losses are deducted as normal.

    so you end up with the appearance of double losses.

    For instance:

    you have population 1500, 500 workers and 1k troops. You send 1k troops away. Now the game thinks you only have 500 pop because it is only counting what's in the home zone.

    You kill 600 troops on adventure. 400 come home and are added back to the 500 workers because the game 'sees' them again in the home zone = 900, but then the game deducts your troop losses as normal.

    All of a sudden your pop is down to 300.
    Last edited by Jim_B; 06.06.14 at 13:46.

  7. #47
      Town Crier
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Stopps View Post
    Luckaly its population count that is deducted twice not the troops themselves
    as in 1R lost is 2 settlers discounted from total not 2R
    Yes... this seems to be the way it is for me too.
    This is gonna cause even worse problems than the last population bug.... I can just feel it!

  8. #48
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim_B View Post
    I'm guessing this is what's happening:

    The game sees troops in adventures as missing on your home island and so deducts them from your population. (unlike before when they were missing in the assigned/unassigned count, but still accounted for in the full count).

    Then when adventures complete, troop losses are deducted as normal.

    so you end up with double losses.

    For instance:

    you have population 1500, 500 workers and 1k troops. You send 1k troops away. Now the game thinks you only have 500 pop because it is only counting what's in the home zone.

    You kill 600 troops on adventure. 400 come home and are added back to the 500 workers because the game 'sees' them again in the home zone = 900, but then the game deducts your troop losses as normal.

    All of a sudden your pop is down to 300.
    If this is the case, then it's possible to have a negative population. Unless of course it gets stuck at zero population. Has anyone tried this?

  9. #49
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2012
    I've just did a couple of Black Knights as well as the Valiant Little Tailor yesterday in premium time for which I spent a lot of gold and granite to buy bread to make population. I was just pumping population in to make the most of the premium time left and didn't notice the extra losses (dumb, I know). That's a lot of resources down the drain unless they can replace them all with the fix.

  10. #50
    Raving Rabbid
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    May 2012
    you aren't losing double troops, you are only altering some numbers that the game records for your population. You will only lose resources if you rebuild troops to max pop. Keep a track of your actual losses. replace only what you lose and ignore the tooltip.

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