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Thread: [Feedback] Summer Event

  1. #11
    Veteran Communicator Brayarg's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    I completely agree how military events can leave new players excluded, But the event you have created also leaves new players excluded. Any new player who has the 3 tavern bought explorers who hasn't had the time to upgrade them explorers with tombs etc. Has no chance of gaining one lucky explorer via the quest chain/event matches.

    This event was not tested enough on tsotesting, While I understand things happen beyond anyone's control, On the test server I personally asked for the explorer returns to be looked at regarding the shorter search returns. This wasn't done.

    How can any new player expect to get enough helmets, shoulder pads etc when the returns are 0-4-8, they don't have a population large enough to gain them from adventures nor are they rich enough to gain them from trade.

    This event does nothing but highlight the gulf between rich - poor... vet - new. Because I have an account at each end of that spectrum I get to see if it from both angles.
    Last edited by Brayarg; 08.07.14 at 23:29.

  2. #12
    Enlightened Sage
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    Jan 2012
    As the type of available resources differ per player, the challenge is to decide on clever buff production compositions in order to increase the efficiency. Furthermore, a lot of game mechanics can be used for this event. This enriches the gameplay with a huge variety of possibilities on how to receive the resources for the event buffs
    I've done project management and this is clearly a statement copied and pasted from the initiation document/project charter stage of development.

    If there had been some "enriching" challenge during the final event product, using "many different game mechanics", there would have been far more positive comments above.

    Are you a casual or part-time player? Don't want a chatty guild or expect lots of support?
    And do you want the chance to earn a few guild coins but don't want to be forced to do guild quests on a daily basis?

    Then join GQS (Guild Quests (STILL!) Suck) on Northisle!
    Mail Gerontius here or in game for an invite.

  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Why does this thread even exist?
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Why does this thread even exist?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Firstly Ravel, a big thank you for the Dev Blog. Irrespective of comments regarding what about other bugs, balancing etc I for one appreciate that this is a good start to more communication between the playing community and BB.

    Secondly, a little whinge.
    In the Sneak Peek its called - World Championship Event
    In the Dev Diary its called - The Settlers Football World Championship
    In the Dev Blog its called - Summer Event

    When I saw the headline Summer Event I thought we was getting a new event. Information from BB is often confusing enough without calling the same 3 by 3 different names..

    Keep up the engagement though, much appreciated

  6. #16
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This event is boring and frustrating:
    1. You can lock your adventure slot by launching a match without having the buffs/collectibles for many days. You then cannot do other adventures.
    2. You want to produce the buffs but have 2 or more days queue in provision...
    3. You have to look for those tiny collectibles twice or more per day.

  7. #17
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Feb 2012
    I just want it to end, bread and brew prices have dropped way too much

  8. #18
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Why does this thread even exist?
    Yep, for how long have we been asking the Devs to engage with us? This just looks like a cut n paste of some kind of 'mission statement', and in no way relates to the complete and utter shambles this event has been. It's not even factually correct, these kinds of buffs came in with the golem event, and if you'd bothered to read the feedback on that you'd have known that trying this again was not going to work. It also broke the existing Euro Cup adventures, and you still show no interest in fixing this.
    The whole thing was doomed from start (in fact even before its start) to finish, the balance is all wrong and it's unlikely many will even be able to complete the quest line. You didn't listen in test, you haven't listened since, this is far and away the worst event you have ever run, as far as I can see the one small positive we can take from this is that it made it easier to spot some scam traders.
    Even your email system messed up again, and many players never received codes that were sent out.
    Even now, you have a very short window to salvage something from this mess, give all players a minimum of 200 of each of the 3 collectables that have clearly been nerfed and at least 100 each of the others, and at least give us a chance of finishing this.
    This is intended for the people who designed this atrocity, not our local BB staff who have done sterling work trying to help us and did not deserve the extra pressure that this has brought upon them.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  9. #19
    Committed Clicker
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    When I saw an announcement today about the summer event, I thought it might be something coming after this shambles of an event ends and players go back to wondering if there will be anything to play for in the future. Just a few days before the end of an event where many players won't be able to buy anything with footballs, sharing this information doesn't make any sense.

  10. #20
    Skilled Student
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post

    Please leave your comments and feedback below.
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Stokely
    In the following text I will answer some of the typical questions popping up on forums and I will explain to you why we implemented the feature as it is now.
    I hope that these insights provide a better understanding on some of the new features designed for “The Settlers Online”.
    Thanks for your efforts, like fishslice said this is a good start to more communication between the playing community and BB. I wish more of this will come in the future.

    Below I will add some comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Stokely
    Why click adventures instead of military adventures?
    I understand why you did this, and I think it's good. However, I think more players would be happy if you manage to develop some kind of mixed way:
    - Players who prefer to use military army can defeat enemies by combat.
    - Players who cannot afford enough military forces could use buffs created in the provision house with collectibles.
    - Some players could prefer to use a combination, defeating some enemies with buffs, and another enemies by combat (for example if cannot find/trade the right collectibles).
    It could be like a normal adventure (in a football field), but with the option to use some buffs to defeat certain enemies (like if using a Rain of Arrows or an Assassin, but with buffs available for all levels).

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Stokely
    Why was there a strange balance on the test server?
    I think you have done some nice things to improve our gameplay. If some players are still unhappy I think it's due to poor knowledge about the buffs needed to beat every event adventure. Maybe with a bit more time in the test server we (the players) could gather more information to make guides, but any info you (the designers) provide us will help a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Stokely
    Why do I produce a header out of an elastic spring and a helmet?
    Hard to make happy every player, but I think you have done it well.

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Stokely
    Why the grout and why the explorer?
    Nice opportunities for us. Just a bad note: I think, at first, grout was announced as available just in events, but I can see it in the test server available for gems: this surely will disappoint some players. Do not misunderstand it, I mean some players could have been gathering grout thinking it will not be available after the event...

    I keep waiting excitedly for the next installment of this Dev Blog.
    I know the Comunity Managers are our way to send you our thinking, but maybe you could advance us some explanations about your already firm decisions for next developments through the Dev Blog, before releasing a new entry with full info in the Dev Diary...
    Last edited by urgabel; 09.07.14 at 01:51.

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