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Thread: [Feedback] Summer Event

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land BB_Ravel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    [Feedback] Summer Event

    You can find the thread here!

    Please leave your comments and feedback below.

    Later edit: Before you ask, this is not the FAQ we promised and it will follow shortly (most likely tomorrow).

    Last edited by BB_Ravel; 08.07.14 at 13:52.

  2. #2
    Raving Rabbid
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Perhaps next time a decent amount of time will be given to the testing stage before an event goes to the live server.

    TSOtesting was beset with technical difficulties during the short time the event was available and I for one was locked out for more than a week. I understand that things don't always work as expected, but this event has been shambolic in so many ways:

    A disastrous launch (all doors available to open on day 1)
    Continued imbalance (3k grass, 110 shoes?)
    Bugs (adventures not dropping footballs)
    Poor communication (less than a week and we still haven't had the official details of the end of the event).

    TSOTesting is surely under-utilised? testing is about so much more than server load and one would hope that new content is play tested internally before public testing. Is this actually the case? too many bugs slipping through suggests not.

    Yes, the rewards are nice and free stuff is always welcome (thanks), but that does not excuse the mistakes. I hope lessons are learned for the future.
    Last edited by Jim_B; 08.07.14 at 15:00.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Yes, Jim's right on this, though I will also echo his comments on the free stuff. Thanks for that, BB, I will come out of this with a couple of nifty explorers, a new building and a flag that represents my country. Shame our team was so pudding! LOL

  4. #4
    Wordsmith Durin_d's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    It's interesting to read about the reasons behind the design decisions that have been made to make The Settlers Online. More blogs like this.

    I'm one of those who like the use of non-military elements in the adventures like the destruction of rocks (The Shaman) and buffs (World Championship) and like to see similar functionality in the non-event adventures.

    The order in which the event adventures, buffs and collectibles were introduced to players was wrong and was made even worse by the lack of Dev Diary. Without any prior knowledge of the adventures and the new collectibles I got from reading other players comments on forum and on testing the experience wouldn't have be good.
    Players start the first event adventure even before they get the quest to do it just to find out that they need new buffs that they can't even make yet. Now they are stuck with the adventure (max 1 adv. limit) and have 12 days to get the required collectibles to make the buffs. They can't start adventures to get collectibles from adventure loot and have to rely on the explorers and collectibles on home island. Problem here is that not all required collectibles can be found with explorers or found from island and the drop rate of some of the collectibles is so slow that it's almost impossible to get all the required collectibles in the 12 day limit that the adventure has.
    In order to make any type of decisions to what buffs to make and how many would require prior knowledge of the amount of buffs that will be needed in the adventures and the knowledge of how much different collectibles we will get. If we had gotten the event collectibles beforehand lets say a month earlier and thus had the chance to see how much and how fast we will get them and had time to collect some in to storage I think the experience would have been better and we could have actually use tactics to decide what buffs to make/use.

    I made the decision to wait until I can make all the adventures in a row and use the information provided by other players and time to collect all the required collectibles to make enough buffs ready so that I can complete the adventures. I think the event was not designed to be done by slowly collecting resources for one big final push instead of doing the adventures as they were given to us.

  5. #5
    Town Councillor
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    Jun 2012
    Can we get a dev blog on why there are still bugs in the game that existed 2 years ago and things that were going to me added never were and why our ideas (like being able to make more than 25 troops at one time) never get added.

    I have no comments around the dev blog posted as I will end up getting annoyed writing but I will say some more of these will make members happier.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    What do BB plan to do about those players who were lucky enough to obtain the improved silo on the original launch when all the windows opened? Maybe lock off their final window? Some info on this would be useful.

    What, if anything, is being done to redress the imbalance of collectibles on islands/adventures? I log on every day, have not yet missed a collectible, and constantly do adventures. Even with all that I am certain some gems will have to be spent by me to open Stefans sports boxes. Surely 'events' should be to reward players for sticking with the game, not solely a gem eating exercise. It is amusing that as I type this we have a gem offer!

    Some info re grout and the new explorer may be useful. Will grout bought still be useable after the event? Will the explorer be available from the merchant after the event?

    Finally, the event ends on 15th July. Can we have clarification as to whether or not the event store vanishes then as well or is there a weeks grace? At the moment we are all going by Chinese whispers, maybe some announcement on the log-in page would help.
    Last edited by lordloocan; 08.07.14 at 15:55. Reason: typing error

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Imbalance of items has been a problem. So much so that some skills are effectively of no purpose - for example, why would anyone build a corner kick when it requires additional shoe (I presume the most in demand item) than a pass which has double the application. I've collected all collectables, doing adventures, maximising use of my two explorers (yes I'm new) for treasure hunts, trading heavily. I echo the questions of lordloocan above.
    Last edited by Muttleythefrog; 08.07.14 at 16:16.

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Whilst I appreciate the efforts of your team with the event I personally found it to be over complicated for the rewards it offered. In addition the level 6 upgrades should also include the silo as upgrading farms to lvl6 will then mean the silos cannot cope and more have to be obtained to make up the shortfall. Surely this negates any saving on space you make by upgrading the farms?

    I would also agree with others that the ratio of collectables could have been better. I managed to get both lucky explorers but only by buying gems to convert to footballs. If this is the way events are going then I shall think twice about competing in them in future.

  9. #9
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm sorry, but do I understand from this blog, that the Devs are under the impression that they corrected the imbalance of collectables, make up of buffs and amount of buffs required from the test server, and that the balance is right for the live event?
    If so how is it I have thousands of collectables which are totally useless stacked up ( 1,6k : 1 ), and few/none of the useful ones, and certainly not enough to complete the final. This despite having 5 savage scouts, three experience explorers ( one lucky explorer ) and two normal explorers going out everyday. Every collectable collected everyday (x2) and adventuring which has so far only yielded 8 shoes on premium ( 4bk's and 1RB ). The only way this could be considered balanced is if barrels are on the other side of the scales
    At the very least the event daily quests should have yielded more of the rarer items as players were spending resources to clear them, but no, all I seem to get for steel bars and gold ore was helmets, shoulder pads or twisters.... and I couldn't cancel them .
    I said elsewhere, that if it wasn't for the Hero's of testing giving an insight to the requirements of the event many players would have been well and truly stuck as Durin_d has posted. If your going to run events with adventures please give them their own adventure slot or warn the players accordingly before hand. Likewise if your going to do a `two/three stage, collect, create buff and apply buff event you need to make it clear from the outset what the players need to achieve in order to be successful. It should not be down to the player base to discover how to make the best of these events, you the developers need to communicate this prior to the event starting along with all the other relevant information, rather than have us trying to extricate the basics stuff from BB_Ravel and other GM's during the event ( We still don't have a finish time posted )
    Whilst I like the idea of a Dev blog, and hope it continues, I'm a little concerned that `second (official) threads' covering the same topic ( feedback for the world championship event is already covered Here ) are popping up , usually after a degree of criticism in the former thread......I hope its to address issues raised and not to distract from them
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    I too am grateful for BB laying on this event, but must echo what those above have already said.

    However, the dev blog posted today telling us all about the event is way to late and should have been posted on the forum right at the start of the event. Its a case of closing the gate after the horse has bolted..... We voiced out concerns on test but only now they respond
    Last edited by jollyfog2012; 08.07.14 at 16:40.

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